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ArboristSite Member
Jul 7, 2013
New member BASHING!

You boys must not like new members. I can not believe the amount of cold shouldering that is shown to a new member who is clueless to the circus that came before his time. It sounds to me like you a group of bar side experts! So funny that I come on from seeing this site as a high recommendation from a goggle search ,guess they forgot to say ,Bewarned childish behavior is the norm to new members! Why is it that hazing is used to make a new member feel like a POS. It sure sounds by the previous comments that you do not want any more members be cause this is sure making me not even want to recommend this site to friends who need more help then I can provide. I am simple public servant and get treated like this on a daily basis do to my current employment,I do not take well to strangers that know me only as a user name calling me a liar or someone I am not. Are you all trying to make this site less popular so far your succeeding quite well, I was until this uncalled for bashing willing to tell a fair number of coworkers to come here and register but alas I shall not do to the way I am so rudely treated for being a new member!
Feb 6, 2007
I pressed the lightbulb. I have mostly curly cue lights but like the regular ones in the well house and on a faucet in the shop during the winter.:D

Now to serious matters.

We are not all boys.

Now, I'll be kind and try to help. When I checked your profile, to see what you did for a living, it was vague. Very vague. That's one signal that you might not be who you want us to think you are.

Second, you reply with no background info. You sound like you are quoting straight out of the movies, somebody's facebook page, or from a book.

We've been had before. HBRN was down right dangerous. He'd copy and paste stuff from elsewhere to try to come off like an expert. So, we are a leetle bit wary.

Maybe you need to add something other than trees, tree killer to your profile?


Completely is good.
. AS Supporting Member.
May 19, 2005
In the Redwoods.
I am simple public servant and get treated like this on a daily basis do to my current employment,

What do you do for a living? Your profile says "tree killer". Do you work for one of the state or federal agencies?

And why would anyone pick on you because of your current employment? Do people pick on you a lot?


Completely is good.
. AS Supporting Member.
May 19, 2005
In the Redwoods.
For more :popcorn: and :beer:

Any preferences?

Yup...Steelhead Pale Ale, several packages of jerky, a couple of large cans of mixed nuts ( no peanuts), a package of donettos and some red vines for desert. I think that covers most of the major food groups.

And some Valium. Don't forget the Valium. Thanks.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Apr 9, 2008
Just fill the boot with a good quality boot oil for a few days. ? This has worked on most of my boots.

first time that got a laugh outa me waiting for the pucnh line
then realized you were serious.

You boys must not like new members. I can not believe the amount of cold shouldering that is shown to a new member who is clueless to the circus that came before his time. It sounds to me like you a group of bar side experts! So funny that I come on from seeing this site as a high recommendation from a goggle search ,guess they forgot to say ,Bewarned childish behavior is the norm to new members! Why is it that hazing is used to make a new member feel like a POS. It sure sounds by the previous comments that you do not want any more members be cause this is sure making me not even want to recommend this site to friends who need more help then I can provide. I am simple public servant and get treated like this on a daily basis do to my current employment,I do not take well to strangers that know me only as a user name calling me a liar or someone I am not. Are you all trying to make this site less popular so far your succeeding quite well, I was until this uncalled for bashing willing to tell a fair number of coworkers to come here and register but alas I shall not do to the way I am so rudely treated for being a new member!

shakesspear right ?
Jan 17, 2012
western washington
Guinness or Alaskan amber, chedder and sour cream RRRuffles, a bismark and 14 chili and cheese corn dogs.

and some tums...

Seems like I've read the same witty comeback for rude welcomes before, from a guy accused of the same stuff?

And for the average reader everyone on here and especially in the FO forum has been very welcoming, unless they smell a turd, and then the turd never shows any kind of back up for his advice and keeps on giving crap advice after being questioned... then the calks come out...

The way I see it, either show some proof of who you really are, like a stump shot or pics of timber falling, equipment, maybe your hard hat and boots? Tell us what your job title really is... cause you have already made a couple of stinky's... even if your not who everyone believes you are.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 12, 2012
Marylands eastern shore
You boys must not like new members. I can not believe the amount of cold shouldering that is shown to a new member who is clueless to the circus that came before his time. It sounds to me like you a group of bar side experts! So funny that I come on from seeing this site as a high recommendation from a goggle search ,guess they forgot to say ,Bewarned childish behavior is the norm to new members! Why is it that hazing is used to make a new member feel like a POS. It sure sounds by the previous comments that you do not want any more members be cause this is sure making me not even want to recommend this site to friends who need more help then I can provide. I am simple public servant and get treated like this on a daily basis do to my current employment,I do not take well to strangers that know me only as a user name calling me a liar or someone I am not. Are you all trying to make this site less popular so far your succeeding quite well, I was until this uncalled for bashing willing to tell a fair number of coworkers to come here and register but alas I shall not do to the way I am so rudely treated for being a new member!

wp, i'm sorry you felt unwelcome. perhaps some of us are a little jaded? come on back and look around a bit I bet you'll find a place to fit in, there are a lot of diff. people on here. slowp is correct we have had some "trolls" on here and some times may be we jump to conclusions. if you really want to talk logging or saws or jus bs, i'm sure you can find some one to talk to.


ArboristSite Guru
Dec 30, 2012
south shore lake superior
I guess hbrn was around before I discovered this forum, but thanks to gologit, YouTube and the forum search function, I'm familiarized. Some priceless teachings on his YouTube channel. My favorite is a toss up between his slip face Humboldt and freehand chain grinding.

Maybe he could stay just for entertainment value.


ArboristSite Guru
Dec 31, 2012
United States