Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Actually, I hear that if you are really skilled you can take out tons of Elephants with just a 7 mm Mauser, so why would anyone need a 338-06, 30-06 or 8 mm Mauser?

You don't hunt anything bigger than Elephants, do you???

I like to apply KKs logic to guns as well as trailers ... if you are going to load it, overload it!
Actually, I hear that if you are really skilled you can take out tons of Elephants with just a 7 mm Mauser, so why would anyone need a 338-06, 30-06 or 8 mm Mauser?

You don't hunt anything bigger than Elephants, do you???

I like to apply KKs logic to guns as well as trailers ... if you are going to load it, overload it!
I had a hunting career that didn't start out with the knowledge I have now, but I learned a LOT along the way.

In the end, I learned the same thing Phil did and he has a lot more "big bear" experience than I do. His handle is 458Win,

30-06 For Brown Bear.jpg

IF, you don't know his credentials, ask KK.

I've used/abused this one for weeks and I love it. Easy to swing and spilts the wood easly and the handle is solid and tough.View attachment 1055133
I've had mine since they first came out. I won't even look at any ax except it. I thought the price was a bit high but first block I split said it was worth triple that price. I haven't even sharpened it.
I love accurate. Look at the center of his pupil, not the red spot in the corner.
This should attest to the accuracy of mine. Tree rat made the fatal mistake of perching on top of my target board while checking the sights last year before moose season. Fired the one shot at 100 yards and figured the sights were still good.

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Ha ha ha!👍 Nice! Yeah, At $6.00 to 7.00 a round. I don't think I'll ever fire my .416 at a squirrel! 🤣🤣 🤔 I'll probably use a 0.10 cent .22LR cartridge.

My .416 pretty much has one purposes brother. Stopping big pi**ed off Kodiak Brown Bear, wounded or not.
Coming my way hard and fast with the intent on taking my lunch money!!! 😉
That's why it has no optics mounted on it in place of the express sights.
I recommend you consider stepping up to the's a whole lot more machine then the LT15, especially the log deck is way more heavy duty, plus the setup time for a mono rail mill is way faster and easier than a dual rail mill, so if you're planning to move your mill frequently it'll save you lots of time and effort.

After you buy the trailer package for the LT15 it's only about 4k more to step up the LT28

I'm on my 4th Woodmizer mill since we started in 1990, so probably you shouldn't listen to me when it comes to sawmill stuff.....

On average what diameter of logs will you be milling? and what species?
On average? 18-20 at the scale end. "On average"👍
You been peeking in my shop?
View attachment 1055035
To add insult, the little aluminum part in my hand is an adjustable parallel to make the new Chinese index' tail stock easier to set...
So it's a tool's tool, part.
I'm just a hacker but having fun.
Even though it's under the house and had the door open to the basement woodstove, temps in the shop never got out of the 40's yesterday.
Looks like we have the same lathe, although your mill is wayyyyy better than mine.
Was the bear you took a scared and pi**ed off wounded bear hiding in cover so thick you couldn't see ten feet in front of you? While at the same time it knows exactly where you are and recognizes you as the problem?
Or did you take the brown bear from a distance with out the bear even knowing you were there before getting hit with a well placed shot by a hunter under no pressure while having plenty of time?

Because that's the difference between "Big Game" and "Dangerous Game" Once a big bear or any bear for that matter becomes wounded by a hunter, recognizes the hunter as a threat, and must be finished off by the hunter. The bear is no longer in the class of Big Game. The bear is now in the category of Dangerous Game. An entirely different class all together.

30-06 = good Big Game hunting cartridge.
.416 = excellent Dangerous Game stoping cartridge.

Too be honest, unless Im backing up a hunting partner on a Brown Bear hunt. I don't ever see myself firing my .416
I appreciate it for the gift that it is and who it is from more than anything.👍
I had a hunting career that didn't start out with the knowledge I have now, but I learned a LOT along the way.

In the end, I learned the same thing Phil did and he has a lot more "big bear" experience than I do. His handle is 458Win,

View attachment 1055194a

IF, you don't know his credentials, ask KK.

Phil is most definitely one of the most credible Alaska big game guides I've heard of. Phil's "unwittingly commenting" quote is a famous one! Posted in many hunting magazines. I use it myself sometimes! 🤣🤣 He's absolutely right! Many many Alaska big game guides did carry an 06 for fifty plus years. Until the "Belted Magnum" was introduced. He failed to mention that. How many Alaska Bear guides carry an 06 now in the present? I personally don't know any that carry anything smaller than a .338WM. I absolutely love the 06! Big big fan. It is definitely a capable cartridge on big bruin at certain distances. Just not my choice for dangerously aggressive Bruin up close in thick cover. His handle is .458, so Im assuming he himself does not hunt or guide bear hunts carrying an 06. If I were to hunt brown bear with an 06 and I place a poor shot on the animal and the bear runs into an alder patch. I'm really going to regret using my 06. Unless someone is backing me up with a big magnum rifle? I just can't bring myself to hunt Kodiaks with an 06. Even though many many Brown Bear have been taken with an 06. How many wounded pi**ed off charging in hard big coastal bear have been stopped with an 06? I myself couldn't answer that because I don't know? What I do know is. I can break a blacktails hind leg bone in half over my knee. I can drive a sixteen penny nail into a log with the fibula off a big brown bear.
I want a cartridge that's going to destroy tough hide, thick dence muscle tissue, break big heavy bone and penetrate deep into vitals, creating massive wound canals and while delivering two tons of energy all in the same process. I hate to say it, but your simply not going to get that out of an 06

"Any 30-06 class cartridge and bigger is sutiblle to hunt and take Kodiak Bear. Except the 7mm Magnum. I really don't like that cartridge for Brown Bear. You just have to riddle a bear with that round"
Morris Talifson

If you're not familiar with Morris Talifson and his affiliation with Kodiak Bear? Ask Phil.😉
Ha ha ha!👍 Nice! Yeah, At $6.00 to 7.00 a round. I don't think I'll ever fire my .416 at a squirrel! 🤣🤣 🤔 I'll probably use a 0.10 cent .22LR cartridge.

My .416 pretty much has one purposes brother. Stopping big pi**ed off Kodiak Brown Bear, wounded or not.
Coming my way with the intent on taking my lunch money!!! 😉
That's why it has no optics mounted on it in place of the express sights.
Handloading for the 375 isn’t too bad. I have about 500 rounds loaded so am good for awhile.

I still have the express sights on mine as well and the scope is in QD rings so if the situation calls for I can go to the irons.

With a true 1x on the scope and the lot red dot in the center of the cross hair, it’s still fairly suitable for dangerous situations if needed.
Handloading for the 375 isn’t too bad. I have about 500 rounds loaded so am good for awhile.

I still have the express sights on mine as well and the scope is in QD rings so if the situation calls for I can go to the irons.

With a true 1x on the scope and the lot red dot in the center of the cross hair, it’s still fairly suitable for dangerous situations if needed.
Roger I noticed you had a dangerous game optic on it. Just wasn't sure if it was QD.
Phils quote is a famous one! Posted in many hunting magazines. I love the 06! It is definitely a capable cartridge on big bruin at a distance. Just not my choice for dangerously aggressive Bruin up close in thick cover. His handle is .458, so Im assuming he himself does not hunt or guide bear hunts carrying an 06. If I were to hunt brown bear with an 06 and I place a poor shot on the animal and the bear runs into an alder patch. I'm really going to regret using my 06. Unless someone is backing me up with a big magnum rifle? I just can't bring myself to hunt Kodiaks with an 06. Even though many many Brown Bear have been taken with an 06. How many woundedl pi**ed off charging in hard big coastal bear have been stopped with an 06? I myself couldn't answer that because I don't know?
I killed a LOT of game as a teen to feed the family of 11 with a HUSQVARNA 30/06 when dads neck injury wouldn’t allow him to hunt


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