Simonized saws.

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Me too lol. Thought my name was "Hey you" until I was 6. When I was 4 my parents bought me bath toys for my birthday. A toaster and a radio lmao. Cheers.
I can't send saws back to USA collect. I have to pay up front, this is a cost I will absorb. If you get your saws to me, I will keep my prices the same and send it back on my dime. Cheers.
This is so neat a coincidence. My dad was often strict, demanding and lacked a sense of humor. Yet he would often thank God that I was not was bad enough! LOL:eek:uttahere2:

My Dad always said I MUST have a twin, cuz there aint no one kid who could be so effed up!
I loved him, too! lol
Man that is Funny right there!!!

If the 7900 muffler is a pain to work on you must have a hell of a time with a can of sardines without a pull tab !!


If your saws are doing twice the work in half the time, I would expect it to last a quarter as long. Sorry, the math geek in my brain jumped out before I could shut him up lol. Cheers.


Hey where is the video of the 460 before the Make over?????
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We'll put the before and after videos's all on the same thread. The saw was just shipped out. We unfortunately got into a pizzing contest with a land owner on clean up after cutting up tops. We clearly state in our contract agreement with landowners we only will clean up/ cut up marketable wood for the firewood market, red oak, white oak, hickory and ash. The place we were on had a considerable number of walnuts harvested as well. After we had pulled out, I got a call from the land owner stating we hadn't held up our end of the deal. After he was asked to read his contract he did admit that he was wrong, but still didn't feel like we had done him right. Word of mouth will kill us in our business and reluctantly we spent more time and money sawing up/piling and burning walnut tops. The land owner is happy, I'm happy that he's happy, getting access to tops is our bread and butter and couldn't risk word spreading we didn't do him right. It was just a lesson that we need to emphasize we do not touch **** wood unless we are compensated in cash or free wood.

It makes no sense to start a before thread and then at a later date start a after thread. It will all be on one thread for viewer ease of comparison.
Saw builders

I do not give bloody spotted owl who builds the saw. If you build saws you need two thing to make a customer trust you,First and most importantly proof of the work done,picts and video are a good start, better is customer notes praising you the saw builder. The second most important thing above all else is some sort of satisfaction guarantee should it fail or the customer is unhappy. Me I trust very few individuals with my money making equipment so if I send a saw out I want to know my saw is going to be usable for what it is desinged for not turned into a expensive paper weight:msp_smile:
We'll put the before and after videos's all on the same thread. The saw was just shipped out. We unfortunately got into a pizzing contest with a land owner on clean up after cutting up tops. We clearly state in our contract agreement with landowners we only will clean up/ cut up marketable wood for the firewood market, red oak, white oak, hickory and ash. The place we were on had a considerable number of walnuts harvested as well. After we had pulled out, I got a call from the land owner stating we hadn't held up our end of the deal. After he was asked to read his contract he did admit that he was wrong, but still didn't feel like we had done him right. Word of mouth will kill us in our business and reluctantly we spent more time and money sawing up/piling and burning walnut tops. The land owner is happy, I'm happy that he's happy, getting access to tops is our bread and butter and couldn't risk word spreading we didn't do him right. It was just a lesson that we need to emphasize we do not touch **** wood unless we are compensated in cash or free wood.

It makes no sense to start a before thread and then at a later date start a after thread. It will all be on one thread for viewer ease of comparison.

Thats a bummer cleaning up someone else's mess.
That was probably Jean-Simon Bertrand of Bertrand's hotsaws. He's the real deal- not your "everyday" builder.

Monsieur Bertrand is head and shoulders above any porter on this site. He is the Builders Builder.