NH Grinder-SS Washers-Shims

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Make sure folks understand the lead time is long and then have them send money with a prepaid envelope for shipping. I have no problem with that and don't think anyone serious about them would.... might weed out the ones who don't really want (or want to pay for) them.

My Rant……

I really appreciate and respect the way you are doing this Rob but you must remember that handshake business is based on integrity. While most here will have that integrity it truly is something that most folks in this day and age do not possess. You have to remember that anyone can join this site, there is no qualification process or prerequisite for joining. You also have to remember that most folks will take something if it's free even if they don’t need it and some will see this handshake business as a way to get something for free. I personally like the handshake approach you have chosen, and seeing the people who have sent the money helps to reaffirm that there are still people with integrity left in this world. I think most folks will not only appreciate this kina of faith in your fellow man, but as you've seen reward you for it. However people with that kind of integrity are a rarity these days and while quite a few of those folks are here in this group there are going to be those that will remind you why this world revolves around contracts and legal action these days. I know you are not making any money on these things and that you are really providing your time as a service to the members. I also understand you not wanting to post the names of those who did not pay, it just goes to show the kind of integrity that you possess. True everyone has troubles in their life and I can respect that, but anyone who lacks the integrity to send the few messily dollars that Rob is asking for these knowing the time and money out of his own pocket that he has invested in this non-profit operation to help them out should really take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror, there is really no excuse for not paying.

Anyone who is truly unable to pay should at least have the decency to contact Rob and explain there situation. After meeting Rob in person and seeing the kind of guy he has been here, I believe that if you truly could not afford to pay he would probably tell you to pay him when you can or just give it to you, but you owe it to the man to at least contact him.

Thanks Rob for your time and integrity just let us know what you want/need us to do, and if there’s any way I can help personally just let me know.

Integrity - moral soundness; character, fibre, fiber - the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions; probity - complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles; honestness, honesty - the quality of being honest

+1...Nice post Erick. I have no problem with pre-paying. This may be the best way for you to go Rob, especially if you're receiving non-payment for what is already a complimentary service that you're providing. I think it's intolerable that folks are not paying you this nominal charge for the service that you're providing. Just let me know how you wish to handle things if you decide on a change. Best Regards!
I think an ebay BIN dutch auction would be a good idea and taking paypal off of it. Although I know that would cost you a little more for ebay fees and paypal fees but you would also probably be broadening your audience to other buyers, raise the price enough to make a few bucks and eliminate non payers.

I know I would gladly pay more because I don't have the tools to build a shim as nicely as you do. I might be able to half as something but I would rather get the right part for the job. Also if the ebay thing was working you might be able to do larger runs with enough extras to have some on hand for shipping. Either way I am just thankful you are still making them as I was afraid I had missed the boat.

Oh yeah, post number doesn't mean anything for me, I have been a member a long time but just never participated. Would hate to be excluded because of not wanting to show my ignorance. I would rather read and learn then babble away about useless info. Guess I am starting to come out of my shell ;p
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I would kick in a couple of bucks on top of that also.

+1, as I did as well.

I really think $3 isn't enough. For your time,effort, supplies.

Heck, Rob is really a great guy, he didn't want me to pay him anything, since he was a bit late. I paid him anyway, and threw in a extra couple bucks. I didn't care how long it took to get them, since I figure he's the one doing us all a favour on this.
What you're doing is above and beyond generousity. When Eric first posted his ideas for making shims, I thought that was a wonderful thing; someone actually sharing their knowledge to help others. Then, you come along and even build 'em for everyone! I never asked for shims, because I felt that I should make them myself. I don't have any nice cutting tools, but I bought a small sheet of stainless, rigged up a circle cutter on a drill press, and after an hour or so of deburring rough edges with a dremel, I ended up with workable shims. Not pretty, but works fine, and who's gonna see 'em anyway!

So, I can see the amount of time someone would have to invest in order to produce what you're providing. Once again, giving them away for $3 is above being generous. I like finding a good deal, but I would feel guilty if I asked you to mail me a set at that price.

I don't even have one of these grinders but I'd like to thank you two for going thru so much tbl. :clap: :clap: Maybe I should go out and buy one so I can get on the list. :) :)

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