How more pathetic

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It was posted at 4:18am, he might have woken up a little too early. Or gone to bed a little late ;-)

I was thinking this as well.

My reply would be Ha!
Your red there get out of he sun, or maybe get into the light!

I've never seen anyone try that hard to offend well anyone and fail. It kinda made me cluck like a turkey.
I guess I missed all of the politics that stirred this up (and the 20 beers.).

In case the sign on the door fell off, this is a CHAINSAW forum. I, for one, think it is great to have moderators who have a bunch of saw experience, and even better when they turn out to events like gtg's. In reality, this site should not even have to be moderated at all. We are just taking saws here, not nuclear disarmament. This is pretty much benign material. What ever happened to just being nice to each other, and the golden rule? Maybe you were looking for the Kotex forum a couple of doors down? Anyway it won't matter. By the time you are doing the internet search for "how to cure a hangover," this will all be gone.

P.S. you forgot to call him an ink slinger, which is apparently a terrible insult.
Pgg's final screech before starting the "death rattle". :popcorn: too bad, I kinda enjoy a good rant, it brightens my day.
How more pathetic?

Can the scurrying a$$-licking weasel brigade here get? Check out their latest horseshlt - Banned for "brand-bashing" ...


Ha! How pitiful can you get!!! No doubt from the strutting w#nker gol git-head, head firmly up his own snotty a$$, gets his rocks off threatening people from safe behind a keyboard, just a jumped-up NUMBSKULL jerking himself off on a power-trip, little creep, wowee wouldn't I punch that jackass hard in the nose.

So the chainsaw site that used to be cool now you can't even talk chainsaws without bending over and sucking a$$. Just another website stuffed by clucking, hand-wringing, pursed-lipped, strutting egotistic officious jacka$$es.. The land of the free, yeah right. Try snotty officious tossers who'll have you all on your hands and knees simpering and wimpering to their every demand.... gol-git-head KISS MY A$$ you slithering creep.

best take bets who'll be the first slimy spineless gutless snake to go sprinting to their banned buttons this time.. Probably another scuttling greasy squirming "trainee moderator" interfering into other peoples business like a bad smell. STRANGE BASTARDS!!

Then later you'll hear the real forum worms come out, cowards, watch them slime in with their knives and big heroes when they know they can't get a reply back... They can all kiss my a$$ too.

Wow, I guess this means I'm not on your Christmas card list anymore?

In case anybody is wondering what it takes to get banned for life, PGG's latest temper tantrum is a good example.
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