It Finally Happened--Environmental Process Angers Tree Huggers

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Feb 6, 2007
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Not all are tree huggers. Thought you might be interested in a bit of hippocracy (probably butchered that spelling) when it comes to groups using the NEPA process to stop repairs of a road that is the closest access to a wilderness area for our Seattle population.

They hate me for my snide comments. I can't help myself. It finally hits home for them. - View topic - Suiattle Road Plan has a potential new hurdle

I'd like to point out to them that roads ARE deforestation and a road is a clearcut, and that road appears to be located in a riparian area where it probably delivers silt to the fish etc. You know the game.

The biggest logging hater on the site now says he doesn't care if trees have to be cut if it means the road will be reopened.

Sad, but amusing, in an evil way. I'm a bad person. But I'm enjoying seeing the chickens coming home to roost. :hmm3grin2orange:
The only way the forest would be "destroyed" is the entire only if it were the exact dimensions of the road. That's just absurd.

As for "Destroying Old Grow Forest" Trees do not live for ever, the succumb to disease, insect, wind, flood, fire and use ironically old age. When an old tree falls, it rots in the process providing habitat for all sorts of critters, endangered or not, it allows light in through the gap in the forest canopy allowing new trees to grow.

So to reroute the existing road, it a few old trees may succumb to the chains saw and bulldozer. So what, just toss them aside to create habitat for the afore mentioned forest critters. In the grand scale of forest time, a road is a temporary growing pain. The phrase pavement is forever is out right false! Just hike to the end of the Suiattle river road to the parking circle. Trees are sprouting through the paved surface. The pavement will become just a bunch of black rocks eventually.

This suit serves no purpose to protecting anything but the bank accounts of some greedy attorneys. It sucks funds away from places that could actually use some conservations efforts.:

I do believe that our associate slowp goes by the handle "treeswarper" on that forum? Jurst guerssing curz I dorn't knrow anybordy erlse as fornd of the phrase "swarp".

Well that, and "treeswarper" has the barbie saw as an avatar. :D

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