I want to move a crepe myrtle tree

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New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Ventura Coulnt, CA
I have a Crepe Myrtle tree in my front yard that was there (planted by the city) when we moved in 5 months ago. I want to move it to another location in my yard. I believe it was planted 7-8 months ago. How do I move it? What do I need to do? Soil prep? Will it live if transplanted? Also, how big will a tree like this get?:confused:


Member A.K.A Skwerl
Apr 30, 2001
Crepe Myrtles are generally very easy to transplant. If it was just planted this year, it should be even easier. If the city planted it, I assume it isn't too big yet. When you dig it up, try not to disturb the root ball too much. Come out about a foot from the trunk and cut straight down with the shovel first, then remove the dirt outside that cut. If you just stick the shovel in the dirt and start prying up on the roots, you can snap or damage too many. When you plant it, keep it watered daily for a few weeks, then start cutting back. Use the finger test to make sure you aren't over/under watering. Stick your finger in the dirt next to the roots, if it's dry- water.
Crepes usually don't get too big. They vary from 20-40 feet mature size depending on the variety.
John Paul McMillin

John Paul McMillin

ArboristSite Operative
May 20, 2001
Blackbird, Delaware
digging it yourself ( if it is small ) would be the least expensive way to move it . If it has a diameter of a few inches , you may want to rent a tree spade if you have the room to get one in. Since the city planted it , is it on city property? make sure that you have the right to move it ok. Also it would be best to move it when it is dormant , in the late fall or early spring, not in the middle of summer. john