Liability insurance--Woods porting

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I cannot see any saw modder being able to attain any product liability insurance, the primary reason the act of modding violates federal law-plain and simple, the epa has stiff fines and penalties in place for those that are caught. I would venture to say most modders do not even have a business permit, report income, or pay taxes on the work they do. Some of the bigger modders are just plain nuts, their business whether a business/ a hobby whatever they want to call it is so easy to trace, will all the ups/postal/fedx shipping, records from dealers on parts etc, they are subjecting themselves to an unreasonable risk. Take a person modding 50 saws a year, 15,000.00 in unclaimed revenue, enough to draw the attention of the IRS/ a few years of this will get your house seized. I like modded saws, but sure wouldn't be doing in as visible of manner as some of these guys do. I would venture to say the only guarantee you get with any modder is how good his word is, most are going to be stand up guys. If not they would be crucifies on here in a nano second.
Could you even get it?

I am not that individual and have no knowledge of the situation you are referencing.

Liability insurance would answer litigation issues and take responsibility in situations like the "fellow" looking for a "builder". Situations like that are why it is wise to have liability insurance. This topic is no different than a automotive garage, any other business, having liability insurance for work they do.

Seems liability insurance is a touchy subject.

I am not a builder and won't even do simple repairs for people either, and have been asked to before. Not on mowers saws trimmers anything..I don't want the hassle of something down the road biting me for a few bucks. And I do get asked, twice in the last week actually. I did it with cars years ago, until the day some lady was gonna sue me because her car didn't run right..and all I did was a four wheel brake job....nothing to do with the engine, but it not working was "my fault".. Made me think about stuff like that a lot, and just quit doing it. Oh, I finally convinced her brakes had zip to do with the engine, but she initially was rather irate and threatening....

If I went as a legit business following all the laws, etc, sure, including the insurance, but not on the side, ain't worth it to me. I would *sell* a used article, but won't work on someone else's equipment (outside of my job on the farm).

With that said, I don't know if you could even get liability insurance for violating epa regs and modding a saw new enough to require them.

I don't know enough of that particular law, would it be considered manufacturing? The big saw companies have to jump through some serious hoops to sell two stroke equipment today.

Say like a car dealer, could they get liability insurance for removing-modding-the cat on cars that are required to be there? I've seen a lot of signs in garages along the lines of "NO, we don't install "test pipes".
I think the responsibility would lie more to the cutomer really. I mean its not like some "saw porter" talked said individual into getting his saw ported. Said person seeks out "porter" and wants it ported. As far as I'm concerned the customer had the saw modded, its his responsibility.

Ported saws are safer anyway.

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