I think the big pucker factor had to be descending the tree with a face and back cut made in that nasty bugger.
Had to be a nervous few seconds.
Looks like you handled it pretty well. A nasty dead one for sure.
One of the worst hack jobs I ever witnessed was a couple of lawn jockies
were topping a 75 ft norfolk island pine next to a mobile home.
The "climber" went up their 28 ft ladder[no gear at all] ,placed a rope about 15 ft above that ,made a face ,and back cut ,then ran down the ladder ,and out to the street to help the other guy pull on the rope.
Next problem was on their 2nd or 3rd yank, the rope came untied.
The "climber"then had to go back up the ladder and up on the already cut top to retie the rope.
I watched all of this in total disbelief from the canopy of another tree around the corner from them.They managed to pull it over on the next attempt somehow.
They underbid me on that job by $100 ,but the HO came close to losing their home.
The park manager refered them because they trim the palms there every year with their 25 ft bucket truck[old cable truck].
I guess that made them "QUALIFIED".
Didn't mean to hi jack your thread.It just reminded me of that job.
Nor am a comparing your work to that of the L...Js, as their tree could have easily and safely been climbed and lowered in pcs.