Hey Joat / THall

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Space, how's this for an analogy, you have a 390 I believe, take the hood off and with a hammer, knock off every fin in sight. Then go cut a bunch of wood, if it blows up I'll replace it with another saw.
All bets are off though if you try to blow it up deliberatly to prove your point. Lol

Space, I take that offer back. I forgot you don't have a modified saw, so that means it's running at least 50 degrees hotter, so if you break the fins off it will be sure to blow up, but I did have a nice purple Wild Thang I was gonna send to replace it. Lol
Locking down or deleting the post is absolutely the wrong thing to do. It is just as educational and informative as any other on the site. It serves as a reminder on how not to do business. You simply don't do it out in the open or both parties are subject to review and judgement by the readers, let them form their own opinions, you let it stay out here visible for everyone and I'll guarantee you'll see less situations like this. Don't set a double standard by deleting based on who's involved. You can't post, then cry foul and then ask for it to be removed or locked. Education isn't always free and painless, had my butt switched plenty of times before I grew up. Wife still kicks me in the hiney from time to time.
Had to go a little reading on these two to see their history.

Seems like somebody has sold a not as described 084 in the past too. :jawdrop:

So was this taken out of context or was this how it went down for the 084?
Locking down or deleting the post is absolutely the wrong thing to do. It is just as educational and informative as any other on the site. It serves as a reminder on how not to do business. You simply don't do it out in the open or both parties are subject to review and judgement by the readers, let them form their own opinions, you let it stay out here visible for everyone and I'll guarantee you'll see less situations like this. Don't set a double standard by deleting based on who's involved. You can't post, then cry foul and then ask for it to be removed or locked. Education isn't always free and painless, had my butt switched plenty of times before I grew up. Wife still kicks me in the hiney from time to time.

I just put another quarter in the juke box. Carry on.
I just put another quarter in the juke box. Carry on.

Hey Joat, gotta agree with indiansprings here. Only people who have somthing to hide don't like things in the open. Not taking sides here, but this is a weird deal to say the least.

apparently, you were unhappy with the 084 deal at first with the same seller, than you pull the trigger on an expensive rebuilt from the same seller, with the same result.

We have a saying here: a mule won't hurt itself on the same rock twice, ....and that counts for both of you.
Not true at all. He knew exactly what he bought, just like I believe he did this time. He knew the 084 was repainted. The build was entirely documented in the thread linked above. If it's not obvious to you this whole thing was planned out, well....

He wasn't happy on the 084 and you basically told him to stick it up his :censored: :censored: :confused: Why?
You seemed so cold and blunt on unhappy customers. Yet you want everyone to run to your aid when your not happy about saws you buy. :confused:

In January of last year I bought a "rebuilt 084". I paid $874 to get the saw. It was nice and shiney. First, the shiney covered up a cracked panel. It looked far better in the pictures than in person. Next, the saw wouldn't start without priming it. I don't think the carb and filter base were matched. Anyway, it wasn't what I expected.

Sir's, could you guys share why this deal went so bad in the past?

I just put another quarter in the juke box. Carry on.

How would this have gone if Ultra did not notice the broke fins in the pics? If I bought a saw for that much and it had two broke fins, I would not be happy to say the least. Weather it affects performance or not, its the point. Joat got a saw that was damaged, and also got called a liar that is was not damaged when shipped. If the broke fins were not in the box, Joat knew it was shipped this way. I would NOT be happy if someone accused me of being a liar! I read the post from the start, once Ultra posted the pics, I knew Brad would do a refund. Im glad everything worked out, and that Ultra posted the pics. Otherwise the finger pointing would have continued. As for Joat, I know he like things in tip top condition. I bought my MS460 from him and it was show-room new condition. It arrived in better than described condition. I was very pleased and I thought Joat was a great guy to deal with.

P.S. Joat, If I knock a fin off the 460 will you give me some money back? :hmm3grin2orange:
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P.S. Joat, If I knock a fin off the 460 will you give me some money back? :hmm3grin2orange:


As I said, if you're not happy or I misrepresented the saw, you can get your money back. Just let me know and I'll send you a UPS return ticket.


Brad has done the right thing, but I will point this out.

Brad claims to have not seen the broken fins. This on a used cylinder going on a rebuilt saw. A saw you would think extra time and care would go into since the point was to sell it. OK, fine, he didn't see the damage.

I do find it remarkable that he spotted flaws in a nearly new cylinder, and then followed up with one of the most epic and infamous threads in the history of AS.

I would think that broken fins would be easier to see than what is pointed out in the following:

Nice casting ehh?

The combustion chamber isn't any too pretty either.

I noticed that ALL the ports are more beveled on the left side than the right. The transfers are particularly pathetic. You have a HUGE bevel on one side, and NONE on the other.
Right Front

Right Rear

Left Front

Left Rear

Here this is supposed to be one of Stihls professional saws. They have majorly dropped the ball on cylinder quality!

...all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword

Hey Joat, gotta agree with indiansprings here. Only people who have somthing to hide don't like things in the open. Not taking sides here, but this is a weird deal to say the least.

apparently, you were unhappy with the 084 deal at first with the same seller, than you pull the trigger on an expensive rebuilt from the same seller, with the same result.

We have a saying here: a mule won't hurt itself on the same rock twice, ....and that counts for both of you.


Nothing to hide here. Here's how it came down.

I asked what I thought to be a pertinent question ("How did you get that much money in it") in what I thought to be the pertinent place, the Tradin' Post section where questions and/or comments can be raised.

Brad called me a "troll" and was offended as he percieved this to be "questioning his character". A site moderator told me that "it was none of my business" and to "pony up". I didn't take kindly to being treated that way, so I accepted the challenge. I made a offer to buy the saw in a thread that needed but three or four posts. It escalated as I'm sure you know. At the time, three contemporaneous threads were running about Brad saws, two that he had purchased and one that he had sold.

At a little before 11:00 AM this morning, I learned that the saw had broken cooling fins and I PMed Brad. As we were discussing this via PM at 11:16 AM, Brad started this thread. Fine.

What do you think I'm hiding? I asked that people stop posting earlier after what I perceived to be "piling on". Most viewpoints had been expressed and after Brad posted for me to send the saw back, I felt the matter was closed.

But, feel free to carry on as you wish,

Not true at all. He knew exactly what he bought, just like I believe he did this time. He knew the 084 was repainted. The build was entirely documented in the thread linked above. If it's not obvious to you this whole thing was planned out, well....

Hold up right there. There wasn't anything planned out about this 066 I have on my bench. I told you last week why Joat bought your saw, you agreed 100%. He was called out to pony up or shut up, he ponied up out of a matter of pride and nothing more.

He asked would I get rid of the aftermarket piston if he had it shipped to me, I said no problem and no charge. Replacing a piston is like taking a wizz for me.

I opened the box this morning while I had a co-worker in the shop. I sat the saw on the bench and it was he, my co-worker, that spotted the missing cylinder fins, not me. I contacted Joat and asked him what to do. He asked would the missing fins hurt anything. I told him I had called Stihl with the same question. They point out one maybe no problem, two is iffy and would probably cause the saw to overheat. Joat told me to do nothing, he was going to contact you.

I received PM's from you and you got replies from me. I can't post yours but I can mine if need be. I told you in one the best thing to do is refund the mans money and merely take the saw back. After that I saw this thread pop up. I told you in another PM you should not have started this thread.

You denied the broken cylinder fins untill I told you to go look at your own pics of the saw. You started this thread claiming it was shipped with no broken fins. The pics, your own, prove otherwise, you was wrong. I told you that as a saw builder overlooking missing fins did not look good on you, thats the main reason you should not have started this thread.

The saw is coming back to you in the same box. Far as I'm concerned its overwith but make no mistake about it, there was nothing planned concerning this saw. I realize some have said the cylinder should be swapped out and others have said the man knew what he was buying. I say BS to both counts. The buyer has recieved damaged goods and its he who decides whether to accept it or refuse it or have it repaired, its all up to the buyer, not the seller. Far as he knew the fins were broken how come not one person on this board saw the broken fins with all the pics of this saw in earlier threads, not one spotted them, not you, not me, so that assumtion is BS as well. If that is a just assumtion why didn't you see them when you had the jug in your own hand. So its best to let this deal go and call it a day..
The last page or so makes the whole picture less fuzzy, it would have been a shame it ended 4 hours ago.
Doubt it will cause any major rip in the fabric of the universe, but glad
the saga balanced out and filled in.
The last page or so makes the whole picture less fuzzy, it would have been a shame it ended 4 hours ago.
Doubt it will cause any major rip in the fabric of the universe, but glad
the saga balanced out and filled in.

Just curious..... To what end did the saga balance out?
LOL!! So the wife gets one and the other's off to snelling. In some cultures that'd be considered a rite of courtship.

And the way it all adds up, we get a half-shod Mrs. Metals, one-slipper snelling, and a shoeless Doug.

That's some pretty sassy stuff right there. :laugh:


Well, one isn't off to Brad yet. . . I haven't gotten a PM with him taking me up on my offer. . . Which is weird, cause it's such a good one? I'll give it another 4 minutes, then I'll offer to throw in one of these:

Hearing from Joat and Thall certainly balanced out things, and filled in all
the blanks in the contreversey, as many here don't read all of this crap.

One man started this turd down the hill, it should keep rolling until we hear
from the other side.

Whether or not the thread should have been started, well, that is another topic altogether, but starting it, and ending it before hearing from the one's
on the other side, well that would have been just wrong.

I am on neither side, as I have no reason to be......

These guys like or hate me for many other reasons than my blind loyalty.....

Which I really don't have.....

Except for Llammabert, he is my BFF!!!!!
Hearing from Joat and Thall certainly balanced out things, and filled in all
the blanks in the contreversey, as many here don't read all of this crap.

One man started this turd down the hill, it should keep rolling until we hear
from the other side.

Whether or not the thread should have been started, well, that is another topic altogether, but starting it, and ending it before hearing from the one's
on the other side, well that would have been just wrong.

I am on neither side, as I have no reason to be......

These guys like or hate me for many other reasons than my blind loyalty.....

Which I really don't have.....

Except for Llammabert, he is my BFF!!!!!

Got it thanks for that...... Oh I agree by the way. Glad to hear the other side of the mess!
I find it funny that I have got a ton of positive rep, only with Trimmed sending me negative rep. I read the trading post before the comment's were pulled, and I stated my perception of the post after reading them before they were deleted,,,,,, Now Trim were did I get the fact's confused?.....
Joat questions the build price of the saw and which in my opinion where legitamate questions from a buyer, if you want to buy uninformed and ignorant of what exactly what in the saw, great for you. I'd want a detailed listing of parts, with a receipt for the parts. It keeps everyone honest. I need some positieve rep to kindly rid myself of Trim's negative.

Now, Tommy to answer the question of another post last night,
Can you make money rebuilding saws and sell them? post
It would be interesting to take this particular saw and start with the 350.00 start point add all parts at the cost of an AS member not someone getting discounts on parts as I do from my local dealer. Put in the time required to do the work at a reasonable non shop rate as an individual has no overhead and come up with a ballpark cost on the rebuilt saw. It would answer the poster's question, Can you make money rebuilding a saw? It's of no relavance how much profit one makes, if you have a buyer for the product, then he/she must have thought it was a value. Making profit is not a crime, it put's food on the table.

Joat, done the admirable thing, he was called out and he put up. I don't think he had anything to hide. From what I have read, he took the high road in the whole deal at least from what you can read. Personally, I agree it is hard to miss broken fins, only Brad knows whether he knew if they were there or not.
With all the detail in previous post, it does raise questions in any reasonable persons mind. If just shows if your going to step out on the field and do business on an open forum you had better be ready to man up.
ebay 660, cinci craigslist buyers beware, another ebay burn,

each of those threads brad pissed and moaned about little defects on the items he bought.

now, when somebody buys something that is broken and he failed to mention that in the listing, we usually call them a dishonest seller or a crook.

so why is everyone mad? joat got screwed from a dishonest seller
funny part is the seller started a thread thinking that everyone would take the side of the AS sponsor.......
im not siding with a crook!

hmm so first the 084 now the 066?
man you got him twice........

you know another funny thing i noticed,
the 681 was slower than stock.... hmm he sold it
the 361 was past its prime.... sold it too

seems he only sells the saws that are not up to par.

time to get off the pedestal and realize your place.........
You are not a god
and lose the superior attitude you are no better than anyone else
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