Walbro HD199 Fix

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A story is in order. I like a good tale.......

I framed homes for a lot of years. I started in Raleigh, NC. All the homes we built were stick framed (no roof trusses), so I learned how to lay out rafters for hip, gambrel, dutch hip, bastard hip, valley rafters, and of course straight run. After moving here I saw that everyone built using trusses and no one knew how to build even with the simplest of rafter layout.

Fast forward about 15 years...........the Frank Betz design was starting to show up in Cookeville and these homes have cut up stick framed roofs. It common for a Betz design to be bastard hip and valley with straight vaults thrown in to complicate things. I ended up very much in demand and kept two crews working framing for several years.

One day it was raining and another framer stopped by the job we were on to look over our framing. Just like porting saws, it's one thing to see the product and quite another to do it yourself. He asked a lot of questions and I gladly answered them.....we talked about run and rise, hip and valley......etc. I showed he a few tricks I had picked up on the finer points of maintaining the correct overhang height by varying the seat cut......and on and on....

A few days later I saw him and a large crew start a house in the same subdivision we were working. I didn't think too much about it......GW hadn't destroyed the economy yet and things were booming. After a few months though......this guy was cutting my prices, hiring low cost help and really putting out some good looking work..... Did I make a big mistake?????

I doubt it. He would have figured it out eventually or found somebody else. They built one of those type roofs up the road and got my father to cut the rafters for them when he was in his seventies bacause the framing crew didn't know how.

I find it hard to believe that fixing a particular carb on a couple of saws is going to effect your pocketbook enough to make it a big deal.

Has more to do with a personality than a pocketbook.
this place is hilarious! About the time i joined, scott offers to fix something for free that a bunch of people on here say is junk. Scott gets banned- i think it was a cylinder of some sort. I join and ask about fixin my darn walbro, most people tell me it is complete junk, put on a zama, one guy gives me a detailed description of how to fix it.(Thanks) Scott privately and quietly fixes it for me after reading my post. No charge, no pics, no thread.

Now Scott is a sponsor and offers to fix something very reasonable that few can fix. He gets flamed. Some of the flames are real smiley feel good passive aggressive crap about him. Not cool.

Now I have heard that some builders hire stuff out. Personally, I like the idea of a builder that knows the whole saw, but to each his own.

Brad, you do a great job with your threads,, lots of pics, good spelling, mostly positive sharing attitude.

Why not just hire monkey to fix carbs for ya? Don't you already have somebody else do your machine work ?

I'll prolly get the summer off now :hmm3grin2orange:

I certainly hope not. If you can't say what you want this place is screwed.

Now I met Scott in KY and he was a very likeable guy that I could sit and shoot the #### with all day.......of course I like to talk. :laugh:

The threads I post are my way of showing my work.......some guys (Scott is one) say I put too much info in the posts......I can't apologize for that. I learned most of what started me building saws here and I'll give back to the site. I also think the threads help me get more work......again, I can't apologize for that......I don't build saws for ####s and giggles either. I've spent a lot of time and money learning how to do this stuff and am just now starting to get ahead.

Now there are some things I've learned that I will not show everyone. It's those little differences that may make the saws I build perform as well as they do.

I have no problem with Scott or his way of doing things. The guy is sharp and has put a lot of time into learning his craft.
Here is my take on the whole thing. Brad started a thread, with the intent of sharing info, IMHO, if you don't want to share any info then why come in the thread? I think that's what Brad had a problem with originally, he wasn't mad that he would not share, no one has ever said that Scott had to divulge any info. I don't think it was the right place for Scott to advertise his work. If he wants start his own thread, advertising he can fix those carbs.
you call me what you wish, as i could really care less. this thread just shows Brad acting like a 2 year-old, AGAIN, when he gets his panties in a twist. again everything is fine, until things don't go his way. not trying to throw stones, just calling it as i see it.
Because Scott is a sponsor. Because its an open forum. Personally, I feel it was a perfect oppurtunity for Scott to not only offer his services for pay but to also get in some advertising. If ya dont want to pay, then kindly decline and hope that someone else comes along to fix the problem. Point is Scott had every right to post in the thread. Remember its an open forum with Site sponsors. I think its pretty bad to give the man crap for that. Sharing info is great. But totally up to the sponsor.
I certainly hope not. If you can't say what you want this place is screwed.

Now I met Scott in KY and he was a very likeable guy that I could sit and shoot the #### with all day.......of course I like to talk. :laugh:

The threads I post are my way of showing my work.......some guys (Scott is one) say I put too much info in the posts......I can't apologize for that. I learned most of what started me building saws here and I'll give back to the site. I also think the threads help me get more work......again, I can't apologize for that......I don't build saws for ####s and giggles either. I've spent a lot of time and money learning how to do this stuff and am just now starting to get ahead.

Now there are some things I've learned that I will not show everyone. It's those little differences that may make the saws I build perform as well as they do.

I have no problem with Scott or his way of doing things. The guy is sharp and has put a lot of time into learning his craft.

Excellent post Randy. This is the type of post that made me join.



- i really do like good spelling and grammar- it might rub off on me,, well . . .
LOL Well I missed a few this afternoon whilst I was making a living. Randy, Ive been where you were a number of times and to say you made a mistake is not really the question.....when you meet another individual that has the capacity and will to learn what you can pass on, it is a thrill and a good thing. If he overtakes you and takes work away from you then that sucks for you but does that take away the respect you had for him when you freely gave the knowledge?? You just did your job to good!! I have very close friends that I trained from scratch for many yrs...they went out on their own and had some actualy steal million dollar customers from me.....we're are still very good friends..and still break a seal frequently...

I don't know Scott from squat but I say he should be able to run his business/sponsorship as he sees fit without have to endure any kind of guilt trip from anyone on this site. As Terry more or less said earlier "if he turns you off..don't buy" simple as that....truely...his choice...no one elses....but no need to bad mouth..
i see some new threads in our future...................... "mastermind meets the roof dormer"
Because Scott is a sponsor. Because its an open forum. Personally, I feel it was a perfect oppurtunity for Scott to not only offer his services for pay but to also get in some advertising. If ya dont want to pay, then kindly decline and hope that someone else comes along to fix the problem. Point is Scott had every right to post in the thread. Remember its an open forum with Site sponsors. I think its pretty bad to give the man crap for that. Sharing info is great. But totally up to the sponsor.

:agree2: I would just pay him if I needed the service (or a 199) - but I don't, as I assume the 199 isn't compatible with heated 346/2153s, with a primer...
It's been interesting to watch this develop.

Brad, why worry about it? Honestly.

I am pretty careful about my photography and fishing guiding when I'm on forums that talk about those things. Can anyone photograph a wedding? Sure, and there are tons of hobbyists/amateurs out there doing it. But I'm a pro at it. So when questions about how to do this and that with wedding photography come up on such forums, I don't help those people out much. Same when someone on a fishing forum wants to know how to catch lake trout in NE Minnesota. I'll give a tip or two here and there, but I keep the real nitty gritty to myself.

Most people want something for free. Pros don't work for free, except in certain situations.

Now, I'll be the first to applaud you and others like you for your contributions here on AS. In fact, I'm looking to enter the 100+ cc club soon by getting a parts saw with a toasted P&C, and I'll be scouring past threads on AS for help in how to do the rebuild. You and others pave the way for people like me.

And you are spot on when you mention that fact that, even though there's plenty of how-to on these sites for anyone with a bit of patience, a lick of sense, tools and a shop manual, most won't want to fool with it and will ship a saw off to a pro for repairs.

So you and Scott both know your onions and charge for your work. You contribute methods freely on AS, while Scott does not. All that sounds like to me is differing business philosophies. Why keep dragging differing business philosophies into threads that have nothing to do with that? You talk about AS as though you are a spokesman for AS. I completely understand your desire to do good, but to many (not necessarily to me) your self-appointed spokesmanship comes across as arrogant and domineering.

So, if it was ME who was an AS spokesman, I'd say leave Scott alone to be Scott, and he can leave you alone to be you (which he pretty much does already.)

Just my 2 cents.
Brad, I take pride in knowing that I have a certain God givin talent of being able to piss people off with very little effort.

I have to say though that I love to watch a master at work, so carry on! :ices_rofl:

Yes, my friend Scott is quite proud of his degree from The Dennis Cahoon School of "How to Win Friends and Influence People".

now, before some of you start thinking that i haven't learned any lessons from my past, i will respect someone that shares info with me privately. I would ask before i shared anything in a case like that.

hint! Hint!


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