C C C C C oooooooold here in Upstate NY

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Was -18F yesterday a warm morning recently. I told the young lady at the donut shop that it would be a prefect night to go out on the cross country skis. Enough moon lite yet you can see with out a artificial light of some type. good way to sneak up on a coyote or two with the pistol and lots of deer moving around. She said she just wanted to go home and get in bed with the blankets over her head. I told her that it is still better than those crazy 85 and 90F summer temps because I can pt more clothes on but can only take so many off but still risk sun burn.
Snowmobiling now is great too, all the sissys are staying home off the trails.

:D Al
Plenty cold here in the upper lakes region. Single digits above and below zero.
My black locust stacks are getting pretty thin.
I wouldn't trade it for the 110*+ they're having in Australia though.
Take care folks
Meanwhile in Alaska...
My wood pile doesn't look much different than it did at Thanksgiving. It's been in the 40's for several weeks and we may see 50* here over the weekend. The snowmobile has yet to be uncovered this 'winter.'

Called my parents yesterday and seriously found myself saying that I'm ready to come live at their place in Speculator-- I really miss the Adirondacks.
Cold here just north of Buffalo....My old Fireplace and heat exchanger are keeping the house warm enough for my liking though.
Where about in Ontario are you? Kenora, Toronto, Cornwall? Big difference in weather according to locale.

Likewise as it does in the US, and being in town versus out of town. An hour north west of Ottawa. This morning it was -24F on the mercury and -38F with the wind chill, its warming up. Schools don't close due to inclement weather here, lack of water/electricity or heat they do. In such cases as mechanical failure, the other local schools accept the influx of students.
It's been cold here. My buried water line from the house feeding my shop froze today. Never done that before. Been going through A LOT of firewood in the woodstove. I have enough to get me into mid march if this weather keeps up. I gotta get into the woods and cut up a couple dead ash trees when this weather breaks... And to try out the new saw! Should have it in a week or so I hope. Stay warm and stay safe my friends.
I have woke up to so many mornings here -20f to minus -30f mercury temps. this winter that when it warms up to minus -10f it almost feels warm. Never made it above zero again today. With the worst coming this Sunday and Monday nights pushing minus -30f again regular temperature. I am burning wood so fast I think it goes straight up the chimney when I throw it in the wood stove.
pushing -14 right now and just came in from tossing a load into the OWB, don't even wanna know what the wind chill is. But it's 70+ in the house, daughter #2 is sprawled out on the hearth next to the Heritage stove in the living room soaking up some Btu's, (I need to change my name to 2fires) and we're all gonna have hot showers in the morning, and I have a glass of sweet red next to the keyboard......ahhhhhh......life is good.
Here in south-central MN, school's let out early yesterday and most are closed today due to the temps and windchill. Kids nowadays are soft....
Or maybe their parents aren't smart enough to bundle em up while they are little or are too lazy to take the time to teach them what the cold can do and what signs to watch out for.
I can't wait till it hits 32 again in the Albany/Helderberg area. It'll feel like summer!

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