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ArboristSite Member
Dec 7, 2001
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Anyone planning to come to Oslo? European Congress and Tree Climbing Championship is on the 20/22nd of june. I can't make it to Seattle and would be nice meeting some of you "Forum guys"...
There is a possibility of sharing a double room in a hotel that would cost $33 dollars per night per person. Anyone interested? (I guess Scandinavian girls are not bad - although I much prefer the mediterranean type...)


I like to look at the Mediteranian type, but dancing cheek to sternum does nothing for me:rolleyes:.

must be tall, athletic, intelegent and articulate
John, You forgot Must be able to Hold rope & fuel/oil Chainsaw.Ability to change a chain is a plus! :D
Sergio, it is american personal add short hand so the people looking for mail-order brides can fit alot in in 2 column inches.

37 year old single white male, in search of single woman, (probably should have been SF).

Just one of the se things <g>.

Since JPS got this thread off-topic real quick, here's a quicker link to Sergios website: Sergios website: Since its in Italian, the dot com should read: http://www.tree-climbing.it Great pictures! The Altavista Babelfish website translator wasn't much help for the text, though.

Pic from Ghivelder's website

Oxman's website
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Off topic? My post was directly related to Sergios :D .

I have a one tracked mind,
and it frequently becomes derailed.

I have a mind like a steel trap,
it often rusts open.

I have a mind?
Other than the homepage, I thought Babelfish did a great job of translating the words, even though "arborist" isn't their dictionary, among other words. If nothing else, it made the site understandable to me. I particularly liked the animated GIF of footlocking.

www treeclimbing it
. . . it is annoying on the trees. . .
Is that the true translation sergio??? and is "clutch nodes" right for friction hitches??
GREAT Site ...and the translation is fun
". . . it is annoying on the trees. . .
Is that the true translation sergio??? and is "clutch nodes" right for friction hitches??"

I don't know where that comes from, but I assure it's not the true tranlation. "Friction hitches in italian is "Nodi di frizione". By the way, is there any difference between the words hitch and knot?

Since Oxman decided to post a picture from my website, I'd like to mention that the girl in the photo is my daughter!

Eventually, I might translate the whole site into english and put it under the domain tree-climbing.info. Do you think it's a good idea?
Well, I guess none of you patriots will be coming to Oslo...

Alas, it is too costly. I would miss work, pay to fly out, then have to do it again for ISA in WA.

If I remember it right, a hitch ties a single end of line to an object. Timber hitch.

A knot ties two ends tight.

and a bend is a semi perminant attachment of two rope ends. Sheet bend

Here is a great knot page. Keeps getting better.

Thread about anything

Max, age 12, looks like he's having some good, clean fun in this nine foot diameter redwood. More old growth climbing pics on the (just updated, including Uggh%#! Euc topping) website.
Like father, like son. Let's get the rest of you guys/gals to post pics of your kids.Arboreally yours,
OK segio I get that iit is not the true translation...
....its annoying on the trees.....
But what is it !!
Please tell me otherwise....its annoying on the Murph....
Hey Oxman,
I respond to the challenge

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