Buddy hurt in saw accident...Wear your chaps/pants!

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Yeah I always figured in brush or limbing they would catch on stuff and be more liability than safety anyways.

Correct. But if your doing urban tree work I like the chaps easy on off. And like I once did 8 hr a day falling in the woods then I wore safety pants with sewn in ballistic pads because your always in undergrowth / brush.
all that may be true... but the way I look at it is... the bar to use safety gear is pretty low in terms of hassles and $$$ spent. VS if heaven forbid an accident happens... having chaps on or not...

it could make the difference between being a life changing event or merely a bloody but minor inconvenience.

anymore I feel really funny... when I play hooky and not wear my safety gear with cutting with my smaller saws on a minor job.

The only safety gear I wear are ear muffs, safety glasses, and steel toes. I've been runnin a saw and splitting wood since I was a kid and I have never had any kind of injury whatsoever. Honestly I really do need to invest in some chaps and a helmet/faceshield (should have swiped one from my last job!) but regardless I make sure to be aware of what I am doing at all times. My mentality is a trip to the hospital is going to cost me in terms of lost productivity as well as being at the mercy of the evil :censored: who live to be able to overcharge you as much as humanly possible for whatever they possibly can. I've had plenty of jobs that a lapse of concentration could have been lethal, that and riding a motorcycle with all the retarded SUV drivers that can't seem to see anything smaller than a school bus have only reinforced the notion of paying attention to what you are doing and putting yourself in a position to be able to deal with things going wrong.
all that may be true... but the way I look at it is... the bar to use safety gear is pretty low in terms of hassles and $$$ spent. VS if heaven forbid an accident happens... having chaps on or not...

it could make the difference between being a life changing event or merely a bloody but minor inconvenience.

anymore I feel really funny... when I play hooky and not wear my safety gear with cutting with my smaller saws on a minor job.

I'm not going to argue cause you guys are right, plain and simple, there is point blank no real reason not to wear the right safety gear.
i hope the fella gets use of his leg. i can definately say that from my experience chaps are hard for me to work in and are hot so i use those excuses to not use them as i should. i do have pants with added protection that are not that bad to were in summer and they are also not bulky as chaps in brush. i have been sawing full time for 16 years and so far no saw accidents. but i am fresh out of the hospital from cutting two fingers off . i was working on the blower of my 3-53 detroit that is on the knuckleboom and some how while holding onto the blower i slipped on the greasy platform and bumped the start button as my index and middle finger went into the blower.it turned over just enough to mash my fingers off.my partner had to get a socket and turn the crank back to get my fingers out of it. they were hanging by nothing but my fingerprints. he rushed me to the emergency room and that er doc just stuck my two fingers back on with a total of 8 stiches. needless to say i had to go back yesterday and have a real doctor cut them back off clean them out ,remove the crushed bones and try to put them back on straight. the er doc left grease and leaves in the fingers as he bragged on how they would be just fine when he gets done. i thought it was ironic that i have never cut myself with a saw and cut off two fingers mechanicing on the knucleboom. sorry if i hi-jacked this thred but just wanted to vent on my own misfortune. i,ll blame my rant on the painkillers.ha ha:chainsaw:
i hope the fella gets use of his leg. i can definately say that from my experience chaps are hard for me to work in and are hot so i use those excuses to not use them as i should. i do have pants with added protection that are not that bad to were in summer and they are also not bulky as chaps in brush. i have been sawing full time for 16 years and so far no saw accidents. but i am fresh out of the hospital from cutting two fingers off . i was working on the blower of my 3-53 detroit that is on the knuckleboom and some how while holding onto the blower i slipped on the greasy platform and bumped the start button as my index and middle finger went into the blower.it turned over just enough to mash my fingers off.my partner had to get a socket and turn the crank back to get my fingers out of it. they were hanging by nothing but my fingerprints. he rushed me to the emergency room and that er doc just stuck my two fingers back on with a total of 8 stiches. needless to say i had to go back yesterday and have a real doctor cut them back off clean them out ,remove the crushed bones and try to put them back on straight. the er doc left grease and leaves in the fingers as he bragged on how they would be just fine when he gets done. i thought it was ironic that i have never cut myself with a saw and cut off two fingers mechanicing on the knucleboom. sorry if i hi-jacked this thred but just wanted to vent on my own misfortune. i,ll blame my rant on the painkillers.ha ha:chainsaw:

Pain pills will make you grouchy for sure, the stronger they are the grouchier you get. :chainsaw: Good luck with the hand.
Here ya go Rope

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I came to Ar because the heat was worse where I once lived I had a heat episode in Houston Texas in my youth and never one since. I have learned the signs and symptoms and do things to prevent being overheated. I will not wear chaps in hot conditions as a stroke has a good chance of being fatal and a cut can be but odds are better for survival imo.

Can you elaborate a little about the run in with heat stroke? What happened and what was done to treat it?

I understand the dangers of heat stroke, the importance of hydration, and the need to keep a close eye on your buddies/co-workers. I've been lucky enough to only have to deal with a half dozen heat related injuries.

Personally, I wear shorts all summer long. So, I routinely wear my chaps over the shorts. Additionally, we keep lots of water available and make a conscious decision to "go easy" on the bad days.

btw..I have "Heli-Loggers" on the T.V. right now and it looks like one of the climbers is working on a case of heat stroke.
Wearing a helmet

I wear chaps, a Stihl wire mesh face shield, safety glasses under that and hearing protection; but, I don't wear a helmet. I'm an avid firewood sawyer. I drop green trees and I cut in slash piles. I'm curious about your thoughts on the wearing of a helmet. Should I get one?
I wear chaps, a Stihl wire mesh face shield, safety glasses under that and hearing protection; but, I don't wear a helmet. I'm an avid firewood sawyer. I drop green trees and I cut in slash piles. I'm curious about your thoughts on the wearing of a helmet. Should I get one?

Helmet can help you in a few ways:

- cutting a tree and a branch falls off (a.k.a. 'widow maker - sexist, I know);

- cutting a green tree and it falls into a dead tree, resulting in said widow makers;

- saw kicks back in the slash pile and hits the brim of your helmet instead of your face;

- holds your face shield and ear muffs together;

- makes you more visible in deer season;

- (there may be others).

If you have the saw tilted at an angle your hand may not be in a position to trip the chain brake.

YUp. Bet it was a sideways motion of the saw. YIKES!!!! This is a good reminder. I bought chaps six months ago, have ever used them. I will use them this Saturday when we finish droping the hackberry......

Prayin' for your buddy!
Can you elaborate a little about the run in with heat stroke? What happened and what was done to treat it?

I understand the dangers of heat stroke, the importance of hydration, and the need to keep a close eye on your buddies/co-workers. I've been lucky enough to only have to deal with a half dozen heat related injuries.

Personally, I wear shorts all summer long. So, I routinely wear my chaps over the shorts. Additionally, we keep lots of water available and make a conscious decision to "go easy" on the bad days.

btw..I have "Heli-Loggers" on the T.V. right now and it looks like one of the climbers is working on a case of heat stroke.

Whhat happened was the hottest summer in Texas records in 83 I was a pup 19 and thought running to the chipper with brush was my job. I way over did it became nausious and kept going until so dizzy I had to break and then thought people would think I was a :censored:y so started again and made it to the end of a ten hour day that was 115 degrees and 97 percent humidity at the end of the day I set in my truck wondering when I would be ok to drive and finally thought I cooled off and left for the motel. Halfway there I needed fuel so stopped at a gas station and when I got out I hit the dirt locked up with cramps in my legs,stomach,arms and basicly everywhere my skin was dry and someone asked if I needed an ambulance I said no I can't afford one and layed there until the cramps stopped. I went in to pay for the fuel and the air conditioning dropped me again and I told them don't call I will be ok and can't afford a doctor. I was a young stupid kid and did not even think of it being a workers comp claim and hard headed enough to not go even if I would have known. It was very important to not be a :censored:y so important I would likely rather die. This is an honest story and yes I am smarter now but it is a wonder I survived that day and even the night was bad I puked at the motel and did not feel good until around ten that evening!
Dont you just love dry heaving your guts out, panting like a frightend dog while trying to figure out which way is up and which is down.

I had a little heat problem on the yarder sale i cut. i wanted to finish up my section befor lunch. It was about 3 loads of chesnut and red oak,good sized stuff. I was cookin, no stop except to re-fuel. With 45 minits left and like 6 trees to go i had to sit, kept sitting and no relief. layed down and still agonizing head and stomach pain. My chicano friend gave me some water and it was all over.. after the puke and lack of puke episode i made my way to the yarder to ask my boss if i could go to the truck.

I left my saw... where i sat and went on to the pickup, 20 minits later the baddest gully washer of that summer came to cool me off.

it was just a little too late...
Gone for the weekend, found this in my inbox when I got back. Be careful everyone!View attachment 90831

Last word is that he should make a full recovery. Tough go for the surgeon because the saw removed some material........

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