This Could Be My Last Post!

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. AS Supporting Member.
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Santa Cruz CA
While my wife was at work tonight I bought a super nice 090. Tomorrow she is going to rip my fingers off my hands so this post could be my last. Or maybe I won't get up the nerve to tell She Who Must Be Obayed for a few days. In the mean time let me tell you about the saw. It is a very lightly used 090 from a divorce sale. The owner had not run it for years but had drained the fuel after its last use. The saw fired right up but it does not hit full RPM. Compression feels like a new saw, the paint is almost perfect, and the fins are like new. It had a 5' bar and 1/2" pitch Stihl chain on it but I gave those to my buddy who picked up the saw for me. It has a spur sprocket so I'll run by the dealer tomorrow and see if he has rim and drum for it. Oh and the clutch looks new and the bottom of the saw is not scratched at all and neither is the top cover.

The air filter had a bit of redwood saw dust stuck to it but it washed out clean with Oil Eater. It is hard to believe how poorly the air filter protects the saw. It does not seem to seal well at all. Maybe I expect too much with such an old design. The chain adjuster is the only part that needs replacing besides the vent hose and grub screw. Well I guess I had better replace all the hoses since one is bad.

Is there anything I need to keep an eye on with an 090 (1970s vintage I think)? I will post pics here tomorrow BTW.
Redwood dust on a saw from California? You dont think, nah no way. It's good to see another guy posting who has a home manager he admits he must deal with. Most of us just say" I tell her what to do" and then go sleep on the couch......Lanny
If that saw is pulling 1/2" chain on a 60" bar it probably is a 090G. If that is the case you might want to get the bar and chain back.
I alwayse tell my wife "don't get mad, get used to it"

hasn't worked yet, but she may get used to it someday
i thought my cad was bad you should see the GF's, the lovely came home with a $500 prada purse the other day and the stoopid thing wont even fit her wallet in it. so i told her i get free reign on whatever saw's i want in the next month. she wasn't happy with the 395xpg purchase. or the 2165 or the year old 2152 lol.

I never have seen one of the 090's in person up close,,but all the pics and vids. I seen,,one bad to the bone saw.....Not a speed demon,but seems to me what I seen from vids. and heard torque monster frm hell....
Thats something you enjoy and hope she understands too...At least your not bar hopping and chasing other women....That 090 is a investment,,and keep it in great shape and a few more years down the road see what they sell for... Enjoy my friend!! :cheers:
We need pics!:popcorn:
Tell the wife it's an investment.:hmm3grin2orange:

The saw will not reach max rpm's out of the cut. It has a air vane govenor (operates off the air from the flywheel). It will close the choke almost instantly if you rev it up with no load.
Here are some quick pics. I'll be back tonight.


Nope, it's not an 090G, but still in very very nice condition! You may have a hard time finding a rim-drive drum for it. It took me a few weeks of watching eBay to grab one, but maybe your dealers would have a few kicking around.

I feel the same as you about the air filter. When I mill Douglas Fir with mine the red bark dust gets in every nook and cranny the saw has, and the filter is starting to lose a bit of its flocking, so it's time for a new one. I wish someone made an aftermarket replacement of better quality.
Nope, it's not an 090G, but still in very very nice condition! You may have a hard time finding a rim-drive drum for it. It took me a few weeks of watching eBay to grab one, but maybe your dealers would have a few kicking around.

I feel the same as you about the air filter. When I mill Douglas Fir with mine the red bark dust gets in every nook and cranny the saw has, and the filter is starting to lose a bit of its flocking, so it's time for a new one. I wish someone made an aftermarket replacement of better quality.
Didn't one of the forum sponsors just announce that they're making the drive sprocket for an 090? I think so.

**EDIT** Nope. It was for an 090G. Look here:
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Dude, that wasn't sign enough??? Oh well, that sucker'll prolly outlast most marriages anyways. SWEET!!!!!! Can't wait for pics.


That's why it's "lightly used", every buyer got divorced and had to sell it to cover costs. So, now it goes onto the next guy and wrecks his marriage. "The 090 of Marital Destruction".

My wife was with me when I bought my 090 on eBay. She asked whether I had put a high enough bid in for it - good girl. It was a perfect runner, hardly used, just like this one.

As far as domestic relations go, chainsaws are viewed in a positive light. At least she always knows where I am - just listen for the two stroke noise.
My wife was with me when I bought my 090 on eBay. She asked whether I had put a high enough bid in for it - good girl. It was a perfect runner, hardly used, just like this one.

As far as domestic relations go, chainsaws are viewed in a positive light. At least she always knows where I am - just listen for the two stroke noise.

That's all fine and dandy until you have kids and then you are allowed to own them but not run them because "you will wake the baby"!

That's why I'm on here and not "out there"!