A special kind of stupid.....

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Guido Salvage

Supreme Saw Whoreder
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
Farmville, VA
Let me start off by saying that I have owned and run power saws for well over 30 years but this proves that anything can happen. I took off on Tuesday to retrieve a trailer that I had left at my mother's house several weeks ago. While I was there she mentioned that she wanted me to remove a large cedar tree as well as a multi trunked dogwood that squirrels were using as a launching pad to get on her roof.

I offered to limb the cedar, but she decided she wanted it gone. I notched the cedar and then proceeded to make my backcut. When the saw started to pinch, I drove in a wedge, cut a bit more and then drove to wedge again. To my surprise (and horror), the tree hinged 90 degrees to the right and landed on her house! I felt like I was in a movie, everything happening in slow motion and absolutely nothing I could do. Here is the result, the butt end is over 20 inches in diameter.


In all my years of cutting I have never misdirected a tree in this fashion. The only saving grace was the fact it was alive and the limbs cushioned the fall. No windows were broken and no holes created in the roof. Now the challenge was to safely remove it without doing further damage. My plan was to rope it and then pull it off the roof hard with a truck. However, in order to do this I had to remove the small holly tree it was leaning against (in the foreground)and when I did so the tree rolled resulting in the trunk now resting on the roof rather than the canopy that was supporting it. Consequently, I limbed the rest and mulled over my next step.


Not having my forklift or loader there, I had no viable option to lift it. As all the weight was now on the edge of the roof, pulling it would have torn the shingles off. I called a friend of mine down the road who owns a backhoe service and finally got him on his cell. About an hour later, he showed up and by extending the boom on the hoe was able to lift the tree off the house.


He was able to successfully lower it and I finished limbing it up after the picture below was taken. Got to use the Homie Super XL I just got going and it did a nice job. My plans are to mill this in 8 foot lengths and air dry the lumber.


I am happy to report that the 4 dogwood trunks came down without incident. Other than paying for the hoe, I came out of this a lot better than I thought I would as the tree arced towards the house. If it had been dead or limbed there would have been serous damage.

It just proves you always need to be careful and alert and that it only takes a couple of seconds for a situation to dramatically change.
You have Brass Balls for putting it out like that here!
But as I know and agree with, any thing can happen!

P.S. you have time to edit it, so you can say your FRIEND was cutting that tree!!!!!!!!!

Rep for the pics, hope you at least mill that cedar. Make her a chest or something!! LOL!!

I bet your drinking heavy tonight!!!!! I can here it now, my no good son in-law!!
I man I will stop!!!!!

S^%T happens!
I think you did really well considering the hand you were dealt.
The solution was a good one.
Well, **** happens. Looks like you got REALLY lucky, with little or no damage to the roof. Sounds like the worst of all this was to your ego.

Consider it a character-builder!

Nice wood there, that stuff would be GOLDEN here.
Yes you have nuts for posting. You cut your hinge to deep not much holding wood looks maybe you cut clear thru in spots. You need to wedge it over but ya gotta leave enough hinge to wedge against, and use more wedge than whats in the pic. Stump has other issues but lesson learned and ya didnt break anything.
Bad day! Good thing the 410 was around to give you a hand. We always use a tip rope on any tree that could possibly hit anything.

Was clearing a house lot about 2 months ago. Fellow I was working with had been cutting trees for longer than I have been alive. He notched one and was making his back cut when a sudden gust of wind came up and she went the exact opposite direction of his notch. Nothing to hit and everyone was well out of the way but he was mighty embarrassed. I doubt he would have posted his mistake. Kudos! Learn from it and stay safe!
Good post. We all have times when stuff doesn't work like it's supposed to. A simple thing turns into a major thing. Oh well you handled it the best you could with no harm to anything but your pride. I always rope when structures or powerlines are around. Sometimes I probably don't need to do it but you never know when the tree is going to do what it wants to instead of what you are telling it to do. :chainsaw:
Yes you have nuts for posting. You cut your hinge to deep not much holding wood looks maybe you cut clear thru in spots. You need to wedge it over but ya gotta leave enough hinge to wedge against, and use more wedge than whats in the pic. Stump has other issues but lesson learned and ya didnt break anything.

I agree with Cedarkerf 100% on the rope(cheap insurance) and there being no major damage!!!

Come on guys! give reputation, something fierce!!!!!
He needs like 4-10 novas for the post most including me would be scared to post this!!!!
Theres nothing so ass clenching as a tree sitting back like that. I`ve done it. Fortunately i had good holding wood and a rope with a screaming mate the other end. We managed to pull it back over apex with a bit of help from some lads nearby. It was hanging over a shed on a neighbouring property.
Nothing wrong with admitting mistakes. Good pics. Rep for ya.
Yes you have nuts for posting. You cut your hinge to deep not much holding wood looks maybe you cut clear thru in spots. You need to wedge it over but ya gotta leave enough hinge to wedge against, and use more wedge than whats in the pic. Stump has other issues but lesson learned and ya didnt break anything.

also if i may point out the slanted back cut wedges work there best when the back cut is level.

wedges lift they don't push

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