Brown Oak Trees

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New Member
May 24, 2001
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Many of the Oak trees in my area are brown at the top. The leaves started to grow then turned brown; I think during a recent dry spell (although it didn't last long and didn't seem too severe). There are some green leaves on the lower branches and on trees that are shaded by other types of trees, but my big oaks are all brown. My maples have bloomed beautifully and don't look wilted at all. My questions are:
1) Will the leaves come back this year or will I have a stick tree this year?
2) Will this do any permanent damage to the trees?
3) Will watering 100+ foot trees do any good (and if so how should they be watered)?
4) Any suggestions for preventing this from happening again?

We have just had several days of wet rainy weather here, which may help if it is really a watering problem.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Bill Mahony
Typically, if the brown leaves stay on the tree it indicates the limb is dead. If the limb is still alive, the new growth would push off the dead leaves. I would have to assume you have had as dry of a spring as the rest of us. Sounds like a good soaking could minimize the burnout.
Do you know the type of oaks that you have?

It's good that your at least looking at your trees. Observations are key to ruling out certain problems. One more thing Bill, everything that happens to a tree is permanent. If a tree is stressed this year from a drought it will have to compensate for it. If a limb breaks off the tree will have to close off the wound.

Keep looking at your trees.

Certified Arborist
Urban Forester
Frost Damage to Oak Trees

On the tip of Cape Cod, down in the lowlying areas, our young budding oak leaves were all killed by a late frost (which also damaged emerging lilacs, wysteria, magnolia, etc.). Will we have any leaves this summer? Do the trees have to set new buds?
Many of the Oak trees in my area are brown at
We have just had several days of wet rainy weather here, which may help if it is really a watering problem.

Sounds like they got enough water, where are you from?
The trees damaged by the late frost will put out new leaves this year. They will use some of their reserve energy which means they will be under some stress. As long as they have a good growing season and can replace the reserves there should not be any long-term damage.

Bill, it sounds like your oaks may have some problem other than water or frost since other trees in your yard were not affected. I\'d call in a consulting arborist for an opinion.
Here in R.I. it seems like the oaks took the hardest hit from the freeze we had but are all leafing nicely now. The past week of rain that's bad for tree work is good for trees.