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ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 11, 2002
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I am new to this forum and last night i ended up purchasing a 026 off of ebay for 177.00$$. Not bad but it is used and i had to pay 20$$ shipping. The person i purchased it off of says if your not happy send it back for a full refund, no questions asked, not bad right. Well anyhow i am wondering what i can do to get this saw checked out so i know it will last, looks like it has gotten plenty of use but its a chainsaw and pics can be decieving, i can spray the ????ed thing with some tire shine and spray paint the bar and it will sell for 250 on ebay. Back to my point, i know very little on two cycle engines, stick to turbo'd cars, but what should i do to get this chainsaw checked out and what questions to ask to make sure this will last longer than a week. THere are several stihl dealers in my area.

doesnt seem to want to edit my post:(, meant to say i can spray it with some tire shine and spray paint the bar and get 250$$ out of it, not the point though...need a good running chainsaw but i hate buying used stuff...but its stihl and should last RIGHT?
Husky 288 has some good advice there. you should be able to find lots of info using the search function of the web site. Just about any of thouse topics are covered in depth somewhere in the forum. Make sure that the chain is in good shape, and spend the time to keep it in good shape (sharp), this alone make the life of the saw much easer. Also if your adventurous open up the muffler, you will get better preformance, and the saw will run cooler. I opened up the muffler on a 260 an gained 25% in cutting spead and reduced tempratures substantially.

I think I would be inclined to cut with it for a bit before making modifications just incase you needed to ship it back.

Welcome Boosted, You might want to take your enquiry over to the chainsaw forum and let the resident Gurus advise.:)
Timberwolf, what do you mean when you say open up the muffler? Not real familiar with the lingo yet.

I believe he means to take the baffles out of your muffler. It allows for better exhaust which usually adds speed.

I'm new also, but this is my experience with my saws and lawn equipment.

This is given that we are talking about a recent vintage saw, an older 026 may have a less restricted muffler, but should still benifit from a muffler job. From what I have gathered from the experts the muffler opening should be upwards of 125% the size of the exaust port.

Actualy on an 026 there are no baffles at least not inside the muffler, it is a matter of drilling out the exaust hole in the muffler to 7/16" and then drilling 2 more, 1 above 1 below and conecting them all together with a dremil or file to make an exaust port about 7/16 x 1 1/2 inches, and then filing back part or all of the external deflector. this will allow the saw to flow more air, and reduce tempratures. the mixture does need to richened a hair if it was set to spec before you started. This also compramises the EPA (enviromental emmisions) aspects of the saw, if that matters to you.

Use the search feature (search for "260 or 026 muffler or "muffler mods"", there is lots of how to info and some preformance data as well.

Good luck,
the 260 / 026 is a nice saw and well field tested, but as with all saws they are like rattlesnakes, They will bite you if you get a hold of the wrong end!

I was hoping someone would bite (no pun intended), that is exactly the paradox, "If you need to ask, you should not mess with ether end of a saw or a snake."

Not that I should know anything about rattle snakes (being from this part of Canada). I have looked for several years for a Massisaga Rattle snake in thier limited range of Ontario, but have yet to see one wild.


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