discouraging people, hurtfull remarks, why?

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MOST of the time..........................

i find the things that come out of the mouths of college educated people are the stupidest things i have ever heard.
all i want is to be happy, i dont care if im ever rich, i just want my own little place on this earth to enjoy and be happy, is that too much to ask?

Sounds like you are heading down the right path. Nobody else can tell you if you're happy or not.

On a side note, what happened to your hauler and your saw? I'd be pretty happy if I had that kinda equipment to work with :cheers:
Banshee to heck with that not nice girl (that's not really what I wanted to say but moderators would not like my real version):censored: What's her collage butt gunna do when her beemer breaks. Call some uneducated person to fix it why? Because she CAN'T. When her collage butt needs landscaping or tree work or plumbing or carpentry what will she do? Call some poor uneducated slob like you or I to do it for her. Why? Because she CAN'T. Hope that "real" job of hers pays good because her bill just went UP $$$$$.Almost forgot the owner of the company I work for worked outside his whole life he is worth a fiew million bucks and has over 50 trucks and lots of equipment so :censored: that little :censored: there I almost said it.
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I expect you'll sleep far better than the person who spoke to you. As for riches, many would do well to read the enlightened words of King Solomon - who knew riches beyond what the Gates, Buffetts, etc. could understand.
People like her take up oxygen my and I family could be breathing. I work with my hands fixing air conditioning, heat, refrigeration during the day and now saws and what not on the side for a living. I am only 28 with my own house and a beautiful family. There is nobody on this ####ing Earth who can tell me I am wasting my life. I have read many of Banshee's posts in other forums and he seems to be an intelligent person doing what he loves. In ten years you will run into her when she has turned into a moo-cow from sitting on her lazy azz and have a good chuckle because you are still happy with yourself.
It's hard to keep your head up everyday Banshee. I know all to well what it's like to have people think you aren't like them. I have epilepsy and it has cost me jobs even though I could do everything that job entailed just as good as any other guy. People see you as a liability and a freak who could spaz out at anytime. When I shave my head because I don't like hair I get people who stare at me because I have a scar on the rightside of my head from having brain surgery to try to help my epilepsy. I had a titanium plate put in my head after I almost died from an infection after my surgery. They cut my head open three times before everything got all fixed. I walked around for 3 years with no skull on the side of my head. When I got the infection they had to open my head again and remove the infected bone flap. They said I could have a plate put in to repair the defect after about 3 months this was after I finished a 7 week course of the strongest intravenus antibiotics they make. I had a nurse come to my house 3 times a day to hook me up to the machine that gave me the drugs. You know what it's like to not be able to have a proper shower for 7 weeks because you can't get the pick line wet that they run through your arm directly to your heart for delivery of the drugs. I was so scared of getting another infection I said no to the plate. I had a very noticable dent in my head where there was no bone between my scalp and my brain. One bad move and I could have been fatally injured with nothing protecting my brain. People always stared at me, some would even ask what happened. I was mad I just wanted everybody to leave me alone I am just like you I just look funny right now. I decided to chance it and had the surgery to put the plate in. You can still see my head isn't symetrical and the scar is huge from being cut open 3 times. I still have seizures, they actually got worse after my surgery. I'll be on drugs the rest of my life and the drugs aren't 100% effective. I have entire respect and support for people with disabilities of any kind because I know what it's like. I never stare at disabled people because it's plain rude and hurtfull. Doctors told me not to do dangerous things like take a bath because I might drowned. I am not going to live in a rubber room so I do what I want when I want to do it. If something happens it happens. So Banshee I totally know where your coming from. It's always the fortunate people that are the pricks because they have never had their courage tested. I also have college certificates in machining and I started my apprenticeship but I no longer do that work anymore either. Like all the guys have said you can't compare yourself to other people. You truly are a product of your own decisions in life and what makes you happy is what matters. This is a good thread guys. It's nice to know there is support out there. I didn't post this for sympathy only as a reference to the thread.

I have been a Paramedic for 15 yrs, and a Firefighter for 4yrs. I love what I do and I dont plan on changing. I have had people tell me that I should go back to school and get a real job, I have a relative that wanted me to go to school and she would pay for all of it free and clear. When I became a fire fighter I was 32 yrs old. I had ALOT of people tell me that I would never make it because of my age, and the fact that I couldnt keep up with the younger guys and gals. Thanks to the love and support of my family and God they have all had to eat their words. I do what I do because I love it and it fits me, Yes there are people with alot more education and money then me, but when I go to bed at night I know that what I did made a difference in someones life and that is good enough for me. I dont expect anyone to understand why I go into burning building or run 15 EMS calls a day and love it , But I have found my place in this world and that is what it is all about. Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life!
I lot of "white collar" folks have really misunderstood life. It is sad to listen to many of my co-workers, engineers, analysts etc. - the things that fill their time are nothing short of pathetic.

When you feel shat upon because you aren't sitting behind a desk you should take a long careful look at your life as a whole - not just a few hours a day or week.

Most folks have mistakenly tied their happiness to money and while I agree that money sure helps it is no cure for a looser perspective on life.

ENjoy your choice of profession and live life with a smile and don't let the poor ignorant folks affect you.
I lot of "white collar" folks have really misunderstood life. It is sad to listen to many of my co-workers, engineers, analysts etc. - the things that fill their time are nothing short of pathetic.

When you feel shat upon because you aren't sitting behind a desk you should take a long careful look at your life as a whole - not just a few hours a day or week.

Most folks have mistakenly tied their happiness to money and while I agree that money sure helps it is no cure for a looser perspective on life.

ENjoy your choice of profession and live life with a smile and don't let the poor ignorant folks affect you.

Great wisdom. Must be why you have so many positive reps. Have one more.
Funny - I have a MASTERS degree, and now I'm working construction/handyman work and I LOVE it. Making fairly good money, and I'm my own master. In fact, the majority of people with college degrees are not employed in the field in which they received their degree.

Here's a good quote for you: "Be happy when the bad people hate you - it means you're doing something right."


Good post, uncle.

Once was a time when education was seen as a good in and of itself - to liberate the mind from ignorance. After all, that's where satan lives.

Hence the term, liberal arts. A truly educated person was freed from the mind forged manacles of one's own dumbness. Along with that, comes the ability to grow wiser as one navigates through life, learning from the various challenges that arise.

Today, education is very career-centric. Which is okay.

In light of this, let's consider the mean-spirited gal. She's 27. Still in school. She's neither thrown off the shackles of ignorance nor has she achieved anything careerwise.

Not to belittle the OP's hurt feelings, she sounds like someone not worth getting all in a twist about.
Hi There
Again this is not a self pity trip just an insight into my life.
I was forced at the age of 16 to leave home I had to work to pay for my school fees and my own accommodation.
I am uneducated and left school at the age of 17 due to the lack of finances. I'm now 32 and in the first 14 years of my work life I have never been happy and never held a job for more than 9 months with any one employer. I always went for office work as I thought at the time that it will be the way to go to get secured to support my family (to work my way up)

I am now a self taught self employed landscape gardener for 2 years (not long I know), but I have never been happier in my life.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is you don't have to be educated to be successful in what ever you do.
I have chosen my business of work because I love to be outside and I love what I do.

Don't let those lifeless, selfish, miserable, idiots put you down, you have achieved more in your short time of working for yourself than they will for most their lives.
There's a lot of examples on this forum of people starting the job they love and being successful and what is most striking to me is that the guys/girls if there are any) on here are passionate about what they do.

Therefore next time it rains turn your pillow over to the cooler side and sleep further knowing tomorrow there will be another good day to go and do what you do best.:cheers::greenchainsaw:
That is just the way some people are, I guess. But you shouldn't let people like that put you down. Don't listen to her, live the life that you want to live and do what you want. I really don't get how people can stand to work in an office all day, I'd rather be outside working with my hands. Keep your head up and just ignore those selfish people.
- "who knew riches beyond what the Gates, Buffetts, etc. could understand."

yeah Jimmy Buffett made enough money to buy Miami but he...:censored:

could be the lady thought you were hitting on her and was brushing you off. Face it, your line of conversation did not make you great date bait. :buttkick:

She did have a point--gotta find a way to be productive on rainy days. :clap:
What the #### were you doing sitting around for anyways. Get a set of ####ing raingear and get out there and do your job. Then you won't have to sit here whining because someone said nasty things to you.

The only days we don't work are the ones where the trucks can't safely leave the yard do to poor road conditions. And it's been known to rain a bit here.
What the #### were you doing sitting around for anyways. Get a set of ####ing raingear and get out there and do your job. Then you won't have to sit here whining because someone said nasty things to you.

The only days we don't work are the ones where the trucks can't safely leave the yard do to poor road conditions. And it's been known to rain a bit here.

Come on buddy that was uncalled for. The kid was venting and looking for some guidance, you didn't need to slam him like that. We are all here to help eachother.

Come on buddy that was uncalled for. The kid was venting and looking for some guidance, you didn't need to slam him like that. We are all here to help eachother.


Don't worry about him. He is just some punk kid smoking pot in his parents basement...like most people do in Vancouver.