It's sad a man has to own six 372's, most loggers around here get by with just one Stihl, either a 440,441 or 660. You get more than just a great performing engine with a Stihl, you get a case that will hold up for as long as the owner does. Tommy, hell, ignore the man, you can't help Stihl has a complete line up of quality, all designed for a purpose. Husky just hasn't had a saw in recent years that compares to the 361/362. I'll just take my poor ole Southern azz to the woods again this fall along with my little 361 and have the confidence it will reach over 500 cords cut at a minimun this fall in accumalitive use, I have no doubt it will get thru the upcoming year and many more, it might even need a spark plug some day.
Even though I think the 361 just might be the best firewood saw Stihl has ever built, if buying a saw today, I'd prolly go with the 362, expierenced guys on here that have used both say they have a wider power band, a little more torque and the air filtration and fuel consumption is great. Their is a reason it weights a little more, more metal. Fact is, that with either one you can't go wrong. Unless you are a logger, or doing large tree removals a 361/362 will do anything that 99 percent of the guys on AS would want them to do.
For most, their is no need for the 70/80/90 cc saws other than, hey I own xxx saw and it'll cut through the 22" oak 1.4 seconds faster, just a guy thing or as some call it cad.