Mcculloch Super Pro 125c Complete rebuild.

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Hop back off of that high horse buck'o. It's gottten you in trouble here in the past (2101XP anyone?) . So we spread a little levity. Big deal. That's what you get for leaving the thread unattended for a while. US learn. What's your super innovative new method of disassembling saws that nobody's thought of before. You can't leave us hanging here......:confused:

Another senior member advised that i keep it to myself, and i understand and respect his concerns. He's got alot more experience in this pandamonious zoo than I do.

Also, Ive done ZERO work on my saw or on welding some plastic parts together for another member like i wanted to do today to relax after a stressful day. Im locked out of my own frigging garage thanks to my Quikset-SMARTKEY. Screw you, you malfunctioning worthless POS programmable "smartkey".

I really wanted to take and post some photos and play with the feeler guages and JB weld that i bought and prime some parts.

If that deadbolt doesnt cooperate tomorrow im going to be posting some very unorthodox door breaching techniques involving bottle jacks and pneumatic water charges.

Anyhow, heres all that i have on my phone from yesterday, for now, until I can McGuyver or force my way back into my own damn property...



Another senior member advised that i keep it to myself, and i understand and respect his concerns. He's got alot more experience in this pandamonious zoo than I do.

Also, Ive done ZERO work on my saw or on welding some plastic parts together for another member like i wanted to do today to relax after a stressful day. Im locked out of my own frigging garage thanks to my Quikset-SMARTKEY. Screw you, you malfunctioning worthless POS programmable "smartkey".

I really wanted to take and post some photos and play with the feeler guages and JB weld that i bought and prime some parts.

If that deadbolt doesnt cooperate tomorrow im going to be posting some very unorthodox door breaching techniques involving bottle jacks and pneumatic water charges.

Anyhow, heres all that i have on my phone from yesterday, for now, until I can McGuyver or force my way back into my own damn property...

Why would someone tell you to keep it to yourself? Are you going to be patenting the process?

Post some pics of the door and lock, maybe we can offer advice on how to get in.
Hi, umm is this the thread about rebulding a Mcculloch Super Pro 125c?

Does anybody know where that thread is? Im looking for any information that will lead me to a socket that will remove the black screws with the odd shaped head that attach the piston connecting rod to the crank.

In the illustrated parts list, page 15, the screws are referred to in item 32 part 110720 as "screw-spline hd special".

I started this thread to learn, and there's information here to be had if we can keep this discussion on topic....

Yes.....rebuilding a saw is the Title of this thread.....but you flogged the #### out of this thing in an effort to make an engine that need work fart a few times. That ain't "rebuilding" hell that's ####ing #### up.

There's a reason these guys have descended on you.........take a good look in the mirror.

I'm out.....
Filled it with water and put it in the freezer?

Actually that is a really good idea and i wish i would have thought of it but i also think that the water would just drip out of the fuel line hole.

If you really want to know IM me. There was some concern that people who dont know what they're doing could hurt themselves or break something by doing it wrong.
Actually that is a really good idea and i wish i would have thought of it but i also think that the water would just drip out of the fuel line hole.

If you really want to know IM me. There was some concern that people who dont know what they're doing could hurt themselves or break something by doing it wrong.

It should be okay if you tell them the right way to do it. It's not like you sprayed starter fluid in the tank and lit a match, that would just be stupid.

I'm always interested in learning new thought processes and techniques. This thread has been eye opening.

I really have learned from it - and laughed quite a bit. I am by no means a 2 stroke expert....the air leak stuff is new to me. Very interesting.....and hilarious.

Thanks, and I hope this continues.

Hey Thomas!

Where's the OP?

Did he now lock himself INSIDE the garage?

We may be looking at new worlds in locksmithing ..... :jester: