EPA - Some states are fighting back!!

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ArboristSite Operative
Jan 26, 2013
Upper Peninsula MI
I think the new technology stoves are superior and better in many ways

I think you live in a much warmer climate than I do and don't realize where they are absolutely inferior in many ways as do many of us. My EPA stove is finally good again where the coals can keep the house at temp but it's only because the night temps haven't got below 23* in about a week. In the butt crack cold I can attest that coals don't do jack squat with the new technology.


ArboristSite Operative
Nov 30, 2008
Maybe we should be dumping our waste oil and antifreeze on the ground too, I mean heck I have the right to do what I want right? Nobody should tell me what to do and they dump all kinds of crap in China so what the hell difference does it make if I do it.....



ArboristSite Operative
Jan 2, 2014
NW Iowa


ArboristSite Operative
Jan 26, 2013
Upper Peninsula MI
Maybe we should be dumping our waste oil and antifreeze on the ground too, I mean heck I have the right to do what I want right? Nobody should tell me what to do and they dump all kinds of crap in China so what the hell difference does it make if I do it.....


Doesn't matter what you do because China alone does more harm than we could ever reverse, ever.


ArboristSite Operative
Jan 26, 2013
Upper Peninsula MI
I agree, screw it, I will be dead any way, the kids and grand kids are gonna have to suck it up.

Yep, and they are gonna be the ones in charge letting us sit in dirty diapers in the nursing home because they are too busy with their I whatever electronics to get someone to clean us up. The problem is most people don't realize we can do our part but there if there is a buck to be made there is polluting to be had is some other country.


ArboristSite Operative
Jan 26, 2013
Upper Peninsula MI
Are there no Chinese granola munchers?

China. Where America dumps it's toxic electronic waste.


They pollute more on their own making materials to sell worldwide than the stuff we dump there and then some. Some believe that the ACA will make healthcare cheaper,, if you want and I have a bridge to sell in Brooklyn NY.


ArboristSite Operative
Jan 26, 2013
Upper Peninsula MI
You should see the pics my friend from work took at the completely empty luxurious skyscraper hotels that nobody around could afford to stay at.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 4, 2007
Are there no Chinese granola munchers?

China. Where America dumps it's toxic electronic waste.


The electronic waste is getting dumped in Africa, then salvaged materials are sold to China. American and European companies won't buy the salvaged material because they have agreements to not support the terrible working conditions and careless handling of the waste.

No doubt some gets dumped in China, but that is in no way shape or form our fault, and it takes a really twisted perspective to be deluded into thinking it is our fault.

Mr. HE:cool:
Nov 17, 2010
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
Maybe we should be dumping our waste oil and antifreeze on the ground too, I mean heck I have the right to do what I want right?

A typical, emotional, senseless bleeding-heart response... and also a typical statement from someone who has no clue whatsoever of the difference between "rights" and "liberties".

Comparing the burning of wood to the dumping of waste oil is total bull$h!t. First of all, there is law banning the dumping of waste oil that predates the EPA. Are you getting that?? A "law", not a "regulation". We are a nation of laws, they fit entirely within the Constitution of our nation... and it is entirely constitutional for a law to limit, or even remove a liberty under certain circumstances (such as public safety). A right is protected by law, a liberty may be limited or removed by law. No one has ever had the right to burn wood in this country, you are at liberty to burn wood... and it's the same with dumping waste oil. At one time you were at liberty to dispose of waste oil any way you chose, that liberty became limited by law. The fact is, you're still at liberty to dump waste oil on the ground... but you'll pay the penalty prescribed by societal law if caught. That's the way it works, that's the way it was intended to work.

There is no law banning the burning of wood. Take a drive through any camp ground during summer and you'll see dozens of open fires... fires emitting massive amounts of smoke. Farmers clear fence lines and wooded areas all the time, pushing it into huge piles and setting it on fire... massive clouds of smoke rising into the air. Even Forest Service set tracts of wooded land on fire as part of the management plan. Placing regulations on the "wood-fired heater" industry is not law affecting everyone... it doesn't make an action illegal (such as burning wood), it tells an industry how they must produce a product (i.e., you can only produce it our way, not your way). So, while the camper can still burn wet, green wood in his fire pit, pumping massive amounts of smoke in the air, I have to spend hundreds, even thousands, on a "specially" regulated appliance to burn wood heating my home. Why isn't the camper placed under the same emissions standard as I am?? Or the farmer?? Or the Forest Service for that matter?? I'll tell you why... because this has absolutely nothing to do with pollution... it's a political game, a tree-hugger power grab, total BS.

Here's how this works... it's called "sue and settle".
A few environmental groups out east don't like the wood smoke in certain areas (and they likely have a point in heavily populated areas). They appeal to state and local lawmakers to do something. The tree-hugger lawmakers know damn well if they start banning wood-fired heaters they'll likely loose the next election... or possibly they know there ain't enough tree-huggers in their law-making body to get anything passed. So they join forces with the environmental groups to sue the EPA (also a bunch of tree-huggers under this administration) for not doing their job. The EPA says, "Oh my goodness, a law suit is expensive, how about we make some new regulations... will you drop your law suit if we do??" Likely this was all negotiated between the Obama administration and the environmental groups well before any law suit is filed... because it's the suit that gives "cause" for new regulation. Well now... we have a win for the tree-huggers, don't we?? The whole damn country is slammed with bull$h!t regulation... which is the ultimate goal of the bleeding-hearts anyway. And another industry is more heavily regulated by government... a power grab.

California, Oregon and Washington had tighter regulations because of "local" need for them... but that ain't good enough for the bleeding-heart, tree-huggers out east (or they flat couldn't get it done). Nope... they want every state to do what they think needs doing in their local area. Out here where I live, in a sparsely populated area, wood smoke ain't a problem... but, ya' can't have a power grab by making local law, it only works by across-the-board industry regulation.

It ain't about environmental pollution like contaminating the ground water with waste oil... it never has been.
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