food in OWB

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ArboristSite Member
Oct 23, 2008
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anyone ever stick a Dutch oven in your OWB and try cooking a meal...Ive got some deer ribs that I was going to cook in the dutch oven in a bed of hot campfire coals but thought the owb might work just as well...thought about wrapping up some potatoes in foil and baking them also..
I cooked some trout wrapped in foil. Turned out pretty good. I waited for a warm day and let the OWB die down to just some hot coals.
anyone ever stick a Dutch oven in your OWB and try cooking a meal...Ive got some deer ribs that I was going to cook in the dutch oven in a bed of hot campfire coals but thought the owb might work just as well...thought about wrapping up some potatoes in foil and baking them also..

Well, I learn something new everyday! I am of Dutch heritage and in our house "dutch oven" always had a very different meaning. It is a great way of using the covers to share a smelly fart in bed with your bed buddy.:blob2: Not familiar with the Dutch oven used for cooking.
I have been thinking of making a long handle cooking grate and cook some steaks in the wood furnace. Nothing like a good steak cooked over a wood fire.
hmm slather some jack daniels sauce over those ribs and let the bellowing smoke and creosote do the rest.
Well, I learn something new everyday! I am of Dutch heritage and in our house "dutch oven" always had a very different meaning. It is a great way of using the covers to share a smelly fart in bed with your bed buddy.:blob2: Not familiar with the Dutch oven used for cooking.

Finally a name for what I do to my wife.
The secret of goooood dutch-over cooking it getting a meal done on time 's l o w e l y' !

Most heating fires are to hot.

If you can scrape a few ashes to a cooler corner of the boiler it should work, but why not dig and brick-line a place for it, if you the room?

Getting at the d-oven would be a concern, I like the idea and hoping for pictures!

Here is one that works very well in a hunting camp.....

Spray the inside of the oven, even a real seasond oven will stick this trick.

Dump in a couple cans of pie-filling, don't matter what, you can even mix them if you want, peach and apple just for a say.

Over the top dump in some Bisquick batter, cake batter, what ever suits your fancy. (tried it with pancake batter, not as good, but we eat it, Bisquick is best for me)

Slooooow cook this one, with just as much or more even heat from the top as your getting from bottom. When the upper layer of crust is a good brown, trust the bottom is also done.

Scoop out to serve, dump some of the slightly carmiled pie-filling over the baked batter, with a scoop of ice-cream on top and you can get parlor tricks out of folks in a hunt camp, my guess is it would work at home!
Cooking in the OWB

When we go hunting or up to cut wood, Val likes to cook Hot Dogs or Polish Sausage in the wood stove. We'll let the fire die down to hot coals, bring out the big forks and make supper. The other day I took out some ashes from my OWB.. I had a few coals in the can and could have cooked in there, I would think a dutch oven would would good in your ash can. Low but long heat. Let us know how it turns out.
chickened out

well I chickened out, ended up fixing them in the oven, turned out great.. will do the next batch in the owb(maybe)LOL.