Deer damage to my wood hauler...

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ArboristSite Guru
Oct 2, 2007
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I live in Cleveland Ohio
Hit a big one coming home from work Friday evening. Came out of nowhere and bolted right in front of me and lot of other traffic. He was a big one and boy was he solid! Knocked him down at 35mph and got back up and made his way on across the street. Hope he's not suffering out there somewhere.
From the picture, it looks like you got away pretty clean. These deer are getting out of control around here. Everywhere you go, they can be found. Usually in packs of more than 4 or 5. I hear they have them in downtown too. The metro parks and CVNP are over run by deer. Definitely need to watch out when driving around those parks.
Yikes!.. Sorry to see that... Everyone should have a Dougee-Bumper.

Moose tested @ 40mph.:greenchainsaw:
From the picture, it looks like you got away pretty clean. These deer are getting out of control around here. Everywhere you go, they can be found. Usually in packs of more than 4 or 5. I hear they have them in downtown too. The metro parks and CVNP are over run by deer. Definitely need to watch out when driving around those parks.

Yep...starting to see more and more of them. Thankfully it was just the grill and the shell that took the brunt of it. Still a good couple hundred pun intended:).

What's a Dougee Bumper?
10 last week.

7 on the way home with the kids one eveing. Split the group...


3 the next morning taking the kids to school.

These were right in front of vehicle on the road.

Luckily had time to slow down...

Yep...starting to see more and more of them. Thankfully it was just the grill and the shell that took the brunt of it. Still a good couple hundred pun intended:).

What's a Dougee Bumper?

Custom bumpers my friend Doug makes... Steel or aluminum. They look sweet, and stop damage from animal impacts.

He just got another one in the other day, where this guy hit a pilaster at 25mph with one of his steel bumpers. It saved his truck from utter devastation, and only did minimal damage to the bumper.
Usually the way it happens is, one comes across, The driver swivels his head too follow it, and bam a second one gets smacked.
Glad you didn't get too much damage though and sure hope the bucks not suffering out there (unless he's in my drive).

This past late summer I was coming home on my motorcycle (dusk) and sure enough had the scenerio above nearly happen. I really don't know how I missed but I remember the "watch for the second one" coming into my head just as I swerved left. Almost felt like I had a hinge at the halfway point in the cycle frame the way I got round it. Clipped my rear blinker and his head brushed my shoulder. It was huge moment for the old ticker!
Funny you should mention that...

This past late summer I was coming home on my motorcycle (dusk) and sure enough had the scenerio above nearly happen. I really don't know how I missed but I remember the "watch for the second one" coming into my head just as I swerved left. Almost felt like I had a hinge at the halfway point in the cycle frame the way I got round it. Clipped my rear blinker and his head brushed my shoulder. It was huge moment for the old ticker!

I was just thinking about what if I'd been on a motorcycle! Sheesh!
i hit one last summer with my 66 mustang , it was a very sad day, i went down in the ditch and kicked it for hurting my car.

We have a notorious orchard on my town line.

Back in High School one of my classmates had a Karmann Ghia.

In one week, driving his girlfriend home to my town after school, he hit a deer..three times. Last one was took the car out of commission for a while.

Go forward another 15 years or so, one of my friends comes home, wife is sitting on the couch with an ice pack to her head.

"What's wrong?"

"I got hit by a deer."

"Oh my God, how bad is the car?" (Note: It does not buy you brownie points when you express concern about car before wife...)

"Car's fine. I got hit by a deer. Deer's head came through the open window and hit my head."

"What happened to the deer?"

"It died."

"You're kidding me?"

"Go look across from the orchard."

He did. Came home with the venison. :hmm3grin2orange:
We have a notorious orchard on my town line.

Back in High School one of my classmates had a Karmann Ghia.

In one week, driving his girlfriend home to my town after school, he hit a deer..three times. Last one was took the car out of commission for a while.

Go forward another 15 years or so, one of my friends comes home, wife is sitting on the couch with an ice pack to her head.

"What's wrong?"

"I got hit by a deer."

"Oh my God, how bad is the car?" (Note: It does not buy you brownie points when you express concern about car before wife...)

"Car's fine. I got hit by a deer. Deer's head came through the open window and hit my head."

"What happened to the deer?"

"It died."

"You're kidding me?"

"Go look across from the orchard."

He did. Came home with the venison. :hmm3grin2orange:

Heck of a story:cry:
Any pics of these Dougee-Bumper's?


Let me see if I can get a couple pics from him.

I was thinking this was from the Red Green Show.

Seems like testing it might be hard on the moose in your area.

Hahaha... I'm gonna relay this to him, he'll laugh his butt off. The moose testing was done without the consent of the moose, or the truck owner! LOL
that's why we need hunters to harvest deer!!!!

the only time I struck a deer was near Joplin, Missouri. Was in my Porsche 911 on the interstate passing through but took a side road to get fuel.

came out of no where... about a 150 lb doe... slammed on brakes and only got damage to the drivers side mirror and front fender. could have been much worst if I had not reacted so quick.

drove down to the next gas station... and found someone that could harvest the deer. no use wasting a perfectly good deer.
Living in rural MN, it is not if you are going to hit a deer it is when you are going to hit a deer. The deer are so thick around here that I am starting to consider the deer my pets. They walk right up right up to your front door and say "Hi, Do you have something to eat?". The attached picture is from Nov 08, my daughter carved a pumpkin and placed it on our front steps, along came a deer and it had a snack.

This year since we got allot of snow and it has been cold the deer are starving to death, others are dieing from disease the ones that survive are getting hit by cars. I hope the people who decided to stop the extended hunting season and the management tags are real happy they saved the deer from a quick and painless death. :bang:

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