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Gypo Logger

Timber Baron
Dec 8, 2001
Reaction score
Yukon Territory
Hey, get this inta ya, a cute lil 026 Arctic, 3/8 RS square, c/w 15" Winsor, blasts thru pecker poles like no tomorrow. No fixed jets here, shaked and baked by no other than moi. Dont know what I would do without that compression valve, but it drop starts like so much yo-yo. 346's beware of this lil turkey carver. No parting with this baby, and why would I?
I actually sliced and diced some wood today. After doing just one cord, I thought my rearend was spittin donuts.
That saw would look a helluva lot better if it had wood chips all over it, indicating actual work was being done.
Your such a hoser Lambert. All that supposed knowlege and all you do is sit around on that boney a$$ of yours smoking stale cancerettes, watching trees grow and contemplating how you can become more popular on this forum. What a waste of the air we breathe.

Why the hostility? This forum enjoys a high signal to noise ratio, and in keeping with such, it would be best to mute such inflammatory language a few stops down.

Maybe a call in to Adam Corolla on his show "loveline" might help you find some solace?

Just a thought for next time.

poor Gypo

Now I dont do a whole lot of postin on this forum, but that is bacause there are a ton of folks here who know more about this stuff than I prob. ever will, but I learn from it every day.
Now when I see a post or reply from Gypo, I get all giddy becasue I know he is going to say or post a pic of something wacky that makes me LMAO while I am truggin through my work day. Some of those pics of his, while bizarre at times are a friggin kick! Keep on bein you Gypo, I have never met or spoke to you before, but think you are definatly one crazy logger!

Go Gypo Go !
You and others are great on this forum with info, comments and some really twisted photos. might want to look at the thread about "this site going down the tubes" and rethink your hostility towards Gypo.
Hmmm...., why would kravis want an affirmation of Gypo`s popularity?

Glad to see the whole travelling circus including kravis, porkuface, and Beavergirl are back, and of course Doug and John.

Haven't heard from otto in a while, bet he would have some thoughts on why a husky is better Gypo's stihl.
what the...

So am I to assume this was all a little friendly ribbin here?
Sorry if I jumped, but ment no disrespect to any one, just didnt understand I guess.
Every now and then, AS gets a little long in the tooth. These "OT" threads are all in fun, more or less just to break things up a bit. Just to let you in on a little inner circle secret, Gypo, Jokers, Beavergirl, Dennis, Porkuface and Kravis are all me. In fact, I personally post as 93% of the total Arboristsite membership.

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