Fence line Clearance

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Feb 6, 2002
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What Chemical is it that Line clearance crews spray on rightaways? It appears to be more potent than Roundup because it kills Saplings ect. I have an old fenceline that is seriously overgrown and needs to be controlled. :blob2:
There are many products available for weed control: Garlon, Rodeo, Pathfinder to name a few.

These are controlled products and shall only be used by Licensed Applicators.

Before using ANY product, remember the words of JPS, "Read the label, for it is the law."
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which chemical to use

check the chemicals called ,SPIKE 80W It is used by line crews and will control weeds for several years ... it takes some time for it to work but it does do the trick ... also check on PARAQUAT, ALSO CALLED BAREGROUND it is a good killer to..... I recommened the Spike 80w though, it comes in a bag of 4, 1 lb bags of a powder that you mix with water for about 110.00:)
ummmm, ya might wanna look for some type of herbicide. Dunno if a pesticide would do much on the weeds.

(I'm such a smart@ss today!)
Just be VERY careful and whatever the label states regarding precaution, triple the advice.

A rule of thumb generally is if a compound kills effectively for more than one season, it's persistant and it's likely to kill more than the intended target.

Be keen for livestock, pets, and kids - not just at application but again, persistance means ongoing effect.

Read-up on your homeowner liability, perhaps business if you purchase thru your company.

You'll be readily able to buy anything, regardless of state's or federal restrictions, so I can't persuade you enough to exercise caution, least of which is your own or your family's or neighbor's health.

You should be able to (for the same money) head over to John's Island and get some labor at the Taco Stand on Bohicket Rd. Outfit them with some brush cutters and a couple machetes. Take everything to ground level then it shouldn't be too problematic to control the growth couple times a year.

If you have a sprayer and use Paraquat or any 2.4-D compound you'll need to retire it from tree fertilizing forever.
Well nothing wrong with that....ah, the smell of phosphorous in the mornin'.

Burning's a good idead though - they got any restrictions on that there?
Naptha is a ligh fraction of petroleum? or do you want to call in a few rounds of Willie Peter for "spotting".

Fantastic fireworks, that WP, when you call it in on a night where the re is no light polution.

Seen a few batallion level Final Defensive Fires too. Every wepon on the line opening up at cyclic rate of fire. M2, M60, M16, SAW, morters, M19 auto grenade launcher.

And you don't have to count ammo if it is all burned up :cool:
Oh, arboricides. Stump paint or frill app of roundup will work as good as anything else I've used.

They used to recomend an off label mix, now WDNR says a 25% dilution gives around 80-90% control.
Impressions of annihilation. WP after four days of Rolling Thunder (plus what you mentioned) leaves a moonscape after a jungle. Problem is though, they just pop-up from the tunnels afterwards.

Don't ya just hate it when that happens?
Originally posted by Treeman14
Pesticide, herbicide... Whatever!

Apparently they were expecting the gorilla, an ape, to possess the ultimate level of intelligence. :D

This thread sure makes for confusing reading with editing and semantics and all!
Hey Nick,

We're right up there with Congress, the Highest Court, and the Executive branch!!!!

This stuff is just a vocational compilation of our insight and microcosm of the country around us....gotta keep it fun and interesting sometimes.
Back when we got mired down in Korea, and my Dad got drafted for the second time, he watched an artillery demonstration fire.

They went "for effect" into a small grove of trees, then when the excersize was over the Arty Off. so impressed with his proffesion excalimed "nothing can live through that!"

Then a small group of deer com bounding out of the target area:D

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