I Hate Poison Ivy

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ArboristSite Guru
Oct 31, 2002
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Tallahassee, Florida
I seem to have poison ivy 24/7 these days. Anyone have any cures, antidotes, solutions, potions or chemicals that help prevent infection or do a good job removing the poisonous oils from my abused skin? I try to stay on rope as much as possible to avoid contact, but on some jobs it's just unavoidable. It's getting to the point that I don't want to bid on jobs where I see it, and I hate loosing work!:angry:
Read an article on poison ivy, we dont have it here, have lots of ivy but it isnt poisonous, what is it?, and what are the symptoms?
Try wearing long sleeves. I know it is too hot sometimes, but that may be better than getting the ivy. Glove and sleeves should help some. Take the shirt and gloves off as soon as you are out of the tree and wash.

I am lucky because I don't get it. (I probably just jinxed myself). Anyway good luck.

Just a thought

Check into this stuff called Oral Ivy. It costs about $16 per bottle from Sherrill's. All you have to do is take 4 drops a day in a glass of water and you will not get poison ivy. It does however take about 10 days to 2 weeks for the stuff to get into your system. Check into it- cheap insurance.
One of the guys that worked with me this year used the Oral-Ivy with good results. Never once did he get it this year and last year he got it real bad.

One of my sons got Ivy real bad this year, to the point that there were large blisters covering his feet. I found a product called Zanfel that is over the counter. One or two drug store chains carry it or search online. This product dried his blisters in two days and stops the itching within minutes for most people.
Poison Ivy is the DEVIL! ! !

"Try wearing long sleeves."

I wear long sleeves and still manage to get it up to my elbows and sometimes I get spots of irritation all over my body. A natural reaction of mine, and I do it without even realizing it, is wiping sweat or saw dust off of my face. My own stupidity causes the oil to spread to my forehead, cheaks, eyes, neck, ears, etc. I am just now getting over a severe case of poison ivy from 3 weeks ago. I had to get the shot in the a@! b/c my right eye was swollen close to shut and my whole upper body was covered. That took me by suprise. Here it is three weeks later and again there was no way to avoid contact so I took every precaution. I used Ivy block and the after exposure washed with Tecnu and wore long sleeves and still got it all over my body. As bad as my reaction is to this plant I should quit climbing. But I don't see that happening so I need to figure something out.

"Check into this stuff called Oral Ivy."

Thanks for the tip. Somehow I overlooked it in the catalog. Does it work, would it be worth taking on a daily basis, are there side effects. No matter what I'm gonna try it and if I notice a difference in my reaction after I start taking it, I will share.
Another Tallahassee tree climber,It's good to know there are some younger climbers around here.Are you working for yourself?

The only place poison ivy affects me is b/t my fingers,been lucky.A few months ago my main saw man was stung in the face by 2-3 yellow jackets.He started sweating,my father took him to the emerg. room, where he stayed over night. Whew:eek:
One main thing I found helped the prevention was barier cream, the stuff like gloves in bottle ect.

also talkum powder, the drier you can keep your skin the less the oils seem to get through. Take a hot shower when done even use Tide or cloths soap, and dont wear the same cloths without washing them.

Once you have got it, tea tree oil dries it up and soaks in as hot a water as you can stand seen to reduce the time it takes to clear up.

Man I hate that devil weed also, I try to cut most fire wood from late fall to early spring.

I have even picked up poison ivy from hauling in the wood in the middle of winter.

poison ivy

Man do I know what your going through. I get it baadd. The oral ivy is good stuff. I used it this summer and got P.I. a lot less. even if you do get it , you can up the dosage and it clears up in 1 week insted of 3. Long sleeves don't help for 1 reason. Sweat.
Even when I wear long sleeves and gloves I still get it. I think the oils from the plant mix with your sweat and when your sleeves and arms get sweaty it spreads the oils. My forearms look like raw hamburger when I get it bad.
I did use ivy block with some good results. Put on rubber gloves and slap some vasiline on your arms, take off the gloves and put on your shirt and work gloves, before you start. The vasiline won't wash away with your sweat, and may help prevent it. No matter what I try Istill get it now and then.
Try the Oral Ivy. Here is a link for more info: http://store.wtsherrill.com/pgi-Product Spec?15824

I don't usually post links directly to products, but the description has good info. Also, I think the hot shower is a "no-no". We had a product demonstration from our TEc-Lab rep (Technu Ivy Cleanser), and if I remember correctly, he said that a hot shower is bad, because it opens up the pores on your skin, thus burrying the ivy oil deeper. A cold shower would keep the pores cold.

The Technu line of products is for post contact treatment, where as the Oral ivy is a preventive measure. As always, you can contact us with any questions. Happy Holidays!!!

I get that stuff real bad too, probably 10 to 15 times a year, even in the winter. The last time I got it, I went to the bucket truck and sprayed degreaser on it, even though the bottle says avoid contact with skin. I didn't care at that point. It burnt like holy heck, but the next day the itch was gone and and scabbed over. Worked for me but I am not condoning it's use.

Let your wife know you have been working around the stuff as she may catch it from picking up your clothes to wash them. Don't burn the stuff because the oil goes up in the smoke and folks that are allergic to it can catch it from the smoke in the air. My brother's wife gets in the summer if the wind is blowing her direction. Some folks are sensitive to it and some are not. My wife gets it from washing my clothes sometimes and it doesn't bother me.
Thanks folks for the great responses! I've been taking a lot of the precations mentions but haven't tried Oral Ivy yet. I think that may be my next preventative move. :)
I was told that you have 2 hours to get it washed off after coming in contact with it . The same with poison oak and poison sumac. My cousin gets it off the firewood he burns , just from handling the wood in the winter . He has found that Liquid Bandaid or Invisible Bandaid , when put directly on the blisters isolates it and prevents it from spreading ! Oral Ivy sounds like the way to go for me . You guys have my sympathy , there isn't anything worse on a hot summer day than a bad case of poison rash . Indescribable torture ! I also remember that there was a 3 phase series of shots a doctor can give you prior to the 'season', but down south I imagine it's always in season . OUCH !
crude but effective

One time, I was at the drug store checkout holding a basket of all the off-the-shelf products for poison oak/ivy to treat myself with. The cashier told me her mother would use bleach, right out of the bottle, on them when they were kids. They couldn't afford all the fancy store bought stuff, so they found a practical solution. I tried it and it works. It doesn't elliminate it immediately, but it drastically reduces its life span. And it burns , for sure. And, of course, I wouldn't recommend it below the belt...:eek:
Good luck and Happy Holidays!
Drummer , that reminds me of when my Mom used Fels Naptha soap on me and SCRUBBED . Course now if you read the warning lable on the bar it will advise against use on the skin . Gee ,,,,,,I wonder if the name implies what is in that stuff ? ? ?
Speaking of alcohol , I have a friend who is a devoted trout fisherman and will knowingly submit himself to the wrath of poison sumac in the quest of a heavy creel . All he does when done is give himself a good rinse- off (EXPOSED PARTS ONLY) with white or unleaded gas ! And he is a retired biology teacher ...imagine that . And Happy Holidays to you also , Whistler