Should Oakwilt be banned?

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Should Oakwilt be banned

  • Get rid on the tinfoil hat wearing, ufo watching, backstepping, mental case.

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • No, don't get rid of him, just get him help and medication.

    Votes: 27 77.1%

  • Total voters


The Silverback
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Cincinnati, Ohio
For the past few months Reed has contributed nothing aside from his political opinions. This is a site for chainsaws and tree stuff. Since he refuses to be be constructive I think his tenure here should be cut short.

I know I'm a big mean meany but I'm trying to improve quality.

Flame away my skin is thick.
Originally posted by xander9727
For the past few months Reed has contributed nothing aside from his political opinions.
That is an exaggeration, but the truth in there seems unfortunate. Wiltie's energy is p'ed away on arguing politics with reactionaries when other issues go underexplored. However, most of the political wrangling goes on Off-Topic, where it belongs.;)

This is a site for chainsaws and tree stuff.
You are wrong; Read the title again. Chainsaws have a separate forum, as do logging, heavy eqpt., etc. Still those topics get dumped in CTCAC. Because viewers don't hit the View New Posts button, they lazily go to CTCAC for everything. :(

That makes this site a mess. I agree that political opinions don't belong here, but neither does much of the rest. So what is the big deal? :confused:

I know I'm a big mean meany but I'm trying to improve quality.
If that is true, then you will start a useful thread instead of harassment.:cool:
This is a site for chainsaws and tree stuff.
You are wrong; Read the title again. Chainsaws have a separate forum, as do logging, heavy eqpt., etc. Still those topics get dumped in CTCAC. Because viewers don't hit the View New Posts button, they lazily go to CTCAC for everything

I'm right, I said site not forum.

I know I'm a big mean meany but I'm trying to improve quality.


If that is true, then you will start a useful thread instead of harassment.

I'm trimming away fat. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. There are a lot of people on this site that I totally disagree with on most issues. However, they still are productive members. Reed has the potential to add a lot to this site but he chooses to concentrate his efforts on being disruptive and argumentative.
I'm sorry I impair your efforts at McCarthyism Xander but on the contrar if you type oakwilt in search you might find I've provided a bit of information the past few years.

On the topic of reactionary politique your slamming anything not Bush goes clearly against the grain of American fundamental and consitutional right - yet still I contain point by point redress in the Off Topic where it belongs, unless of course some like yourself leaks it into the main focus, like you've just done here.

From Forestry (1996 Texas Forest Conservationist of the Year) to Chain Saws (valid observations of Stihl...a 30 year devoted customer) to Residential Tree Care (parasite intervention and soil reconstruction) to Sponsered Sites (treatise on intravascular injections) I think perhaps offer a bit more substance that you can critique.

Go ahead and vote - I'd be glad to dis the site if favor suggests and leave tree care principles up to your one-sided political agenda (I maintain I didn't vote for Clinton).

Be ignorant at your own risk.
Reed's inane political drivel is sometimes irritating but don't ban him! I doubt that more drugs would be helpful either.;)

Reed, You know, I think that you ARE a bit of a kook. Maybe, you think that I'm a lockstepping mindless 'conservative'. Perfect conditions for friendly debate, right? Don't let the poll discourage you.:angel:
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It doesn't as much as Xander's blood pressure, I'm a bit worried about his anger regarding his saw he's not recieved yet.

He's young enough to be one of my illegitimate children when I was but a lad and thinking with me weenie and orders from above. Time and experience led me down the better road. I was just calculating that I was removing 90' Elms when he was watching Sesame Street and I wrestled with David Bradleys on my belt while he was pounding a square sponge into a Playschool round hole with a foam hammer.

It's all in what we know and how we learn, I still respect and identify with Master the Blaster while feeling exactly what Guy discovers in observations. Maybe I tend to dis the glorified fleets of Davey but still work closely with their lab in Kent. I have a widow-retiree-sick children barter programme and move work towards those local tree guys when the job can be better done with Jaun and chainsaw as oppossed to Reed and his expertise - a cost effective fair-use practice of business for the consumer against market monopolies.

Boils down to feelings and laments for the America I know doesn't exist anymore at the minimalls and WalMarts we have today. Choose one or the other, there can't be much in between but there's a small possibility that we can progress forward instead of mired in a small group of financier's interests that we all become mindless consumers at our own risk and peril. Black and white is too easy, and the outcomes are unacceptable. We have to have a gray area instead of suppressing it in favor that money can be made by any means possible, the normal Joe be ????ed.

Vote and see.
Trying to chase a first class ARBORIST off cause you don't like their politics/or them... it's cutting off your nose to spite your face. This isn't
I wont choose either of the vulgar alternatives proposed by Xander. He takes for granted the absolute truth of his suppositions which to me is delusions of grandeur on his part, Lol.
Lots of the territory coverd by Oakwilt is beyond my area of knowledge, but I feel that he is much more open to question established belief (which history has proven so many times to have been so wrong) than a lot of other people here who would judge him. Very often it seems that ones efforts are appreciated in retrospec when the audience has the benefit of more maturity and the enablement of hindsight. Though I wont elevate Oakwilt so by implication, I ask you to remember one anti-establishment, rabble rousing bastard from the past, who is quite a central figure in the predominant religon of our country, the late JC. I think we all get much too complacent with our beliefs. If running contrary to the opinion of a lot of the most vocal and vehement posters here is by itself reasons for turfing out, I suppose I should be considered as well for banning, but maybe I flatter myself!
How married are we to our belief systems? And then when someone comes along and suggestes we've got it all wrong, Is it so much easier to attack teh messanger than to re-examine our cherished beliefs... WE ARE ALL VICTIMS OF THOUGHT CONTROL!!

Carefully spoonfed a deliberate diet of spin and subjective "truths".... Social engineering... more prevelant than any here could possibly know.... I find it hard to believe that some here that I respect so much for their personalities and perspectives stand so firmly and so far from my perceptions of "reality"... Yet we all share a love of trees and the work we do.

I personally consider reed a great resource... He may not be perfect, but his perspective is unique and wonderful... If I want the standard "dribble" I can just pick up a book or google some subject...

I'd like to see us all be flexible when it comes to sharing our unique and often varying perpectives... Seems that in America, the left and the right are having ever increasing difficulty in hearing each other... Maybe Costa Rica would be a welcome change!

I think your way out in left field on this one. Oakwilt may have some strange views on some issues, his contributions on issues pertaining to plant science have been very helpful and informative. I think we here on the site are fortunate to have someone of his caliper willing to share information so freely.

Many of his posts are over my head, without taking the time to read them line by line and research the data he presents. Few here can match his knowledge and expertise, just my opinion.

Seeings how Oakwilt has been brought onto center stage for the moment, I've often wondered if Wulkie hasn't been masqurading as Oakwilt, there writing styles are very similar, coupled with their impressive knowledge of trees. :D :D

Ummmmmmm; i'm sorry Mr. Xander but Dr. Reed might have taught more about trees; than most of us has ever has accumulated. So, perhaps a lil'more lattitude to see deeper into his vision; but even just as a person contributing positively here, has commited no crime.

i believe these 'transgressions' you point to are further not in chainsaw, climbing, tree health (residential?); but in OT (off Topic/ OverTime) Forum. As any balance that McQ tried to lend once upon a time; i think that is the appropriate, out of the way place mainly.

As those of the new millenium, joining tree care/werk and computers to this forum like about never before; i would think and hope that this is a different place. Not just a place for tree folk; but one for intelligent, thinking tree folk. Ones that can reach wider peripheals.

i think words of anger and negativity should be farther beyond the scope of this place, more so than trying to lend helpful thought. The former is what the site's 'Rules of Order' state is out of bounds; the latter, more of what is invited by our host i think.

i don't think it is our place to vote anyone out; but rather the moderators. Any problems should be taken to them, rather than seeking to rally against another; especially of this calibre.

Just my opinion,
noone listens anyway!
Now that's freedom of speach!
No, rest assured He's not me or me is him.

He did however, force me to follow style, use paragraphs, and attempt proper punctuation. On the tree issues he was a mentor of sorts when his constructive urban forestry management techniques were ridiculed by career bureaucrats just counting the hours and holding out for retirement. The status quo.

I miss him in some ways.
xander9727 is the same

person who posted here several pictures of a raccoon that he killed with a chainsaw. And he thinks Oakwilt has problems?

All politics aside, Oakwilt seems to take tree disease diagnosis & treatment to a much higher level.

Chris J.
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you need to open up your mind and see past people's politics and understand them as fellow human beings. A republican, democrat, greenie, or anarchist does not a good or bad person make. As has been amply pointed out Reed has contributed copious amounts of tree related substance to this site.

Learn to respect people not because of their beliefs but because of how they conduct themselves and what they give to the world. My politics are on the opposite end of the spectrum from people like Stumper and Netree, yet I still hold them in high regard. I've even got a shred of respect left for Rocky J. ;) However, I am quickly losing repect for you.

and no, I'm not going to vote in your inane poll, and yes, this does belong in Off Topic with the rest of the political crap
Orders from above and Walmart, well those are your two favorite fallback positions, But now blaming your weenie, that's original.:rolleyes:

When he gets too much he's easy to ignore, even without the feature.:D
Well, if nothing else, I learned a lot about folks politics on this site, I had to go and read that whole thread to determine a view.

personally it's pretty clear to me that no matter who wins in November, we lose.

My suggestion: vote for someone else, Ralph Nader, Libertarian, hell, write in Homer Simpson. If enough people would all do this, the two parties would start to sit up and take notice.

There are wide varieties in opinion in this small(From a statistical standpoint) group of people.
Unfortunately, some of them have made it their job to attempt to limit the expression of those opinions, or completly discount the reasoning (or lack therof) of those whom with they disagree. Putting this post in the climbing thread is phenomenally ignorant and disrespectful to everyone who reads it. Perhaps starting a "Personal Attacks and Forum Warfare" thread would be appropriate
I say no. That wouldn't be fair. No one even started a thread yet wether or not to bann me. Can't you just put him on your ignore list? We can't just go picking on people unless they are gay or something like that.
I think the tone and suggestions in the thread starting post are well within the guidelined behaviour of personal attack and flaming and warrant an apology. Certainly tree care site doesn't need it or off topic either for that matter. Move the thread or remove it entirely.