Well for me honey locust is a better burning wood, something that gets burning without to much trouble but not quite with the heat output of BL.
BL is a difficult wood to get burning on anything less than a pretty hot fire already so someone that has all BL isn't going to have fun starting fires.
So drumroll... honey locust is a better general firewood.
Not to much better than BL on real cold night though, only 2 trees osage orange, rock elm and 1 shrub/tree buckthorn growing in NA are a step up again in btu from BL.
Buckthorn, mahogany and coal all have a btu of 35, osage and Rock elm are 32.
If you think honey locust thorns are bad wait until you find a bunch of shrub/tree buckthorn, got to be the nastiest thorn beast on the planet and small returns per tree/shrub make for less than fun getting it until your burning it and the stove is red LOL