Oil prices driving up firewood too?

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even off road fuel is over $3.00 a gallon..... I don't think we will ever see $2.00 a gallon fuel ever again in our lifetimes... if it was summer I wouldn't care cause I can use 100% biodiesel but with it in the high 20's at night my truck dosent like to fire on it cold even with 3-4 cycles of the grid heater

like your sig firwood. i'd like it a lot more if you included the next 6 words, and didn't take my post out of context.

nut up dude.
Heating oil here is about on par with gasoline prices. Right now it just over $3 a gallon (but going up fast with gasoline, after the price of crude oil has gone through the roof). So in terms of Sweden, we pay far less, and about $800-900 USD or a 264 gallon tank, or HALF PRICE. High Swedish taxes for you...


Here you can get money from the goverment if you stop burning oil and put a pellet burner in your oil boiler.
But the pellet price is going up to :(
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Bug in the wood

I live in western Pa. about 10 miles from Ohio.certain counties in Ohio are not taking any wood from over 30 counties in ohio and at least 4 from Pa.Some kind of bug they are trying to stop.I don't know a lot about it,mabe somebody has more info.Last week at a local auction where they sell firewood they were not allowing people to off load their wood if their drivers lis.was from the affected counties.Can see this raising the price of firewood locally.
Emerald Ash Borer is the culprit. It is devastating ash populations in the affected areas.

Firewood prices are down a little in my neck of the woods mostly due to a supply glut from last years very mild winter.
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I'm in a quarantined area in NW Ohio we can haul anywhere within the quarantine but thats it. EAB is devistating and will kill every ash tree eventually they say. I have a couple creek bottoms loaded with 20-24"DBH Ash. Dozing skidder trails this week to harvest them. Sad to see them go but might as well harvest them while theres some value to them rather than see a stand of dead worthless trees in 5 years.
I saw on the news this morning that firewood dealers in Albuquerque were asking something like 225 to 250.00 a cord for what looked like ponderosa pine. I was thinking of going up to half of that price, maybe I'm just not optimistic enough.:laugh:

In central Wisconsin cut and split oak is around $100 to $125 per cord if you haul it yourself. A face cord sold to city people goes for around $75 if they haul it home.