Shindaiwa 488 air filter

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ArboristSite Guru
Jan 29, 2002
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I bought a new Shindaiwa 488 at the very end of last season. I used it long enough to put about one gallon of fuel mix through it before summer hit. When I checked out the air filter, I noticed a significant amount of dust had gone through it. I thought possibly the dealer didn't seat it correctly, so I closed the choke flapper thingee and blew it out with an air hose. I reseated the filter, made sure the housing was nice and tight and cut about a dozen cuts through a couple 8"-10" diam. osage orange (felled last winter.) The chips I created were I think my chain was sharp enough. I checked it out when I go home and there was the dust again....INSIDE of the air filter. Someone told me last year that the harder woods like hedge will create this type of dust....which is a problem then, 'cuz that's about all I cut.

Right now my plan is to blow it out after every use with the afore mentioned flapper thingee shut, but even so I'm worried that some of the dust will get into the engine.

Any suggestions?

Hi Che', I think every saw ingests a certain amount of wood fibre, particularly Huskys, due to the tornado effect of the air injection system. You may be able to get an "HD" filter for your saw, but you are definately on the right track by cleaning the filter regularly.
You will be amazed at the extra mud that exudes from the filter if you use brake cleaner to clean it. Using 40:1 is also extra insurance if you run the saw to factory specs. on the rpm.
I hope to see you posting on how you opened up the muffler a bit to get those gains we all talk about.
Keep the home fires burning.
Gypo, I havent noticed any dust on the stihl saws I have owned. I am going check my 372 tonight to see if it is letting any dust by. If it is I am going to be a bit upset as contamination wears a two stroke out much faster than it would a four.
I own more Shindaiwa saws than I need, The 488 being one of them. I noticed the same thing with the dust inside the air filter. I wound up going to the heavy-duty filter (part no. 99909-488p) costs about $40. You get a large K&N style filter with it. After the change my problems ended. I also have a Shindaiwa 360 and 377. Both of these saws have the same style filter as the stock 488 filter. They have no heavy-duty filter available for them. The one 360 I run I bought used ( by the looks of it, it had alot of hours on it ). I recently tore the top-end down to replace the rings ( I was doing some mods to the saw so I thought that I would replace the rings while I had it apart) and the cylinder and piston were fine! I just clean the air filter after every time the saw gets used.
Thanks guys! That was quick!

Rich, guess I'm going shopping tomorrow. $40 for a filter!? If it will work though, guess I don't have much choice. It was pretty scary to see this. Thanks for sharing your 'fix'...I was really hoping it would be a simple one.

Ben, I'll wait for this new filter before I run it again. It's going to rain again tonight, doubt I can get the truck out there for a few days anyway.

John, you're going to have to wait a bit I'm afraid. I think this 'gold plated' air filter is the only modification I'll be doing for a while. ;) This saw is quite a bit different from the other little Jonsered and the Sachs-Dolmar....I need some time to get a feel for it. I'm looking forward to being able to put in a full day with it soon....but I think I'll wait until it's colder (as in your picture, hopefully minus the snow.) It's too slimey to get the truck alot of places. Oh, I am running 1:40.

Thanks again!
I had the same issue with an old Stihl 038Magnum I owned for 10 years. No heavy duty filter available and the nice filter setup on the 044 wouldn't fit. I bought a new air filter for it at least once per year and it still got a lot of dust past it. I think the heavy duty filter that Rich mentioned would likely be your best bet, and probably cheaper in the long run.
I would first take a shot at getting a replacement filter via factory warranty before buying a new one.Give the dealer you purchased the saw from a chance to make it right,before you spend money which may not solve the problem.

Hi Che', with all due respect to others, never subscribe to an "unconditional" gaurantee ethic. Some product purchasers are a just a freakin " pain in the arse". The stuff I return represents less than 1/2 of 1%, cause I'm not looking for a problem, but would rather believe it was a problem of my own making. I guess this is directed at those big ballbabies that think a perfect life is someone elses responsibility.
Frank's Planks
Sorry Yall, I forgot the picture. I was wanting to start it up, but there's no choke and I didnt want the place to smell like gas.
Doug Fir

One thing I should add about the heavy-duty filter kit is that it is more than just the filter. It has a new base,filter,cover etc. This new filter assembly changes the profile of the saw. The cover has a "hump" apperance to it and can get in the way of handling the saw. This hasn't been a problem for me, but I thought you would like to know. Ask to see the parts picture before you make your purchase.
Hi Che, normally I agree with the premise of what Gypo is saying, but on the other hand You paid good money for a premium brand saw and it is not living up to those standards in filtration. I would bring it back to the dealer with a "dirty Throat" and tell him to warranty a new filter for you. This could be a $40 advantage for having bought locally vs the internet. I have seen on a few occasions where the filter element was warped and allowed just what you are describing. I am not familiar with the means of attachment between the 488 and the filter but is it possible that you overtightened the element and deformed the sealing area? If you did not deform the element, maybe your dealer would be willing to knock something off the price of the HD unit if that`s what it takes to make your saw right. I wouldn`t have any qualms about laying on the dealer for some good dealer support, after all, that`s all they can offer for the additional funds they get when you purchase from them vs online.
I have seen many brands of saw do exactly what you are describing but I have not noticed the increased incidence that John refers to with Husky`s Air Injection, in fact, those Huskies that did have a problem got a new element and the problem went away. I have to admit though that I have not had the probably hundreds of Huskies that Gypo has had so he would be more likely to notice this trend. If anyone percieves this to be a widespread problem with Air Injection or Jonsered`s Turbo cleaning, all you have to do is discretely increase the size of the vent in the top cover which will ensure that no positive pressure exists in this area, thus preventing the perceived forced induction of wood particles. The cyclonic cleaning of the intake air will still function properly. Russ
I just called the 'dealer'. I bought this saw from the farm equipment store we were quite familiar with....great place. They knew both of us by name, even knew our equipment models and their quirks by heart. I felt confident buying from them. Well, they sold out to a 'rentall only' company within months of my purchase. The guy I talked to on the phone seemed to want to go with what ever *I* was suggesting.....quite willing to sell me the filter Rich described right away over the phone. I told him I'm bringing the saw in this morning. I'm hoping I can get one of the mechanics to come up front while I'm there though.

I don't think this is a gasket, leakage thing. It seems the dust is going right through the filter itself. I emailed Shindaiwa last night about the same time I posted here. I'm expecting a 'form letter' to 'take it to your nearest authorized Shindaiwa dealer'....but maybe I'll get lucky and they'll give me more insight on the problem.

Rich, that certainly makes more sense (housing, etc for that $ amount)....could you tell me in what way this new design 'gets in your way'? Your hindsight is probably alot better than my foresight.

Frank...I think I understand what you're saying...I wouldn't consider myself a 'ballbaby'....but..... if I've paid money for a NEW product I expect it to perform as it should (buying used changes that, IMHO.) I've complained about alot in my years as a consumer and almost always gotten some type of compensation or satisfaction. I only complain when I feel totally justified....but then I'll dig my heels in. The guy who I talked to on the phone said he's never heard of this problem. If that's true, then perhaps it's my choice of hard wood that is creating MY problem with their 'less than perfect' which case, I guess I'd shell out the $40....and keep on sawing. If there is something wrong with the filter itself...then I would certainly expect them to replace it.

Out the door......Che
I've got the heavy duty filter on order. They haven't heard of this problem before....if this doesn't fix the problem I can return the new filter. This is not under warranty....

I called a larger dealer in Lexington to see if they'd had this problem before....they said no....they also said I probably had the chain on backwards...chains make CHIPS...not DUST. (I laughed and assured them that wasn't the case...could tell I'd be going now where fast with these people)
Originally posted by che

Rich, that certainly makes more sense (housing, etc for that $ amount)....could you tell me in what way this new design 'gets in your way'? Your hindsight is probably alot better than my foresight.

Basically, The new filter top is of a "humpback" design. It sticks up way past the point of the original. This sticking up tends to get in the way of your left hand - left wrist sometimes catching on the underside of the wrist. This hasn't been a problem for me.
Thanks Rich, I guess I'll just have to wait and see if it works and how it feels. Cross your fingers for me. :)

I took off the cover, the prefilter is all yellow (hedge)...inside it's clean. :D

This huge, bulky cover makes for an ugly saw.....IMHO.'s not noticeably heavier and so far hasn't gotten in my way...just 'looks' deformed.

This isn't the best image, but you might be able to see the yellow dust (at about 11 o'clock)...this is the connection from the OLD filter <i>directly</i> into the carburetor.

One problem solved. Thanks for all your help. Che