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Sep 17, 2011
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Smyrna, DE
I've been lurking this site for a couple weeks and finally decided to go ahead and register. Anyway:

I recently bought an Echo 450P (I know, I know...not many Echo fans on here) after seesawing back and forth between the Echo and a Stihl. I have a local dealer for both and truthfully, the only reason I went with the Echo is because of the 5 year consumer warranty.

The manual for the Echo has a specific way to put on the bar. I've been reading a couple posts about flipping the bar over every so often. What advantage does this give if the manual has a specific position?
Flipping the bar occasionally ensures a more even wear, do it. Dont worry about the Echo bashers , haters, etc., they make a dang decent product. What if EVERYONE was a Dale Jr. fan, life would be boring as hell!! Buy what YOU want, need, believe in.
Flipping the bar occasionally ensures a more even wear, do it. Dont worry about the Echo bashers , haters, etc., they make a dang decent product. What if EVERYONE was a Dale Jr. fan, life would be boring as hell!! Buy what YOU want, need, believe in.

Thanks for the simple, direct answer. I'm not a complete novice when it comes to chainsaws as I've felled and bucked many a tree (some of them 38"+ DBH) with my ex-father-in-law. He had 2 Homelites and a Stihl, all three were pretty old (12+ years) and he never once, that I know of, flipped the bars.

I had and still have tremendous respect for the man as he built his own log cabin basically by himself. The only thing he hired someone else to do was lay the brick for the chimney. I learned quite a lot from him but flipping the bars was not one of them.
Welcome to the site and congrats on the new saw. There are a couple Echo lovers on here, BobWright is the first that comes to mind. As already mentioned, flipping the bar is to even out the wear. I have bought two saws that were never flipped and they had a nice dip wore into the bottom side of the bar.
I really wish you the best of luck with you 5 year warranty...really I do.

There used to be a medium-sized Echo dealer pretty close and did a fair business.
I say did...because he went out of business because Echo kept balking and not
honoring the warranty repair work needed. Bad news travels fast and folks just
stopped buying from him...and it wasn't his fault..!! Closed the doors.
That was about 3 years ago...and nobody has opened a Echo dealership since..

Hope your dealer has better luck with Echo management than he did...
And of course...hope you won't ever need the warranty work..!!

Welcome to the fray:biggrin: Fliping the bar is part of doing good maintenance of the saw to make live a long healthy life. The bar and chain are the two items that need to be well maintained to make the saw work for you not you working harder.

May CAD infect You:bowdown:

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