Hey Joat / THall

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So is it fair to say that a rational person wouldn't have asked that much for it?

I don't remember Joat or Thall calling him out in public, where's that at? If I felt like somone was trying to stick it to me I sure wouldn't have sold it.

I don't think that is a minor imperfection, especially if Joat had plans on porting the saw.

Everything has a price and I'm sure he would sell it to you, since it only has a couple broken fins on it!

BTW would you expect the cylinder to be had at a discounted price? I'm curious what would you pay for a cylinder with missing fins? I bet it wouldn't be alot.

No use in arguing with them...... It is just the way they are.:greenchainsaw:
Without taking sides, two broken fins are functionaly inconsequential. How many cyl. have you seen that were impacted with sap and sawdust and still ran ok?
But that's not the point. It looks ugly and devalues it for resale.
I think the 2 parties should be happy if a new or gently used jug was exchanged for the suspect cyl.
Without taking sides, two broken fins are functionaly inconsequential. How many cyl. have you seen that were impacted with sap and sawdust and still ran ok?
But that's not the point. It looks ugly and devalues it for resale.
I think the 2 parties should be happy if a new or gently used jug was exchanged for the suspect cyl.

My take on it as well. But the parties involved agreed otherwise.
Unbelievable! If Brad couldn't figure out why the saw was bought in the first place it would be beyond my comprehension. He was openly called out on Tradin Post on how in the hell you could get so much in a saw that started out at 350.00, Joat actually asked some very pertinent questions, the post was deleted by a moderator as it was none of Joat's business, Joat was asked to put up or shut up, in my opinion he "put up" with a ton of cash for that model of saw.
I personally would want the saw as advertised, it had better be a 9 on a scale of 10 for that kind of money.
Whether Brad knew or didn't notice the fins is only known to Brad.

I personally am far from having the detailed knowlegde some of the people on this site have about saws. But I fix my own when possible.
I think it's reached the point where their definetly is a group, and after this post I would include myself in this group that is tired of all the drama, the attitude, the profiteering done on this site and it usually revolves around one individual. Vanity and Pride come to mind, nothing humble about it.
There has been a lot of great contributions, but lately "the chainsaw god" attitude, ripping new members about posting in the wrong location, acting if one owns the site is a just a little much. I've seen some post that they think whatever the fee's are to port a saw are ridiculous and a rip off. Hell, if someone is stupid enough to part with 250.00+ to let some one dremel away on a saw, it's their money? If Brad is comfortable with the risk he is taking doing this in such an open manner, it's him and his family that have to pay the fiddler, no one else. But I'll make this prediction today, it's just a matter of time before all this open activity blows up in someone's face. I could care less about it, I have modded saws with a bridgeport for my own use. Dealt with the feds in my gun repair business because some idiot thought I was converting semi AR's into one capable of firing fully automatic, and buddy the burden of proof is on you.
The way I see it after this post is Brad is his own worst enemy, he dosen't need Joat or Tommy or me or anyone else to see himself in the worst light, he does a damn fine job by himself. But I have noticed he is man enough to say , I'm wrong and it does take a man to do it. I give him credit for that.
How many times he has to say it is up to him. The same set of rule should apply to anyone on the site, You can't scream I got burned and then not accept it and take it public when someone percieves they have been burned
by you, can't have a double standard and that's what I percieve as Joat pointing out. This is bad for the individual, bad for the site and just plain bad business airing it out in public.
Space Mule, I agree with you on this one, you've saddly, but truley one hundred percent correct on all counts. This one would be an easy win if litigated. I think I have the legal expertise to win this one.lol
Good post! rep for you
My take on it as well. But the parties involved agreed otherwise.

It's good that it has been resolved. If the seller sent the buyer a new/ used jug without taking the old one back, I bet the cyl. would never be re&re and the new one would end up on another project. Lol
It's good that it has been resolved. If the seller sent the buyer a new/ used jug without taking the old one back, I bet the cyl. would never be re&re and the new one would end up on another project. Lol

I don't think that is the kind of character Joat is, I beleive Joat wanted what he paid for, and if the saw was in perfect condition like it was sold to be there wouldn't be none of this. If this saw would have been sold to someone besides Joat would their character and motives be questioned?
I seem to remember something about Thall ordering some plastic parts for cost last week. Perhaps he can ship those with the saw.
I don't think that is the kind of character Joat is, I beleive Joat wanted what he paid for, and if the saw was in perfect condition like it was sold to be there wouldn't be none of this. If this saw would have been sold to someone besides Joat would their character and motives be questioned?

I agree, had I been in the buyers shoes, I would be disappointed and wanted an unbroken cyl., but I wouldn't change them out till I was good and ready.
It's good that it has been resolved. If the seller sent the buyer a new/ used jug without taking the old one back, I bet the cyl. would never be re&re and the new one would end up on another project. Lol

I would have run the snot out of that saw, LOL. Judging by the pics, maybe that cylinder lost probably 5% of its total cooling surface. No biggie.

But that was not the point. For 750$, I can buy almost a new saw :monkey:
Let's end this!

I take no joy in seeing this thread or the posts herein.

Brad and I have resolved this and I kindly ask that you end this thread.


I would have run the snot out of that saw, LOL. Judging by the pics, maybe that cylinder lost probably 5% of its total cooling surface. No biggie.

I have to listen to the engineers at Stihl. Saws run on the hot side to begin with. A minimum amount of cooling must be present, and removing 5% of the surface area of the fins may very well cut too far into the safety margin.

For an analogy, and I freely admit the limitations of analogies, consider yourself lifting every ounce you can in a bench press, say 250 pounds. 5% of 250 pounds is 12 1/2 pounds. What's another 12 1/2 pounds? No biggie, right? :)

But even if the difference were negligible, that's not the point. What if you bought a vehicle that has a quarter panel with the snot beat out of it. What if the seller said he shipped the vehicle in good condition without a beaten panel and sold it in good condition. Would you care since the beat up panel will make less than a 2% difference in wind resistance going down the road?
I have to listen to the engineers at Stihl. Saws run on the hot side to begin with. A minimum amount of cooling must be present, and removing 5% of the surface area of the fins may very well cut too far into the safety margin.

For an analogy, and I freely admit the limitations of analogies, consider yourself lifting every ounce you can in a bench press, say 250 pounds. 5% of 250 pounds is 12 1/2 pounds. What's another 12 1/2 pounds? No biggie, right? :)

But even if the difference were negligible, that's not the point. What if you bought a vehicle that has a quarter panel with the snot beat out of it. What if the seller said he shipped the vehicle in good condition without a beaten panel and sold it in good condition. Would you care since the beat up panel will make less than a 2% difference in wind resistance going down the road?

I referred to Gypo's post, do not pull it out of context. I did not say that I would have accepted the defect. But if I had received a replacement jug as compensation, I would have left the damaged one on the saw and run the ....out of it, just like 99% of the rest on AS.

Sorry to hear about Hoss's 084. Beware of the big three pees. Yep, pictures and paints and possuers. I KNOW how he feels. Oh, and as a reminder, possuers aren't exclusive to eBay.

Gotsta be careful from whom you buy a saw.

ole joat



Yep. Pay dough for Playdough.

Some people,

ole joat

I'm with ya. I would never buy a repainted saw unless its done professionally like Lakeside did them. He would split the case, paint each half, install new bearings and put it back to together. Anytime you see a saw with the crankcase gasket painted over beware, usually means the case was painted as a whole, never separated for new bearings though claimimg it has new bearings. I see alot of those on E-bay. Gotta look closely to spot it though.

I take it you got nailed Joat. I'll send you my How To Buy A Used Saw Handbook, only $19.95, free shipping,LOL


I got nailed real bad.

I'll get that $19.95 in the mail. Sounds like a bargain. Where were you when I bought that 084?

ole joat

Well Joat I am kinda shy about talking about my 084, known as Bad Bob. Reason being is not to embarrass Bad Bob. For you though here goes.

Ya see the story of Bad Bob is a sad one. He was concieved over in Germany, son of Mean Leroy Brown and Big Burtha Brown . After he was born they sent him to the states here and he was sold into slavery, yup a rental center bought him. People would rent Bob for chores and such but one guy rented Bob and killed him, yup, cooked his engine.

The rental center owners apparently upset that Bob died on the job started selling his body parts. Then one day this man way down on the Gulf Coast bought the remains of Bob fairly cheap. He took Bob home but never done anything with Bob for years.

Then one day while passing through the great state of Virginia that man come upon the THALL MEDICAL CENTER FOR CHAINSAWS. He later brought Bad Bob in to see if he could be brought back to life. Surgeon Hall esitmated he could bring Bob back to life but sadly the man had no insurance of any kind on Bob. He didn't want to pay for Bob's operation either. He left Bob at the medical center and never returned.

About 7-8 months went by and surgeon Hall decided it was time to take Bob home and get him off life support once and for all. He installed a new heart in Bob, (cylinder/piston), attached two new arms, (pull rope assembly and handle bar), installed alot of other missing parts as well and brought new life into Bob.

After years of torment Bad Bob now has a new family and lives a life of luxory. He resides among alot of other saws like him that were left for dead but brought back to life by surgeon Hall. Never again will he be sold into slavery.

Not withstanding surgeon Hall kept a tally of all the parts it took to put new life back into Bob. Reason being just in case that man ever comes back to get Bob. Should a custody battle break out I'm fairly sure after adding 40% to the parts and the cost of the operation itself the man will gladly sign adoption papers giving Bad Bob to surgeon Hall.

So there you have it Joat, sad story huh. Almost a tear jerker I know but on the flip side Bob runs great today and is a happy saw.

Now whats the story on that 084 of yours, did it come from a Medical Center or something? Was the doctor that performed the surgery not up to snuff or what. Now if ya bought it off e-bay its hard to tell how many doctors have had their hands in it. So whats the scoop...


Well, I asked for it, and you delivered. It was most kind of you to bring BB back to life. It sounds as though BB is the King of 084s. So, he sits all day amounst his creamsicle brethern living a life of luxury. You must be every broken down saws dream adoptive parent.

Well, the scoop on my saw you say? Well here goes.

In January of last year I bought a "rebuilt 084". I paid $874 to get the saw. It was nice and shiney. First, the shiney covered up a cracked panel. :( It looked far better in the pictures than in person. Next, the saw wouldn't start without priming it. :( I don't think the carb and filter base were matched. Anyway, it wasn't what I expected.

In hindsight, it taught me to be more careful when buying a used saw. Your "How to buy a used saw" manual would have been invaluable.

This lesson has served me well. I recently picked up a Dolmar 7900 and it was as advertised. I also picked up a MS460 and it was even better than represented. So, you can teach an ole joat new tricks.

Be careful out there,

ole joat


Bad Bob sounds lots better than my 084. I shall call him Too Bad.

I'd like to hear the BB Boogie. Sounds like a fine saw. Maybe I need to find an orphaned 084 and send it to Surgeon Hall's Chainsaw Trama Recovery Center and Shed.

I'll bring a Wendy's #2, cold Pepsi, and sit patiently in the corner of the operating room with my tepid Folgers.

ole joat

What ever! I think you got my point.

Joat, you've turned into nothing but a trouble causing, good for nothing Troll. I'm sorry to have to say that. You haven't always been that way.

You've come into this thread only with the intentions af taking shots at me again. Since you're too cowardly to come out and say it, yes, I rebuilt the 084 you bought, and I'm not ashamed to say so!!! I fully documented its build right here on AS. New crank bearings, brand new OEM P&C, all new OEM seals and gaskets, everything cleaned and repainted. You knew exactly what you bought! It had ZERO problems when it left here.

You'll find where I built the saw towards then end of this thread. It's referred to as the "1st 084". LINK. You'll also find another thread of it here. LINK.

Now if you want to start any more crap, why don't you take it somewhere else. Perhaps learn to deal with your problems as a man instead of smearing your hate all over the internet.


I hope you feel better now.

I know, I know. The UPS man buggered it up.

ole joat

Don't try this reverse projection thing on my. I know enough psychology to see right through what you're trying to do here. This is your problem, not mine.


Yep, the 084 is MY PROBLEM.

Caveat emptor,

ole joat

Had to go a little reading on these two to see their history.

Seems like somebody has sold a not as described 084 in the past too. :jawdrop:
I have to listen to the engineers at Stihl. Saws run on the hot side to begin with. A minimum amount of cooling must be present, and removing 5% of the surface area of the fins may very well cut too far into the safety margin.

For an analogy, and I freely admit the limitations of analogies, consider yourself lifting every ounce you can in a bench press, say 250 pounds. 5% of 250 pounds is 12 1/2 pounds. What's another 12 1/2 pounds? No biggie, right? :)

But even if the difference were negligible, that's not the point. What if you bought a vehicle that has a quarter panel with the snot beat out of it. What if the seller said he shipped the vehicle in good condition without a beaten panel and sold it in good condition. Would you care since the beat up panel will make less than a 2% difference in wind resistance going down the road?
Space, how's this for an analogy, you have a 390 I believe, take the hood off and with a hammer, knock off every fin in sight. Then go cut a bunch of wood, if it blows up I'll replace it with another saw.
All bets are off though if you try to blow it up deliberatly to prove your point. Lol
Had to go a little reading on these two to see their history.

Seems like somebody has sold a not as described 084 in the past too. :jawdrop:

Not true at all. He knew exactly what he bought, just like I believe he did this time. He knew the 084 was repainted. The build was entirely documented in the thread linked above. If it's not obvious to you this whole thing was planned out, well....
I referred to Gypo's post, do not pull it out of context. I did not say that I would have accepted the defect. But if I had received a replacement jug as compensation, I would have left the damaged one on the saw and run the ....out of it, just like 99% of the rest on AS.

True, even if a guy was worried about heat retention, he could always open up the door in the air box which would probably give 15% additional cooling, thus making the saw run 10% cooler with the broken fins. Lol
Epic thread....

New here, but buyer beware.

If the buyer asked questions that were not answered truthfully or fully, then shame on the seller. If buyer did not ask questions and went strictly by the pictures, shame on buyer.

Sometimes the whole truth is not portrayed in a for sale write-up, either on purpose or not. It happens. Asking questions is not a full proof way secure of buying on the internet, but does put a kind of pressure on the person selling to tell the whole story.
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