New Chain Sharpener

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35 degree should cut faster, but dull quicker in dirty wood or so I have been told. So far 30 is plenty aggressive for my 55r.

I may try 35 on my 044.
I thought you might like that gadget. My trail crew, good people but with widely varied skill levels, can turn out some of the prettiest chains you've ever seen.

Before I got them the gadget? 'Twas truly scary. Some of them are going to try hand filing now that they have an idea of what a sharp chain really is.

When you get your new ones just send me the demonstrator back.

Time for another field report.

Second coworker just brought the device in, a bit frustrated with two things: first, the aluminum-on-aluminum-on-aluminum action in the stop pawl mechanism tends toward galling. I took it apart and rubbed the sharp edges with beeswax; that seems to be holding it for now. A better, more permanent fix, would be to make the screw mechanism out of steel. Second, the burr sits too high and the pawl too far back for sharpening chains at the end of their lives. I realize that settling the chassis further down can help fix this, as can grinding another cut in the opposite side to carry the pawl, but that shouldn't be necessary.

I would add to the instructions a MUCH larger warning against turning the burr counterclockwise, and add that the sharpener is most effective on chains that have at least 1/3 of their meat intact.

Gonna pass it around some more and see what else I can find out.

Would one of you gentlemen please bring one of these units to the NorCal GTG? I'd really like to try one out, and I'm sure others there would too.

Thanks guys.
Would one of you gentlemen please bring one of these units to the NorCal GTG? I'd really like to try one out, and I'm sure others there would too.

Thanks guys.

I'll bring mine...if I can rassle it away from my trail crew. They love that thing.

Madhatte has the new one....naturally. :laugh: You might be able to talk him into bringing it with him.
Would one of you gentlemen please bring one of these units to the NorCal GTG? I'd really like to try one out, and I'm sure others there would too.

Thanks guys.

I think you would like a Stihl bench mount file guide better. I had a Timberline and sold it.
sooo,, has anyone come to consensus of opinion on kinda best manual sharpener???my new 435 hussky did a great ojb of ffinishing the fall in my yardbut i need sharpening now, im hunting for the most bang for my buck, thanks for any help,, buck, by the way my chain is H30 husky,, should i be hunting for something else?? ti seemed sharp enough,, cut good, buck
. . . has anyone come to consensus of opinion on kinda best manual sharpener??? . . .

It's the one that works for you.

It's a preference thing. Some guys feel comfortable with one, and never get the hang of another.
Different skill levels; different types of cutting; different stokes for different folks.

I admit, I'm a hack when it comes to sharpening a chain. I just put the bar in a vice, and hand bomb the chain. Too lazy to find/use my sharpening aids. I file by eye and seem to get it right most of the time. Generally, the saw cuts considerably better when I'm done. However, I'm more than a bit certain that there are numerous guys here that would kick my a$$ if it was their chain.
This guy is still in business, right? I ordered mine 4 days ago from the timberline website and haven't heard anything. Hasn't charged my credit card and hasn't emailed me any info/updates.....
This guy is still in business, right? I ordered mine 4 days ago from the timberline website and haven't heard anything. Hasn't charged my credit card and hasn't emailed me any info/updates.....

Received mine about 4 or 5 days ago.
Rather quickly
No problems.
This guy is still in business, right? I ordered mine 4 days ago from the timberline website and haven't heard anything. Hasn't charged my credit card and hasn't emailed me any info/updates.....

Nevermind......the sharpener was in my mailbox when I got home. So about 4 days shipping time. Now time to sharpen some chains....thanks for all the helpful reviews
Just got mine yesterday and it worked great on the first two chains I hit! Both were all over the place angles and such, so it was certainly a learning curve. Went to do my third chain tonight (one a grinder hit/blued) and boy what an eye opener, that son of a gun was HARD. I then tried to hand file the blue/hard material and found myself even more pissed off. You guys have any recommendations for how to proceed without taking forever or wrecking something? Maybe a sharpening bit in my Dremel?
When the cutter is grinder hardened you have to grind past that part in order to be able to file again. Did you blue it with a grinder or Dremel tool grinder? Use the same tool, lightly, to grind slightly past that part and you should be able to file again, or use this tool.

Promo code

I heard about the new chain sharpener today by someone who raved about it. I would love to order one and extra savings is always appreciated. I would love a promo code. "file-fool"
Gologit let me borrow his Timberline sharpener at the NorCal GTG. I used it to true up a loop of .404 chisel that was way out of whack. Worked fine. I had to set up the unit so it was high on the bar (compared to how it sits when working with 3/8" pitch chain), and had to spend some time getting it 'square' with the bar afterwards. Didn't have the instruction sheet to guide me, but had it pretty well figured out within 10-15 minutes of tinkering.

I'm impressed with it, and will pick one up sometime down the line. I end up with a lot of used chains on CL saws, and this unit is great for undoing other people's "custom" filing angles and making chains useable again. For touch ups, I'll stick to hand filing. Will tinker with a Granberg type guide as well.
Read this entire thread today. I'm hoping he still has a discount code hanging out! It's hard to spend so much when I rarely need to sharpen my chains (I just don't cut that much wood).
Any news?

Just checking in to see how the progress with the timberline is going. Loving it? Hating it? In between? Was wondering how you guys are liking it so far in long term use? Was thinking santa may just get me one this year.
I've had mine for a few months and I like it a bunch. It's easy to wife uses it to sharpen my can you not like that ? :msp_sneaky:

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