Given up!

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Well at least it is reasuring to see that I am not the only one and that things get better/easier. Callum, my oldest loves to help in the garden and carry the logs during the winter, but I can see my younger son being the out-there and up and atem type. but time will tell.

Oh and my baby daughter( she is the sparkle in my eye! ) will deffinitly run with the boys, no way will she be knocked down and not get back up running!

Thanks for the insight guys! ( can't rep you all!! )
I married my wife eight years ago and she had three kids at the time, ages 9, 6 and 4. We have two more now. So my time is pretty much spent working, and doing yard work and firewood on rare weekends when I don't have to be at a ball game, Scout activity or something kid-related.

I gave up: my motorcycle, my snowmobiles, softball, rugby, bowling leagues, billiards leagues, ten years in the volunteer fire department, and any semblance of a night out drinking and making noise. Also gave up a lot of things that I would have spent money on (trucks, guns, restaurants, road trips, even clothes - I shop at secondhand stores and eBay now!).

It's worth it, but it ain't over. You can bet I'll at least get back into some of that stuff when the munchkins are old enough to appreciate it themselves. For some reason I can't get the oldest two boys (now ages 14 and 17) interested in Dad's fun activities. All they wanna do is play computer games and talk to girls. What kind of fun is that? :dizzy:
For me it was skydiving. I use to do 5-10 jumps a weekend but after my first child was born my wife clipped my wings. I sold all my gear and have been grounded ever sense. Well if you don't count tree climbing.
Absolutly nothing...I just don't get to do alot of the things I used to do as much as I once did...But has been said many of times, the things that I have gained mean more than anything I don't get to do as much as I once did...Does that make any sence?...

What I have gained...Is a wife and two little boys that make me smile more than I ever thought was possible...Would not trade them for the world or anything on it...
Absolutly nothing...I just don't get to do alot of the things I used to do as much as I once did...But has been said many of times, the things that I have gained mean more than anything I don't get to do as much as I once did...Does that make any sence?...

What I have gained...Is a wife and two little boys that make me smile more than I ever thought was possible...Would not trade them for the world or anything on it...

:agree2: Except my two little boys are 23 and 21 now. And yes, They do grow up fast.

Oh yeah....I gave up drinking, 12 1/2 years ago. Bad case of the Irish Flu.:dizzy: Don't miss that at all.

I have not "given up" anything, merely postponed until my daughter is old enough to join me in my favorite activities, and until the bank account allows for those same activities again, which is RAPIDLY approaching:clap: