Does Spacemule

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Your girlfriend was so impressed with his knowledge that she went to see Tom and asked him to show her what a dangling participle was. That's why she can't talk right now:)

Not just talk, hell its gonna take her a few days to learn how to walk, yup yup, she likem da big feller,LOLOLOLOL
space just has his issues just like everyone no one is perfect including myself we all make mistakes its those mistakes we make that make us understand we are all human i been watching this thread some and been kept quiet i really wish i understood what the purpose of it is i know space has said some commments towards me just like others not to mention there names but you know i forgive them for those name callings they do to me thats right i forgive them why cause i care about them why do i care about them cause its who i am inside

Friend = a person that sticks with someone thru hard times in life when the things of life come crashing down on one that person stands by there side no matter what

how many people fit the description of the word Friend ?
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No pickin' Space Mule ! In the short time I have been on this forum, I have not needed laxative ! Due to SPACE MULE ! He makes me sh!t my pants with laughter. His comments are funny but clean. If I were going to pick a Mascot for this site it would be him. Space .... You have cured my chronic constipation !:cheers: You have made my life really sh!tty :cheers:

SPACE MULE FOR PRESIDENT ! :greenchainsaw:
Yeah, Space is spreading diarrhea,
From his mouth to your ass...

Hey I enjoy the hell out of Space's troll like presence.
I hope he enjoys it as much as I do.........:clap: :clap: :clap:
space just has his issues just like everyone no one is perfect including myself we all make mistakes its those mistakes we make that make us understand we are all human i been watching this thread some and been kept quiet i really wish i understood what the purpose of it is i know space has said some commments towards me just like others not to mention there names but you know i forgive them for those name callings they do to me thats right i forgive them why cause i care about them why do i care about them cause its who i am inside

Sheesh, MAN do you have thin skin. I started this thread as a silly...a funny...a joke. I meant no hatred toward Spacemule. Sure his post piss me off sometimes, but a lot are funny as well. I was trying to give him a taste of his own medicine, and make a joke of it, and it worked except for your post.
I like ole Space. He starts some of the damnest threads and most times they are alot of fun. Its impossible to make him mad because he enjoys arguing so much,LOL Hell he is training to be a lawyer so really this is a good medium for him to test his skills. I say Space is a asset to the site for he brings alot of fun.

(yes he did pay me 10.00 for that last line,haha)
Sheesh, MAN do you have thin skin. I started this thread as a silly...a funny...a joke. I meant no hatred toward Spacemule. Sure his post piss me off sometimes, but a lot are funny as well. I was trying to give him a taste of his own medicine, and make a joke of it, and it worked except for your post.

Is he at it again :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Hey Bowtie, will you be my friend :cheers:

Yeeesh, but dont offend me! :cheers:

Did we come from "the Home for the Easily Offended?":greenchainsaw:

Normally I say "Did we not have a good bowel movement today?" when someone seems easily really well at defusing things.....not :greenchainsaw:
Did we come from "the Home for the Easily Offended?":greenchainsaw:

Normally I say "Did we not have a good bowel movement today?" when someone seems easily really well at defusing things.....not :greenchainsaw:

you can be our friend too:cheers: