whadja do today?

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With the help of my friend that used to install plows, we installed the wiring and plow moi.t on my dually pickup. It took 10 hours. Glad it is done now
On Sunday I dropped my wife and kid of at church and went to the grocery store where I ran into one of The Lesbians on Frog Hollow. It was the butch one and I really started to freak out. It was all I could do to contain myself from saying, "Nice flannel shirt dude, I have the same one". On parting I slipped and said " Allright guy, I will see you later". Oh that's bad, real bad.
So I went back to pick up my wife and kid and was loitering in the hall reading the Bible; Something about " Woe to the Zionist" and I thought " I knew it! The Jews ARE damned! " and then I read " Woe to the shifty eyed" and I was like " Wait! That's me! Damnit, I'm damned too!" Then I put the Bible down and leaned against the wall feeling suspicious til I saw my wife coming down the hall and my kid being let of the occult workshop she was attending. I heard my wife say to the teacher of this occult workshop ( who had his back towards me), " Its Ok, he is with me".
Now I am really fuming, can't hold back, I walk up to the occult workshop teacher and say " I am just as afraid of you as you are of me" Then I pulled a Moses and parted the crowded hallway and left. It truly was a miracle!!
Then today I did a bunch of tree work, sharpened all my crap and drank some beer.
Jesus BEN how much ####ing acid have you done man ????? I mean for real I am ####ed up but you I mean your one hit away from being a long haired carrot !!!!
Jesus BEN how much ####ing acid have you done man ????? I mean for real I am ####ed up but you I mean your one hit away from being a long haired carrot !!!!

I do tree work. What's yer excuse?

The Dan, circa : today

PS. I have never done acid, ever.

PPS. I must be in trouble if you are making comments like that.
PPPS. Maybe I am crazy BUT maybe its you.
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Well went back and finished taking out this stump (whole stump! and rootball)we couldn't get out with the bobcat. At first when the guy pulled up with his 12 ton excavator, and this machine on the float, and he pulls this off. No way did I think he was going to lift it up from the bank and onto my trailer....... but he did.
It had some big rocks that the roots had grown around over the years and clay added to the weight. If you didn't see my other post, we were limited on what we brought in there machinery wise and couldn't go too crazy that's why we had to cut the roots as we lifted before we got to this point to leave the bank intact some what and the septic was nearby preventing a bigger machine from coming in. Still F'd up the lawn a bit but is what it is! Had to sacrifice something a bit! Guy was an awesome operator. This is my first job where the insurance co. is actually paying for the stump/rootball to be removed. Guy must have one good policy, especially how much this ones going to be! Glad this ones done! Pain in the arse!
Oh and removed a dock for someone today, glad we had hip waiters it was freaking cold out -6 this morning!
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Hiya fellas!
1. I freakin LOVE my job
2. San Diego Traffic = pulling teeth
3. Working on the beach for a Jerry Garcia = Awesome
4. 13-15 hours a day, but its good, could only work 5, but hey, someone has to set an example
5. Bikinis
6. Later guys!
BTW, Darin and everyone else, sorry I have not been around to help watch things, I check in, but if someone has a thing going on, hit me with a PM so I can find it easier, dont have much time right now, grabbin' the bull by the horns type a thing,but I dont want to drop the ball on you guys either.

I do miss this place, when I have time, I'll fill you in.............big things man, big things

Greanbean out
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Hiya fellas!
1. I freakin LOVE my job
2. San Diego Traffic = pulling teeth
3. Working on the beach for a Jerry Garcia = Awesome
4. 13-15 hours a day, but its good, could only work 5, but hey, someone has to set an example
5. Bikinis
6. Later guys!

Beans you know what they say. No pics and it didnt happen. I know you will address this issue, but your busy. So in the interest of helping you out I think I speak for everyone else when I suggest you address #5 with pics and we can take your word on the rest.
not enough... Had a canceled job that just f 'up the day so going to cancel another one down the shore. I like to kill two birds with one stone if I have to travel. Looks like a good day to go pick up the hot air out door wood furnace and get it hooked up hear at home. The wifes truck needs a side mirror and splitter could use some attention. Oh on a better note an AS member bought the woods ported MS260 Pro so I'm off to get some batteries for the scale, box it up and send it out to Texas :)

Stay thirsty my friends...
this tree broke and lost about 40 ft fell nicely , took out the gutter though a mere 125.00 fix
so I put the other 2 pieces right on top of it , there was some extreme cramming 5 lbs #### in a 1 lb bag , and the last picture is of a new hire who fits well Into the saddle boxes of the chip truck ! Child labor laws !
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Did a whole bunch of stumps this morning for a condo complex I look after (trees were removed earlier this year) thought I would start early, minus freakin 6 when I started. You don't move a lot doing stumps so my fingers got cold quick even with my gloves on! Not used to this cold weather yet! Might have to get some hand warmers installed on my grinder like my skidoo! or get a remote and just sit in my truck! Oh well easy $ day!
I just bid on a job at a scrap yard. They want me to drop 9 60'-65' oak trees. Heres the kicker. I have to drop them on there driveway. I asked the guy if he had any scrap cars laying around. He said they have tons. I told him, all we have to do is put a couple under each tree and drop the trees onto the cars. Employees want all the wood, so all i have to do it chip it up. They will be able to move the whole tree for me with there one track hoe. I gave them a almost to good to turn down price so i could drop these trees onto cars. The guy said joking around whos gonna clean up the glass. If i get this job, i will be going and buying a go pro camera.

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