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ArboristSite Operative
Dec 7, 2007
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phone basically one call every 3 or 4 days i predict will be this way till at least begining of jan or middle.Need a good storm.Just wanted to see how rest of you are thanks
I hate to say it but I still can't get on top of my "to do" list and return all the calls from the last month or so. I have a list of small jobs a mile long but none that are very profitable....hangers and such from the big storm in September.

We should stay busy this winter...but we also do snow and ice removal so we hedge against bad weather with that....but if an ice storm hits...we are screwed.
Snowing every other day, my clients do not want to take the trucks out into the sloppy salt spray.

The house has not been so clean since last February. I'm down to the edge vac'ing of the carper :laugh:
Well i guess i,m pretty lucky.
Have enough to keep me busy till xmas,nothing big all smaller jobs.
but will help with bills.

Picked up about 150 red cedars to take down,most over 10in.
does not pay any thing,just mine for taking.trying to decide
what to do with here is only 50 cents a linear foot.
Any suggestions from you guys.
hit and miss for me

i've had good luck the pass two years just based on word of mouth alone
and a few business cards here and there

revamping the bus. cards and placing front page ads, see how it goes
Picked up about 150 red cedars to take down,most over 10in.
does not pay any thing,just mine for taking.trying to decide
what to do with here is only 50 cents a linear foot.
Any suggestions from you guys.

Any market to sell them as posts for fences/rustic biuldings etc.?

I'd love to get a hold of a bunch of cedars here but rarely get jobs where there are any in the suburbs. Got some from a couple friends and used them for fence posts and railings.

We're hitting a couple jobs here and there, waiting for snow or ice right now.
have some work. not as much as id like. Residential calls right now are more neccesity work i.e dead tree, broken limbs, etc. A good ice storm is what id like to see. A lot of residential customers Im finding I call and schedule, after havin them wait for a month or two and they have "ran out of money", "lost their job", or "want to wait till after the holidays"

New budgets for my commercial/municipal contracts come out after 1st of the year so we will start shortly after.

Sold approx 600 cords of firewood though. Busy with that. Reason why I only have 12" chippers.
usually stay busy year round. worked 2 days last week, only 2 scheduled for next week. lame. might need to shop for a new company. lame.
Any market to sell them as posts for fences/rustic biuldings etc.?

I'd love to get a hold of a bunch of cedars here but rarely get jobs where there are any in the suburbs. Got some from a couple friends and used them for fence posts and railings.

We're hitting a couple jobs here and there, waiting for snow or ice right now.

yea thought about split rails,and fence post.
would like to be able to harvest and sit on them till market changes.
slowed a little here. enough to keep bsy all week though. Not as profitable as in the spring summer fall but the guys and bills are getting paid and I'm still doing ok. So it's good. Calls slowed down alot since after thanksgiving but I'm booked through x-mas. Hopefully after the new year things will pick up.... Mike
flat tack

were really busy here in new zealand, theres alot of guys that arent tho.

my father in his bob cat t190 is working hard averaging 45 hours a week on the machine and im busy juggling driving my bobcat 323 and trying to fit in tree work, some client asked if they could just hire my 323 while im doing tree work but they cant as i use it to stack logs and feed the chipper, and hopefully it will continue. currently booked up till easter.
calls have slowed to a crawl but our crew has spent the last two days working at one of Bruce Springstien's estates in New Jersey.
Oh man! No more storms. Still clearing up after Ike. just the little stuff left now lots of climbing to the ends of limbs for inch thick sticks. Ike has left us with a lot of really ugly trees too.

Back in the day whenever I was quiet I used to get out and be a foot soldier and drop business cards in mail boxes. I used to be able to do 1500 on a good day. The effect was quick too. I always used to get a call or two within 24hrs. It was also long lasting as sometimes I would work for people a couple of years down the line who had hung onto my card.
I've got a couple of days of BS little jobs... pole pruner work basically. However I'm waiting for the snow to go away a little bit before I go trudging through it to get to some BS pear trees or ornamentals that need to be headed back. Gave out a couple of estimates this week, not sure how they will pan out. No new calls for a while though. There are a couple of good jobs I'm waiting to hear back on... nice pruning / removal work that was priced and "approved" just a matter of "Yes you can go do it now."

After the holidays are over I have to sit down and work on my website with the lady who is building it for me. In the meantime I am joining TCIA and the ISA, scheduled my ISA test in February, and got my pesticide reports done. Other than that... perhaps look into some other advertising for next spring, lettering for the chip truck, and some jobsite signs... gotta have the tailgate re-done on my chip truck, but a friend of mine has a bunch of welding equipment and owes me a few favors... so that's just a matter of when.
Working on an Ash, about five cords worth, and rebuilding the carb on my chipper engine, fun. Will start my next big job in 09!
nothing really here.

hasn't been work for over a month.i needed a break anyway.i have a tall pine to do but ill wait until after the 1st.
Lots of of work and lots of snow, Last few days we have just been doing some crane work but I think we are going to start (CARFULLY) plowing some paths through yards so we can access some back / side yard removals next week.