I'm Tired

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I like the look on some people's faces when they ask if I follow football or such and I tell them no. Most people just don't understand.

Our TV does one job only.. every saturday night my wife and i watch a movie.. We don't have our tv hooked up to any service..
Our TV does one job only.. every saturday night my wife and i watch a movie.. We don't have our tv hooked up to any service..

I wish I could convince the wife to unhook our service. $47/month ain't all that bad though.
I wish I could convince the wife to unhook our service. $47/month ain't all that bad though.
My son still watches it sometimes, mostly Discovery, history Channel, Animal Planet, stuff like that. Like Garmins dad I only use it for movies. TV puts you in a passive mental mode, leaving you receptive to all the junk the marketers, propagandists, hucksters and manipulators want to pour in there. And keeps you from getting anything done - like the Internet does!
Summer time its usually "rock on the belt" by 5:30 and going til least 5, or i'm doing one of the many "other things needed to be done" to keep the company running smooth, lots of those days don't end til 6. Fire Dept on monday nights, and time you take a night to mow grass, and all the other things that need to be done before you know it next weekend comes, tween projects and them functions you need to make an apperence at there the weekend is gone. Winter aint too much different, just shorter days at work, but time to really get more things done. Worked in the attic last two nights til 9 pm, more insulation. WAY behind on splitting wood for next year but thats starting very soon. Just try to keep on keeping on.

I am encouraged to see that there are some grown men in this country who don't think football is the most important thing in the world.
I'm tired,too, but I got some stuff done.I sure couldn't rest with things left undone.Being tired is good for me.It helps me relax.