Are you ready for the COLD weather coming?

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Iam ready. Once this cloud cover leaves Michigan in next day or so it is going to get wickedly cold. Right now i have 6 degrees, but supposed to be in - numbers most of next week. Then we have the wind factor. Stoke the stoves!
They keep talking about it this week coming up, but man it was 3 lastnight here (Owosso). 3 or-13 doesn't seem to be a heck of alot of difference.
Well, I stacked my wood in the barn so that the crappier stuff went first. I just busted into the rows of the best wood I have. Fabulous! Rock and suger maple, some gnarly beech (beech is all gnarly up here due too bark disease) and yellow birch, all split and dried since April of last year. A bit of red oak too that's 2 yrs old. Worked out perfectly as Jan-Feb are the coldest months for coastal Maine. :clap: The old Glenwood cookstove oven gauge is pegged on 500 degrees with the good stuff! :cheers:
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Working on it....if I can get off of this computer!

I need to go out and cut....I'm working on it....if I can get off of this computer!:chainsaw:

Arctic blast hitting upper midwest tomorrow, they say going down to -30f Tuesday night, and a high Wed. of -4f . I cleaned the chimney and hauled in about 2 weeks worth of wood yesterday. Bring it on.
I just re insulated my attic on my had R11 on the ceilings and i put R19 over the top of it.. I've only owned this house for 6 months, but its nice being off the water.. my last apartment had a water view and it was frigid in the winter..I just brought up 2 cords of maple and ash from my grandmas....should last a few weeks.
Friday in the Northeast

Predicted to have a high of 8-10F. Coldest high here in 5 years, nightime temps -6 to -10F with windchills -25 to -30F. If I wanted this, I'd live in Minnesota. I brought some BIG hickory rounds to the OWB today in anticipation of this arctic blast. These really extend my burn times. Ain't free heat grand ???:greenchainsaw:
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Oh Yeah, I'm finally getting to put fire in the stove again. We haven't needed any heat in our house since a few days before Christmas. Time to burn up some red oak :clap:
It's Here! - 22f this morning. I don't think we are going to see above zero temps for about 4 more days. Windy too minus -40's wind chill.
Forcast for Wed. night "Partly cloudy. Lows 24 below to 29 below zero. Northwest winds 10 to 20 mph. Wind chill readings 45 below to 55 below zero."
Damn I think I will just stay home Wed. and Thursday Screw work right now I can't get it above 55 in the shop where I work, damn nat. gas ceiling heater.
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It is nasty out here today. All the schools closed and lots of blowing and drifting snow. I threw in 3 more logs this moring just to be safe till I come home from work. Hope it makes it. I am still learning this beast.
It amazes me how you guys survive that, my wife wants a fire if it gets to 50F. Of course, cutting firewood in Aug. when it's 110F makes me wonder if I should move a little further north. Needless to say, all my saws remain on the "summer" setting, lol. Do they make a water cooled saw? :)
Just reading some of the temps you guys deal with makes me cold. They are predicting single digit temps for the end of the week, and the locals have been calling all morning for wood.
At least they arent waiting until Friday night and the last stick going in the stove like they usually do.....:clap:
-35.1 this morning, my Harman TL-300 was cranking at 600, the basement was at 80.5 and the upstairs was at 70.2.

It is currently a balmy -15 outside, a whole 20 degree difference in under 6 hours. :jawdrop:
degree sign ° can be made by holding down the 'alt' key and
typing 248 or 0176 on the number pad, it should show up when the alt
key is released
Thanks I'll try that.
It's clear up to -14° It worked cool you learn something every day.