Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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That Ohio case set president. 3 courts to side with the land owner sends a clear message as well. I mean, in honesty my mail box post is a 2" square tube, but when it rots out I have some 6" schedule 80 that will replace it. The tube is cause of the snow plows taking it out every year. Gets old quick. The state and township even send us letter telling us how they are not responsible for mailboxes getting taken out by snow off the plow..... can't have it both ways.
I’m not disagreeing with you on precedent….. but one needs to remember that a lot of courts these days are of the kangaroo type and don’t run in a normal manner like they used to…. The wrong judge or the wrong jury will hang you out to dry.
Side note on mailbox posts. Intent is the word, if the post is there to do damage to anyone/anything hitting it and the person blabbed on the 'hinternet' how they wanted to screw up the driver's car for hitting the post, tsk, tsk, tsk.
Does the carma run over the dogma?
Great point
It's looking like really bad weather over a very large area today into tonight. Stay safe.
We’ve got some coming in… our snow hasn’t been too bad up here, but Duluth is 7 inches from the all-time record. We’ve had many snowstorms swing just south of here and hit the middle of the state this winter. I said at that point they may as well just get another 8 inches and have the record!
That's interesting. I'm not saying why yet, but it is interesting. 🤨

When I was a corrections officer, the batteries in our portable radios were "cycled" once a week to keep them from developing a memory. Had a separate 'cycler' for the purpose. It would completely discharge and the charge the battery. Unfortuinatly I could NOT get the crew to use it properly. They ruined lots of batteries by either not recycling or using the recharger for routine charging..
4 days of no 'wooding' now. Started Friday with wild wind, went through weekend with more of the same, wound up yesterday with 6" snow. Letting today, which looks nice, go by to dry out the willow rounds waiting to be picked up.

In an hour or two I'll go out and split enough green willow to finish out the cord rick I didn'dt have enough to finish last winter. Another job waiting is restack a rick of Horse Chestnut that fell over. That stuff is DENSE!!! Probably take a couple years to season.
Got the section of last cut from last year transferred to the ‘use first stacks’ for next year so now have room for a cord and a half of green. 😁
time to scrounge…
trying to keep around 8 on hand. We’ll go through about 5 this season.

Gotta wait for the snow to disappear?
Beautiful Spring day here today! Had most of it free and wanted to get to the range, but clients called with BS and jammed me up ... and the program would not let me file an amended PA State return ... why is the PA procedure different than NY!!! Wasted a lot of time resolving it ... not happy!
By the 4th of july, you should be good to go.


In 2017 it was mid May before the truck could get in to deliver my loader, that’s when the snow was finally gone. They wouldn’t use the other route because it was too narrow and windy.