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Maybe you should spend a bit of time in the 101 forum and you can figure out how to get that bad mamma jamma down. Owning a bucket is no excuse for not knowing how to climb. And not knowing how to rig from a bucket is not knowing how to run one. Polesawing above the front of your truck?!?, you wouldn't last a day on my crew with yo flip floppin branches falling inches from MY headlights.

ya if you can reach them with the pole they must not have been much more than 15 foot higher than your bucket you could put a block right their and probably take the whole top from what the pick looks like if you get the block at 55 foot it will give you plenty of clearance from the house. but as i can only see whats in the picture i could be wrong.

and yes knowing to climb is pretty essential to your profit margin you really limit yourself to only doing bucket work as in my case bucket work is the cheaper end of work. if a bucket truck can get it a lot of bidders are their if it requires a crane and climbing less competition i usually win 95% or more of them at top dollar.

Got my custom made exhaust welded together and mounted. Back into the trees tomorrow, got a whole day of trimming and the weather is gonna be nice

Nice work... now sell me that stihl sign in the background
I absolutely love doing trees like that. You can tip tie one whole fork and lower the whole thing off of the other one. Those are the fun ones. Can't say I've ever done one like that in a bucket tho. My bucket experience is limited.

I don't think I'll do that again. I was really concerned about going into the the other tree to the left in the picture in the middle of the yard. Did not want to break all the limbs off it from the top swinging down. Everything went smooth and fast after we took that side of the tree down. Will be able to fly most everything out tomorrow. Have a stone drive to land on and homeowner wants me to blow the chips in the woods so we don't have to run brush! Well, gonna hit the sack early and get some good rest. HO is going to let me start at 8am tomorrow!
Maybe you should spend a bit of time in the 101 forum and you can figure out how to get that bad mamma jamma down. Owning a bucket is no excuse for not knowing how to climb. And not knowing how to rig from a bucket is not knowing how to run one. Polesawing above the front of your truck?!?, you wouldn't last a day on my crew with yo flip floppin branches falling inches from MY headlights.

Couldn't agree more. My equipment is not the best but I take care of it, not going to bounce anything off my truck other than saw dust. I was close to the tree for maximum height but the crotch I was rigging from was 10' away from the truck, right where that pile is in the pic. Not proud of what I did and won't do it again, admit it was a rookie mistake. It's just "what I did today"
Pruned 1 white oak, 1 red maple, and about 5 red oaks. Took down 1 red oak out in the back of the property that I was luckily able to just flop. Neighbor came out towards the end of the day wanting me to take down a poplar for her, and get rid of some vines... figured no problem. They don't care when it gets done, and all I have to do is send a bill and they'll get me a check (just did a 2K pruning job for them last week). Go take a closer look... can't bomb the poplar because of another neighbor (also client)'s mailbox and of course the vines were actually a nasty mess of pricker bushes. This will have to wait for a while.
Well, today I found 2 brand new 200T's at one of my local dealers (who happens to be a friend). One in the box and a demo... I am definitely buying one of them as soon as I collect some checks at the end of the week... I'm just trying to decide if I should make him an offer for both of them... :)
Nice work... now sell me that stihl sign in the background
lol, I had to twist the guy at the saw shops arm to get that sign out of em

Yeah, and I want to know did you kill the Antelope?
my grandfather took that in wyoming (got relatives there) a long time ago. I got it when he passed away. Wife doesn't want it in the house so it lives in my shop along with a barracuda that I didn't have wall space for.
First big day's climbing in nearly a month, since its been so quiet just lately. Took me the best part of the day to rig out a sprawling multistemmed Arbutus, about 80ft. Then blasted out a 130 dougfir to finish things off, or finish me off should I say. I know I needed it but I'm feelin it now I can tell ya. I need another 4,5 days like that to get back where I should be.
I got a call from a guy a couple months ago looking for a job, he had worked for another tree service here. I met him this morning seemed like a nice guy and im sure hes a hard worker. I dont mind tattoos but this guy had two BIG lightning bolts on his neck they took up the whole side of his neck. I was trying not to look at it but couldnt help it. Im not quite sure what it means but have an idea. I told him i would call him by friday and let him know.
I got a call from a guy a couple months ago looking for a job, he had worked for another tree service here. I met him this morning seemed like a nice guy and im sure hes a hard worker. I dont mind tattoos but this guy had two BIG lightning bolts on his neck they took up the whole side of his neck. I was trying not to look at it but couldnt help it. Im not quite sure what it means but have an idea. I told him i would call him by friday and let him know.

I've known plenty of climbers with tattoos, hell, I've know plenty of cops with tattoos, but lightening bolts on the neck... Not so good. I subbed a day for a larger service in Alabama when I was doing storm work and the owner put a groundy with me that had tattoos all over and even on his neck. Can't remember what they were, could have been lightening bolts. He was one hell of a groundy and very likable. People didn't seem to mind tattoos too bad down there. You live in a part of the country that is a lot like the part of the country I live in. People are not as accepting of them here. They just don't go over too well. Hell, they just legalized tattoo parlors here only a couple/few years ago. He could be a hell of a climber and a real asset to you, who knows. I believe in giving people second chances but not at the expense of my business. Tough call.
I got a call from a guy a couple months ago looking for a job, he had worked for another tree service here. I met him this morning seemed like a nice guy and im sure hes a hard worker. I dont mind tattoos but this guy had two BIG lightning bolts on his neck they took up the whole side of his neck. I was trying not to look at it but couldnt help it. Im not quite sure what it means but have an idea. I told him i would call him by friday and let him know.

Ok gotta ask..... what does lightening bolts on neck mean? Like a Hell's Angel with a 1% tattoo type thing?
Ok gotta ask..... what does lightening bolts on neck mean? Like a Hell's Angel with a 1% tattoo type thing?

1. one single Lightning Bolt as a tattoo are fans of the National Football League (American football) San Diego Chargers whose team logo is a single lightning bolt.

2. three lightining bolts mainly white power. and derogatory racism -it can mean power of the gods -self power, strength, and control.

3. Double lighting bolts are the symbol of the SS, Hitler's special forces. White supremacist gangs often tattoo this symbol on themselves.
1. one single Lightning Bolt as a tattoo are fans of the National Football League (American football) San Diego Chargers whose team logo is a single lightning bolt.

2. three lightining bolts mainly white power. and derogatory racism -it can mean power of the gods -self power, strength, and control.

3. Double lighting bolts are the symbol of the SS, Hitler's special forces. White supremacist gangs often tattoo this symbol on themselves.

Thanks, yeah 2 and 3 are scarey!
Ended up running some fire calls yesturday afternoon. First call was 100,000 eggs fell out the back of a tractor trailer because the driver left the back door up when he drove off. Second call was searching the river with our fire company boat for a missing kayaker.

Heres a pic of the egg spill.
I got a call from a guy a couple months ago looking for a job, he had worked for another tree service here. I met him this morning seemed like a nice guy and im sure hes a hard worker. I dont mind tattoos but this guy had two BIG lightning bolts on his neck they took up the whole side of his neck. I was trying not to look at it but couldnt help it. Im not quite sure what it means but have an idea. I told him i would call him by friday and let him know.

Just a observation here. Marines and tattoos..........well yall know. That being said, anyone who tats their head and neck, where it cannot be covered, has a general disposition of "I DONT GIVE A F#$K" Guy could be a ninja and good as gold, but if he gets pissed, the IDGAF attitude will show quickly. On this side of the corn kindom, it would not go well with the HO's, very conservative here. Be careful brudder

Do a background check on him. I use Instantcheckmate.com, its 20 bucks for 30 days, unlimited checks. That way you can see if he has been charged before.
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Ended up running some fire calls yesturday afternoon. First call was 100,000 eggs fell out the back of a tractor trailer because the driver left the back door up when he drove off. Second call was searching the river with our fire company boat for a missing kayaker.

Heres a pic of the egg spill.

Holy cow, er......Chicken
Maybe you should spend a bit of time in the 101 forum and you can figure out how to get that bad mamma jamma down. Owning a bucket is no excuse for not knowing how to climb. And not knowing how to rig from a bucket is not knowing how to run one. Polesawing above the front of your truck?!?, you wouldn't last a day on my crew with yo flip floppin branches falling inches from MY headlights.

Or god forbid he smash a saw or something , cause thats some real hacker #### there ....:msp_lol: