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Must be we're too ugly to be given our former status.

Here are a couple of stories for you guys

SWMBO is super sensitive to petrol/gas, diesel fumes etc so I'm the one that fills up the vehicles.
At 7am this morning SWMBO anounces she is going horse riding, again, and she needs fuel in her car.
So I put on some board shorts and a T-shirt and a pair of flip flops, but seeing as it is 1.7ºC (35F - I know that cos just heard that on the radio) I put on my grubby shop sweater with the melted holes in the sleeve from using the angle grinder, and change the flip flops for a pair of sump oil spattered Ugg boots (Sheep skin slipper/boots) with big holes around the area of the big toe. The reason they are oil stained is I wore them once while carrying a leaking container of sump oil.
On my way out the door I stop by the bedroom, where she is sitting up in bed with a up of tea reading a book, and say, "do you think I might look a bit like one of those Walmart people"
She peers peers over her reading glasses and after a one second pause says.
"you always look like one of those Walmart people dear"

And a another;
This morning I got up and being a touch on the cold side I pulled on some track suit pants with the large hole in the crotch, the same soil stained Ugg boots, and a lowish tier sweater (but not the one with the melted sleeves) which I absent mindedly put on over my bright blue and white pyjama top.
I then made some breakfast for SWMBO and myself, fed the dogs, hung out and put on some washing, and also unpacked and restacked the dishwasher.
Then it was time to walk the dogs, so, noting the manky Ugg boots, I changed to my walking trainers (only one side of which has been chewed out by the dogs) bundled the dogs into the car and went down to the river and let them chase each other and other dogs for half an hour.
On the way home I thought there's no bread or coffee so I will stop off at the shops and get some.
Inside the supermarket an over chatty neighbour said hello and started telling me her latest life drama which I managed to ignore but as I drew away I did notice she looked at me a little strangely.
When I got home I brought a cup of tea into SWMBO and she looked at me and said, "been to Walmart again darling?"
I glanced at myself in the mirror and only then saw the crotch blown track pants and the PJ top.
SWMBO was not amused especially when I told her I once wore the same pyjama top to the hardware but I doubt anyone noticed as it was inside out.
I see I've moved to "well known member"
I'm thinking that that's better than the crotchless member your neighbor is recalling you as!
I haven't been around much lately but have noticed that things seem to have been intermittent for while. What in the world has been going on here?
Thanks for the personal insight Bob re your stories. I was beginning to think I was the only one living like that!

Ha Ha. Gooday mate!

Old Blue
Where the tax perps are still abusing the tax victims like there's no tomorrow! In........
What in the world has been going on here?
Site got hacked several times by the look of it and it's taken a while to sort it out

Thanks for the personal insight Bob re your stories. I was beginning to think I was the only one living like that!
OK - new perspective.
I retired from the University back in Feb this year and although I'd dropped out of admin work in 2009 and had been very casually attired since then I still have lots of formal clothing like those awful permanent pressed polyester business slacks, long sleeved business shorts, and woollen sweaters cluttering up my wardrobe that I have been meaning to clear out for decades. Some of the slacks might even have flared trouser legs but I try not to look when I open my closet. I told SWMBO that I was thinking of getting some comfy cotton work shirts and pants and she said, "Why, you have lots of clothes in your closet you could wear".
"Why, you have lots of clothes in your closet you could wear".

Trust me Bob, this is code for "Hey honey, these seem to have some holes in them. I think I need to replace them with those cotton work shirts that help us guys from suffering so much out in the sun!"

I've managed to lower my wife's expectations to a degree that she's just happy that I'm not running around naked. In fact, I'm, pretty sure that the neighbors are to.

Glad to hear you're retired. Congratulations. I'm hoisting a beer in your honor as I type this! And I'm serious - congrats! You give the rest of us guys hope and something to shoot for.

Old Blue
Where there is a retirement tax in the works. In...........
I was getting depressed from not milling had some prostrate work done then came here to find 404 . Things are good now i milled half of a 4' x6'long post oak yesterday with help from a friend and now life is good again .
I was getting depressed from not milling had some prostrate work done then came here to find 404 . . . . . .

Hope all is OK for you John.

I had an umbilical hernia fixed up 5 weeks ago and the doc says no lifting more than 5 lbs for 6 weeks - I still have a week to go. I'm restricted to things like sharpening and rearranging the screwdrivers in my shop.
Cheers John. I'm actually healing pretty well and this afternoon my condition was put to a bit of a test. We had just bought a small camper van and I was bringing it home by myself. The seller helped me to put it on the tow bar and I was supposed to just drive it the half mile home and back it into the drive and when my wife got home we were going to unhitch it together. Anyway while backing it across the street outside our house the hitch popped off the ball ( I must not have seated it properly) and the van dropped of the the hitch and onto the road. So there I was with the van and the car totally blocking the street. Run down the back and get a crow bar and a block of wood (by now there is a queue of 4 cars waiting for me) and lever it up off the road so that I could at least get the jockey wheel down. Anyway I got it into the drive OK and nothing drastic seems to have happened to my belly button, but I was sweating there for a while.
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