Did You Go Into the Woods Today?

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Gypo Logger

Timber Baron
Dec 8, 2001
Reaction score
Yukon Territory
Well I was headed that way, but it was so windy that it would blow the mustard right off your hotdog. Other than that, it was a balmy -20C away from the wind, however, the determining factor in me coming back home was that I had to take a Sh$t! This may be a little more information than you mite be seeking, but have you ever tried to take off 5 layers of clothing in the woods and wipe your a$$ with a snowball? It's not a pretty sight, trust me.
John, you're right.......Too Much Information! Anyhow, I know what you mean about the cold, it is -22C here (Barrie) but I thought I would be a tough man and go and try and run some wires for my garage door opener in my new house(currently under construction). Got out there and thought "I'm nuts to be out here........so I came home. Will try again tomorrow it is going to be a balmy -13C.
John you're sick..... Most people leave sh!ts and you are talking about taking one???LOL :laugh:
Around my neck of the woods 26 deg is considered a "hard freeze", its battling the persistent rain that becomes a pain in the neck.
13 Deg F with -3 Deg F windchill here. I had been planning all week to cut wood this afternoon. Well, I managed to start the tractor and plow the driveway, unfreeze the water pipes, and split and stack about a facecord of wood, but the truck is still loaded from last time, and I don't think I could find the trees in all this snow anyway (since what I'm cutting is wind blown down trees). Decided I'll stay in the house and sit by the fire. It's times like this I'm glad I cut two years ahead, and I always have plenty of wood on hand and never "have" to go out and cut.
Little Leroi and the dreadful inclement weather

Hello Little Leroi
As a honary member of the canadian royal mountaed police I find it hard to believe that a little blowing wind and snow would keep you from your appointed rounds
ol Ken
it dropped almost 40 degrees since yesterday, plus being at work most of the day today and then again tomorrow, won't have any time for some cutting! :angry:
Hi Ken, I was thinking the same myself, what the hay, the wind died down to a dull roar and fighting with :blob2: Master Blaster :blob2: on groundsforum.com isn't so exciting anymore, I may as well go and cut at least one tree down in this blizzard.
Nah... just looked outside..... back to groundsforum.com :blob2:
I don't mind the cold...

It's the 60 degrees one day and 10 below the next that's irritating.

John, besides.. once you do finish the deed, it takes forever for yer cheeks t owarm back up.

Marky, not bad. You'll have to come up here... I'm sick of shooting the little %uckers. Dunno what a non-resident license is going fur, but I'm sure you could make it worthwhile with the overrun of them critters here. All the old-timers that used to trap have gone by, and the natural predation ain't keeping up.
Well just went for a stroll in my tee shirt, it is pretty nice up here right now , i looked at the saws , they just told me to take a hike and leave then alone, i think i am going back out but this time I will put socks on
Managing the cold

About 4 degrees this morning windchill -10. Climbed and deadwooded a 20" Hickory and Oak before the snow came at noon. now at 8pm its coming down at 3 inches per hour, w/gusts to 50 mph. I am so screwed for next weeks work!!

Corey :angry:

John?what model JD is that?
DDM, it's a JD540A, very similar to the JD540. It weighs 16,800 lbs. Not sure, but I think it was built in 1976 in Niagra Falls.
I bought it for 13,000 ten years ago and it's been a good machine. I did get the engine rebuilt and new tires and a bunch of other stuff, but basicly it doesn't owe me anything when you think of what a new one costs.