572XP Score! -- Or Maybe Not

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Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Utah (via Texas)
[Edit...after posting, I realized that I made an error in the title. I don't know how to edit the title. It should read: 562XP and not 572XP]

I found a local advert for a "like new" Husqvarna 562XP with an asking price of $400. I went to look at the saw and took my compression tester. The saw looked fine and had a 2018 build date. So far, so good. Unfortunately, I brought the wrong spark plug adapter for the compression tester, so I didn't use it. The saw took a few more pulls than what I've come to expect from Husqvarna, but it eventually started. It didn't want to idle well when cold, but the idle smoothed out when the saw warmed up. The saw ran fine and seemed to accelerate well. Included was a 24" Husky branded bar and a fairly new chain. I made a deal for $340 and took the saw home. One the drive home, I was congratulating myself for such a great deal but, perhaps, my back-patting was a bit premature.

Once at the shop, I put the compression tester on the saw and the results surprised me. Very low -- only 75 psi. What the freak?! I double checked the de-comp valve and the seal on the tester in the plug hole...no change. 75 psi. So, I pulled the muffler and I saw some very minor scoring on the piston. The rings did not look bad didn't appear to be too mucked-up in the piston. Damn. If the cylinder pressure is 75 psi, I'm surprised that the saw started and ran as well as it did. Hmmmm. I wonder if my compression tester is faulty. I may have check that.

So, I need to tear the top end off and see what I've got going. Right now, I don't know why the piston is scored. Straight-gassing comes to mind, but I can't know that yet. The saw seller had absolutely no idea about the saw's history, other than her husband bought the saw 3 years ago. Sadly, her husband died from COVID 3-4 months ago and she is now getting around to selling his stuff.

I can buy an OEM Husky cylinder / piston complete assembly for about $150. Once I pull things apart, I will need to make a decision. So here is the question to the group: If I do need a new piston and cylinder, is there any size upgrade possible for this little saw? The next size up is a 565 but I have no idea if the bottom end would be compatible with that particular piston and jug. Any suggestions or ideas?

Try a set of fresh caber rings if it's not too bad and take it by a dealer for computer updates it's auto tune and they have had a few updates to download .

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Update -- I tore the saw down tonight. Yup. Top-end is blown-up. Piston and cylinder are both scored. It's not as bad as I was expecting, but it explains the hard starting and low compression numbers. I'm going to order a new OEM Husky complete cylinder kit that comes with a new cylinder, piston, needle bearing, wrist pin clips, etc. The price isn't too terrible -- $140 delivered. Well, my $340 saw just turned into a $480 saw. It's still a fairly good deal compared to a new 562XP (which is approximately what I'll have with the new top-end).

One final note...I don't know what the original owner used as bar oil, but the clutch area and clutch cover were nasty, gooey, and stickey. Dude must have used honey or corn syrup for bar oil. It took carb cleaner, gasoline and a brush to get the mess out. Damn.

Probably cutting a bunch of pine trees without cleaning the saw I have 3 or 4 to take down this winter my saw is always a gooey messs afterward

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I bought a "blown up" 562xp with broken brake handle from a Stihl dealer last year for $40 with brand new 24" Husqvarna bar & chain. Put gas in it and it fired up and ran fine. Put a full wrap & double dogs on it, been cutting trees with it ever since. Fantastic saw. Not sure what the deal was.
I'm not sure where you are, but the guy in Lindon is pretty good. Used to be western saw, but now Lindon 0p3
I bought a "blown up" 562xp with broken brake handle from a Stihl dealer last year for $40 with brand new 24" Husqvarna bar & chain. Put gas in it and it fired up and ran fine. Put a full wrap & double dogs on it, been cutting trees with it ever since. Fantastic saw. Not sure what the deal was.
I think the deal was that he was a Stihl dealer and couldn't stand to have a Husky around. His loss, your gain!
40:1 in the fuel tank, some winter bar oil and I was ready. I went out to cut up a tree that was knocked down by a recent storm. Nothing too large, but a good test for the new piston and jug to allow for the ring to “seat”.

Overall, I’m very pleased. The saw is a strong runner. The 562XP is a nice handy size with good power and balance. The auto-tune seems fine. I will probably keep the 20” bar on it as the weight was very manageable. Definitely a “keeper”.

40:1 in the fuel tank, some winter bar oil and I was ready. I went out to cut up a tree that was knocked down by a recent storm. Nothing too large, but a good test for the new piston and jug to allow for the ring to “seat”.

Overall, I’m very pleased. The saw is a strong runner. The 562XP is a nice handy size with good power and balance. The auto-tune seems fine. I will probably keep the 20” bar on it as the weight was very manageable. Definitely a “keeper”.

why 40 - 1
Why 40:1 you ask?

Well...with a new piston/cylinder, the thought of running 50:1 made my brain hurt. So...I ran 40:1. Nothing but a "gut feeling".

Hell...that gut feeling may turn out to be the Burrito Plate I had for lunch yesterday...

I run 40:1 in all my two cycle equipment. 50:1 is a little too lean on oil for my liking.
Been running a stock 2016 562xp with amsoil saber at 80:1 since new I know some of you will think it’s crazy but the stuff is rated for 100:1. I’ve yet to have any issues, so far so good really impressed with it. I run it in my blowers and trimmers also with no failures. All my other saws are 45:1 most are ported and I’m using amsoil interceptor. This one is the test dummy and she’s still rocking good!
I have called every saw shop in my area and nobody has the software and hook-ups to do a firmware test / upgrade on my 562XP auto-tune system. Any ideas?

A chainsaw that needs firmware? The geeks from high school have won. That is new to me. Are all modern saws like this? I guess I will stay with my old yellow Macs.

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