another odd thing in a tree

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ArboristSite Operative
Apr 10, 2004
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was driving home today on the highway and saw a custom tire rim in a tree canopy about 30-40 ' up. musta been one hell of a crash to land that thing up there.
When I was about 14 I used to climb to the tops of trees with planting pots that I painted green, from there I would strap it to the top and plant pot seeds in there, then come back in like 5 months and had some killer bud!
Originally posted by Florida16
When I was about 14 I used to climb to the tops of trees with planting pots that I painted green, from there I would strap it to the top and plant pot seeds in there, then come back in like 5 months and had some killer bud!
Growing Cannabis sativa at 14 and out of school at 16? No way!

Before you become a statistic, please, please, stop and think about what you're doing.
beginner!  You're back, huh?

(maybe a year ago in the chainsaw forum a kid from Fla was posting about pulling shenanigans like putting dirt into the cylinder on his dad's saw because he was mad about something "dad" did)

Growing pot, dropping out of school, these are things that a good person do not make.

Nothing personal, but we all have the ability to make choices. If I can wish one thing for you, it would be for you to make the right ones. (The two I have listed above are definitely not the right ones...)
Bad Boy

bad boy, bad boy...whatcha gonna do...watcha gonna do when they come for you?
There's large tulip poplar in my area that has an airplane prop sticking out of the trunk at about 70 feet from where a bomber crashed around WWII. Thats pretty cool. I'd like to go and take pictures before the tree dies someday.
Gluttonous trees !

<img src="">
I've tried to replicate this effect on several occasions, using a variety of vehicles ranging from motorcycles, Volkswagens and trucks. I think the secret is to choose a very young and small tree.