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No I never looked inside of one of the 8000s but we have had them here for a few years in the ventilation configuration.
Talk to ya later
Hey Dennis, we need good moderators.... and whatever anybody else ever has said about you.... you were a top notch moderator.... what do you say????
Oh no looks like the old tribe is back EHH another saga starts........ way to go Dennis. I guess you have some new members to work on and swindel.
I am not saying Dennis has not had his troubles in the past nor do I think he will deny it either, but I really don't think he intends on coming here and peddling his services. He is not a sponsor nor is he going to be a sponsor, so peddling his services is not allowed. Marky when I feel like I get ripped off, I always feel like I should get a good jab in to make me feel a little better. There was yours, now lay off. Dennis, just obey the rules here and the others will have to just as well, there should not be any problems.
Lol..How did I know coming back here was a waste of my time and energy? Darin..*shaking my head* Find out the whole story before talking ask me to obey the rules? lol..when have I broken them..Marks comment? is that not breaking rules? No need to respond..I won't be back.

Thanks Dan! Talk to you later.
well dennis its your choice.. but man aint nobody here got the job of judging.. that jobs taken.. come on back.. you be strait and il be glad to see your helpful inputs.. dont back to stand u ground. just my opinion.
What's the point? If he really owes you something, either take him to court or go up there and beat it out of him. Taking potshots here just makes you look like a sissy stomping yer lil booties. :Eye: :Eye: If he doesn't owe you anything, than he's made his amends, and you need to grow up about it.

Pobody's nerfect.

Dennis, get your ass back here. You ain't leaving us THAT easily, are ya?
I guess I wasn't really expecting that reaction. I know many of the stories Dennis and you did deserve a little ass chewing. Many guys are bitter over what happened and in some cases I cannot blame them. As far as coming back. Hell yes, I would love you back. Many of the guys still swear by you. Talked to Erik the other day and he said his saw still runs great. I think your knowledge is useful here. I feel like when I talked to you last, you were getting your life back in order and for that I praise you. Overall, you were one great Moderator too! Dennis, you have to realize that some people are never going to like you here. I deal with it on a consisitant basis. Overall, I feel like most of the audience does not like me. It is hard to get a personality over a forum, but my personality isn't flattering over the net. If many drank a beer with me, they would see a different side. On the flip side many do like me and I do enjoy the friendships considerably. This is the only way you can look at it. You are going to have a ton of people like you here and you are going to have a ton not like you. Big Deal!! I really do hope you come back as I think you are a real cool guy and one I would genuinely say I would like to drink a beer with. I said it, when all your probs started, during, and now. I will never change on that. You also helped the site grow as you were the anchor of the moderators. So regardless if you come back or not. I will say I will thank you for what you have done for me. You have never hurt me or my family in anyway. You have only helped us. So thanks.

Very well stated and those are also my thoughts on the matter.


Dont let some of the people with more then one face get to you. As far as I am concered you are always welcome here and in my home.

Please stay Dennis

I followed this forum for a long time before I joined, and has been trough all the archives. You have provided a lot of good info, and a lot of fun too! :blob2:
Dennis said:
Lol..How did I know coming back here was a waste of my time and energy? Darin..*shaking my head* Find out the whole story before talking ask me to obey the rules? lol..when have I broken them..Marks comment? is that not breaking rules? No need to respond..I won't be back.

Thanks Dan! Talk to you later.

After I read the above yesterday in the interest of fairness I was hoping their would be a reply from Darin on the aforementioned subject matter.