clump river birch - question

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New Member
Mar 29, 2010
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St. Marys, PA
Hi! This is my first time posting here, but any help would be appreciated. I just planted (mid-march) four clump river birch trees in my backyard (northern PA). they range in size from 5-7ft tall.

two of the trees, near the top, seem to have very brittle, almost dead branches....towards the bottom more green and alive. should i be concerned about this? or is this natural?
We plant them here to and the tips may be wind whipped from the nursery or by way of transport. Seems strange but the wind can dry out the leaves and branches when transporting the tree unless its completely covered while in transport. You may lose the tips but the rest should make it. If in fact they are dead you may want to remove the dead branches prior to the tree budding out for spring.

make sure they are planted flare to grade--got a camera? Clumps are often individuals jammed into same pot; root mess.

pics show one example of dealing with clump syndrome that will help dead tops recover.
Clump Birch in my opinion should have no more than 3 sections after that it gets to be just what Seer said.....a root mess, even at 3 it can be a mess!! problem with this specie of tree is is 1- architectural design of multiple sections usually require cabling or bracing. A good thinout without liontailing is suggested but only in the winter!!!

2-during planting I have found if one carefully does a root inspection followed by a good "teasing of roots" crown die back can be avioded. I actually have a home made style "root infusion feed system" that I use to inject the root ball to avoid "shock/stress" very well!!

Birch can be a tricky tree for uptake & shock of it will lead to its demise.

good luck!
