whadja do today?

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Gonna be a long day seriouse rain out with power company.



Got to the job around 9, waited for the crane to set up. Removed a cedar against a house that had three tops. Was driving home by 10:30. I love cranes. Made more then I use to for working a long hard day a few years ago.
Yes it's a beautiful day, at lest looks that way out my living room window with the A/C cranked up.

That's a nice dent on that chip body Matthew , you didn't loan it to dougie fresh did ya ?

Pine top years ago using one of the pulley and sling combos from sherrill. Rope went thin and it cut it like a pizza cutter. To much gap between the spinner and side 1/2 rope went right in.
Pine top years ago using one of the pulley and sling combos from sherrill. Rope went thin and it cut it like a pizza cutter. To much gap between the spinner and side 1/2 rope went right in.

What pulley were you using?
Where just giving up for the day have a whole day of trying to get creeks and streams opened up from washed down logs tomorrow nice rainbow as I walked in the door

This line got hit twice today


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One more pain in the ass in the wires. Took pictures this time last time I talked about storm work some guys jumped saying we wouldn't get called out to work around wires. Be with west penn power again Tomorrow. They killed the juice on all of these removals helped with traffic to which was nice we where short handed today.




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Had a roller coaster ride the last few days. 2 nights ago at 11 PM DF calls me up, he can't come in to work because he has problems with his car (regi expired). So I went out yesterday and did some errands, chipped some brush, and so on. Kind of crappy due to the conditions, but I survived. Looked at 2 jobs, first one the guy wasn't listening to me... wanted me to hat-rack some scotch pines and flowering plum. Told him I would cable and prune the plums, cut the pines back to an acceptable level and that's it. Got to talking about a big hickory in his front yard, but again he didn't listen... told him cable and thin, he's talking about removing half the tree. We said we'd re-visit in the fall. Also checked out a good sized red oak for the neighbor of a friend of mine, told them $4,300 doubt I'll get it, but at least I looked at something. Today DF was back with me, pruned 1 large red oak, and took 1 small one down. Done by 11:00 and paid. While I was pruning the red oak DF got all my toolboxes organized, without being asked, he did a great job. Really on the ball this morning, I was afraid we were going to have to kill him (was thinking invasion of the body snatchers) My fears were short lived though, because when we got back into the truck it was obvious he had not bothered to put on any deodorant or brush his teeth in the morning... DF lives on. Looked at a small job this afternoon, gotta get that done in the next few days, but the guy seemed eager to go, and also to pay... good sign. Tomorrow I have to get DF set up on a clearing job (the one he didn't make it to yesterday). After that my plans are to drop off Dodge Vader for service, and walk a few doors down to the nudie bar while they work on it.
I ha a horse to reshoe first up thismorning nice olbloke a tad stiff n arthritic hard to get under
I then went out to olmates farm where I get me fire wood Ive been workin on that mongrel log id told you about
so I deside to fetch him a load for his shed , he n his workers have a swig n a barby most firdy nights
so the woods a good way to show him I appreaciate him allowing me on the place
any way just throwin the last coupla bitz off and one bounces of the pile n went straight the window of the shed

anyway $54 LATER
I will fit the new pane tomorrow
shyt happens we ad a laugh and were still above ground
she'll be right mate yeah
Well, had a surprise from left field yesterday, my middle boy wants to climb, which surprises the hell out of me. He has always made it clear that he wants nothing to do with it. Out in Cali, I hired him to show the ground men what kind of tempo I expect and work flow, the foremen wanted him to climb, so they didn't have to and kept pressuring him to do so, so he quit on me, told me that I had a bunch of idiots working for me and he was not going to work around a bunch of slackers! That was awkward, when you 19 y/o son tells you that your guys have no clue. He is the one who never passed a mirror he didn't like. Has girls dripping off of him, so I never thought he would want to get beat up, like we do. Might break a nail or sumtin. So, I showed him how to tie in with a swabish and away he went. Kid will be a natural, already knows how to prune and understands the basics of tree biology, and he could move around pretty easy. He stayed up all day and was still happy about it when we where finished with the job, we where getting out a bunch of busted branches form a storm raped ash, that had been lion tailed in the past, so not the easiest tree to start on.
This scares the **** out of me, as I want him to hate it. Want them............all 3, to go to school and make the big bucks. This is a hard life and not something I want for the boys. But it will also give them a skill that is not found often, so they will always have that rock to fall back on. Oldest boy is getting better, he plans on working with a crew after school, days off and on weekends. So if any body up in the Minneapolis area needs a kid to beat on, let me know, he starts back his Junior year at North Central U in about a month. Right now he is up there with his church doing Corn Rogging? WTF is corn rogging!
Same job yesterday, was way out on a leader, it was at a 30 degree angle, real long and lion tailed, had a nub someone left and I was standing on it, reaching out to get some dead wood, nub breaks and I slip down about 3 feet, had my right arm around the log. Now I have a real nice raspberry under my bicep up to my armpit, feels Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
Well, had a surprise from left field yesterday, my middle boy wants to climb, which surprises the hell out of me. He has always made it clear that he wants nothing to do with it. Out in Cali, I hired him to show the ground men what kind of tempo I expect and work flow, the foremen wanted him to climb, so they didn't have to and kept pressuring him to do so, so he quit on me, told me that I had a bunch of idiots working for me and he was not going to work around a bunch of slackers! That was awkward, when you 19 y/o son tells you that your guys have no clue. He is the one who never passed a mirror he didn't like. Has girls dripping off of him, so I never thought he would want to get beat up, like we do. Might break a nail or sumtin. So, I showed him how to tie in with a swabish and away he went. Kid will be a natural, already knows how to prune and understands the basics of tree biology, and he could move around pretty easy. He stayed up all day and was still happy about it when we where finished with the job, we where getting out a bunch of busted branches form a storm raped ash, that had been lion tailed in the past, so not the easiest tree to start on.
This scares the **** out of me, as I want him to hate it. Want them............all 3, to go to school and make the big bucks. This is a hard life and not something I want for the boys. But it will also give them a skill that is not found often, so they will always have that rock to fall back on. Oldest boy is getting better, he plans on working with a crew after school, days off and on weekends. So if any body up in the Minneapolis area needs a kid to beat on, let me know, he starts back his Junior year at North Central U in about a month. Right now he is up there with his church doing Corn Rogging? WTF is corn rogging!
Same job yesterday, was way out on a leader, it was at a 30 degree angle, real long and lion tailed, had a nub someone left and I was standing on it, reaching out to get some dead wood, nub breaks and I slip down about 3 feet, had my right arm around the log. Now I have a real nice raspberry under my bicep up to my armpit, feels Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
Lol don't ya just love them raspberry's Glad to see everyone's busy :cheers:
I did a job today in the rain where this Italian guy wanted about 15 pines (100') dropped in his yard. I had to climb them, top them, then make the biggest mess I've ever seen on someone's front yard. He said "I have tractor, it's way strong friend. I clean up, you get them on fu**ing ground". It's a 20 hp Kubota. So he tries cutting them up in front of me with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and cuts a butt log which causes a dead branch to hit him square in the face. I had to try not to laugh because his reaction was gold.

I dont know if you guys saw that Cheech and Chong movie "The Corsican Brothers", but picture the Marquis when he get's hit in the face with doo doo.
This is my son super proud of the team and him they 10 runned first round tonite , play tomorrow sat. And Sunday
he's super stoked about being a full time catcher , following his big sister and myself
Pup is settling in nicely. Still a bit skittish when Laura ain't around but she's coming along.

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Finally whacking the #####es off the client list this week. Getting about sick of these dinky little filler jobs to be honest. Gonna hit the woods with a few cases of booze and some good company this weekend so #### all yall.
Well, no nudie bar today... lazy strippers don't get into work until after 4. Did get the work done on Dodge Vader no problems. Also got DF on the clearing job... he did just fine, blasted it out in only 11 hrs. I basically went there this morning, got him set up, went out to the mechanic, and hung out with some friends. Got back around 3, watched and mocked him. He chipped about 2 - 3 yards of material, and I just supervised while he suffered. The kid works hard, I will give him that. A few times he changed his shirts... took the one off, wrung it out.... must have dropped a gallon of sweat out each time.... made me want to puke.
Well, no nudie bar today... lazy strippers don't get into work until after 4. Did get the work done on Dodge Vader no problems. Also got DF on the clearing job... he did just fine, blasted it out in only 11 hrs. I basically went there this morning, got him set up, went out to the mechanic, and hung out with some friends. Got back around 3, watched and mocked him. He chipped about 2 - 3 yards of material, and I just supervised while he suffered. The kid works hard, I will give him that. A few times he changed his shirts... took the one off, wrung it out.... must have dropped a gallon of sweat out each time.... made me want to puke.

Sounds like an easy day for a guy who #####es about DF,,even tho you need him.