More internet pictures of the woodticks at work!

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John Paul Sanborn

Above average climber
Apr 25, 2001
Reaction score
South Eastern WI
Nice face there 'ey! :eek:

Is the double dutchman a reference to the two toenails on the notch?
Look at the monkey grip(no thumb) on the saw. The saws don't have brakes or have had them removed. These guys will likely be the subject of the next "arborist dies" forum.
Guys like this stumble through job after job with no idea what they are doing, yet amazingly get it done. They smash fences and gutters daily and will probably eventually get hurt or killed, or worse yet, hurt or kill someone else.
I bet they are quite proud of the job they are doing, as proof, they post these pictures on their own website. How did they get this far along in their career(they have lots of expensive equipment) with no clue about the proper(safe) way to do things.
How come there's TWO guys close to the tree? Should only be the guy doing the cutting at this stage.

Bunch of yahoos! I wonder where the tree actually fell. He's got his back cut started level with his notch and looks like it is plunging downward. About to make an out of control felling there. He probably corrected his poor backcut by cutting thru the hinge.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by netree
How come there's TWO guys close to the tree? Should only be the guy doing the cutting at this stage.


You are so right! I just lost a friend when a tree crushed him to death because he was too close. :(
Tim, I have always felt that the money was useless unless you're alive to spend it.

I don't try to break anyone's balls, but despite the competition in this business, we're ALL supposed to try to help keep EVERYONE going home in one piece, with the same number of body parts at the end of the day as they had at the beginning.

There's not a person here who can say they have never done something REALLY dumb, at least once. We should all consider ourselves lucky enough to tell about it.

There are those people who will get REALLY pi**ed of if you try to point something out. Those are the ones who won't last long. I've been doing this for over 20 years, and I'm STILL learning.

Nothing wrong with being confident, but humble.

Servicable, comfortable PPE can be had for less than a $150 for a whole set... hard hat, hearing protection, safety glasses, gloves and chaps. What's YOUR life worth?


By the way, in the pics on my website, it may appear I'm not wearing PPE, but I AM... Some photos were taken during breaks as an afterthought (Hey, go stand over there so I can get a pic!).
net tree
since you brought it up. how could you have that pic of the guy cutting the maple on your business web site. its a miracle that guy did not get killed.(is it you). did your insurance broker see that pic? i'm sure if he did you would loose your policy.

we all do or did some stupid things with a saw but why show the public when your trying to promote your business?

i'm not trying to attack you. but i don't feel you have the right to jugde as long as that pic is on your site.
i thought i was going to have to eat my hat because i did not notice the cable. but even with the crane it's still an unsafe cut. once the pressure is off the tree could swing either way. the boom is not over the tree.

crane or not its still a cut i would not make. either cut some from the butt til it rolls or throw a rop and pull it over with a truck. why would you stand under that to make a cut. if you didn't trust the tree to climb it, why would you trust that punky limb to hold the weight of the trunk over your head?
There's a tagline tied off to the side, KF. The crane was on some pretty dry, but solid wood. I didn't climb it simply because I didn't need to.

in retrospect, I think I should have taken some picks, instead of just using the crane to lower it softly to the ground.

No offense taken, by the way. It's good that we try to observe such things in eachother- it's how we teach eachother about safety and learn new and better ways of doing things.


erik, i'm glad you did not take offense. but after you pointed out there was a crane i looked the pic over and was unable to see a tag line.(i'm not saying ones not there) but since the cable and tag line is not easy to see. i think its a poor pic for a business web site. at a quick look it just looks like some nut with a saw showing poor saftey habits. i'm sure you do enough great looking quality jobs that are far more pic worthy than that one.
i think its a poor pic for a business web site. at a quick look it just looks like some nut with a saw showing poor saftey habits. i'm sure you do enough great looking quality jobs that are far more pic worthy than that one.


The web site is the brainchild of my girlfriend. I know, the pics aren't that great, but they're a start. I've only had the site for a few months. Seems like we never think of taking pics on the good jobs, ha ha. Maybe a nice digital camera would be cool. Most of the pics are taken by the customers themselves, but I would like to start taking more, and re-vamp the way the photo gallery works. Oh well, another project being "chipped" away at. Got any cool ideas anyone?

Speaking of chip(s),

Have you ever seen someone sticking their leg in a chipper to push stuff in? :eek: Saw a Northern Tree groundie do it a few days ago. D-U-M-B!!


Originally posted by netree
Have you ever seen someone sticking their leg in a chipper to push stuff in? :eek: Saw a Northern Tree groundie do it a few days ago. D-U-M-B!!



How about their whole upper body?
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That guy should be canned and told to find another line of work, while he still can.

You can make an idiot wear a hardhat and place the wheelchocks behind the wheels, but that doesn't make him safe! your MIND is your best PPE!
have you guys ever worked with a 20 inch chipper? the infeed deck is about 4 feet long. now load blocked up wood into the feed wheel. enough wood to fill a 25 yard truck. now please tell me how you will get the wood from the ground on to the feed deck and lift the feed wheel useing the hyd controls working by your self ?
I usually cull out some push sticks when chipping the brush, if I bother turning my brain on long enough to think 10 minutes ahead. They chipped up a LOT of nice push sticks when they chipped the brush from that tree. A few forked 2"-3" sticks tossed to the side really come in handy when you get down to nothing left but wood.
KF wrote
"have you guys ever worked with a 20 inch chipper? the infeed deck is about 4 feet long. now load blocked up wood into the feed wheel. enough wood to fill a 25 yard truck. now please tell me how you will get the wood from the ground on to the feed deck and lift the feed wheel useing the hyd controls working by your self ?"

A small winch might help, or maybe re-locating the hyd. control. You should NEVER have to stick a part of your body into the feed area with the unit running.

I keep a piece of 2x4 with a 12 inch piece of 2x6 doweled (not screwed or nailed) onto the end in a "t" to push stuff in with.

Would any of that help?


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